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John Cocktosten

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Posts posted by John Cocktosten

  1. Truth be told, there were at least a couple of occasions since last draft that I was tempted to beat you over the (virtual) head for your extreme opinion re: EJ. But I am here to admit that so far you look to be right. I also remember you praising the Marrone hire (I had no opinion on it), so I am now hoping that you are right on that as well.


    I always thought what Marrone did at Cuse was impressive. The place was a dumpster fire when he took over and I don't think it will be back any time soon. He also had a great pedigree and top coaches raving about him. His biggest problem that I see is that he has not made any effort to endear himself to the fans. Get him a PR coach and he'd have more supporters


    As far as EJ goes, I couldn't believe the reaction on here to my comments when I simply laid out the facts during the draft and after. My reaction to the pick was extreme because I watched a lot of EJ and FSU in college. I didn't base my opinions off of a magazine or a wish.


    Either way, the correct decision has been made whether Orton works out or not. EJ, unfortunately, has been exposed.

  2. We have no clue what Hackett can do unless he has a QB who can get through his progressions and accurately deliver the ball. Right now his hands are tied by a QB who has trouble checking it down and getting to his second progression which is QB 101.


    From what I've seen the WRs are getting open and EJ is missing or panicking. Add the 4-5 drops on top of that and I like his chances of being decent.

  3. I don't think any GM makes this move unless he thinks EJ is "the guy". IMO Whaley might have made one of the biggest blunders in this 14 years of ineptness and set new ownership back a minimum of 2 years.


    If you go back and look at that draft without the benefit of hindsight, there wasn't a pick that the Bills absolutely needed at #16. The only player you could've made a case for was Eifert and he's been underwhelming to this point.


    That being said I thought the pick was disastrous at the time and wanted desperately to trade out of it. I was really down on Whaley for thinking EJ was the guy but being accountable and correcting the situation this quickly says way more than a bad evaluation on a QB.

  4. As was our defense........or perhaps we should not talk about how pretty much EVERY ASPECT of the team was bad except for special teams?


    Holding SD to 20 points and 2.3 per rush is bad? They were not great the first half but played really well the second. Certainly good enough to win. Rivers is gonna get his so 250 and 2 TDs is pretty good.

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