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Everything posted by TheLynchTrain

  1. anytime you add 2 pro bowl defenders in their prime your defense will obviously be different
  2. he would have gotten hurt....played with nagging injuries. then dickie would drafted another cb anyways.
  3. I've got a novel idea. Why don't you just go buy this instead and pair it with Direct TV: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Panasonic+-+VI...p;skuId=9431242 I guarantee it wont let you down like the Bills do.
  4. yep and so did derek fine for a bit, michael gaines, kevin everett, brad ceislak, mark campbell, tim euhus...all the way back to Riemersma... how many draft picks/trades have we wasted on tight ends? why would people not pounce if we could get the guy for a 2-3 pick. yeah we gotta sign him to a deal im sure but above average TEs make less money than above average #2 wr...and are more effective. we need to stop ignoring the TE position and wasting away our 4th round picks while were at it.
  5. I love that line....hilarious. LaDarius, I'm sure you're a smart guy (in the basement dwelling kind of way) but you come off as pompous and paranoid. It doesn't help that none of your sentences are structured...its almost like reading a watered down retarded version of Hunter S Thompson...just a constant steam of thoughts that make no sense. I apologize to all of you a head of time if you think I'm doing a disservice to Hunter.
  6. Don't you remember from last year? It mysteriously "went away." I seem to recall he called himself a name in the third person. Now I see he just refers to himself as LaDarius in the third person.
  7. I was like ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....i was just readin' it right
  8. LaDarius!!! Good to have you and your pompous statements back! I thought we had seen the last of you after some of your previous idiot posts. By the way I love the preemptive attack about parroting before anyone even attacked you. Good to have you back sir!!!
  9. Haha lower on the GT posting theyre saying they can do better than the old Strength and Conditioning Coach. GT North, hahahaha
  10. haha the guy that sent it used to be the Bills Assnt Line Coach back in 2006. http://post-gazette.com/pg/07143/788231-66.stm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Zierlein
  11. Simple google search of the word results in: The official team store of the Chicago Blackhawks & Bulls http://www.unitedcenter.com/unitedcenter/Fandemonium.asp The NFL Department of Fandemonium http://www.nfl-monster.com/ Fandemonium (convention) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fandemonium_(convention)
  12. I understand how teams with cheap owners like Chicago that has a big market but wont spend so they get their welfare every year. But just for the sake of argument: if its 10-12 teams a year and my guess is the middle 4-5 times are interchangeable depending on various factors year to year, doesnt that leave about 16-17 owners in favor of this and 15-16 not in favor? I guess its good to add that we all know Tagliabue (and by extension Goodell) got voted by the New Guard owners, not the Old Guard Ralphs, Browns, McCaskeys, ect. He knows where his support is. CORRECTION: I guess its 8-12 not 10-12...so the fact is their is a majority of teams giving money away rather than receiving it, even if it is a slim majority http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=4878750
  13. Not to sound stupid but why is Goodell not in favor of this? He represents the whole league, not just "the Big Three" as I've heard it on here? Aren't most owners (by a simple majority) in favor of this?
  14. http://deadspin.com/5453195/poor-chan-gail...osed-captioning Deadspin always cracks me up...
  15. Maybe you guys should have taken a look at the Sports Guy's Rule on that... If the coach of your favorite team is older than 55, or if your team is about to hire someone who's older than 55, there's a good chance you should start preparing for a frustrating stretch of football. Only Dick Vermeil (63), Weeb Ewbank (61), Tom Coughlin (61) and Barry Switzer (58) have won over the age 55. What Super Bowl are we on now...XLIV?? http://sports.espn.go.com/boston/columns/s...patriots/090925
  16. http://synergymethods.com/images/uploads/fat_umpire.jpg ???
  17. With Chan calling the plays the OC isn't that important at this point. The only highlight I see from this is that the bills will finally have an OC and not a glorified QB coach that only focuses on the QB while forgetting about the rest of the offense.
  18. This Nick guy is FOS. Morgan is about 265 pounds. On the GT website they have him as 272, a little embellishment like most colleges do with their players. He's around the same size as Demarcus Ware and most other 3-4 pass rushers.
  19. So buffalo sucks because there's no nightlife and nothing to do but bills players were partying more than any other team? Yea I get how he said they were in LA on the one instance, but CHILD PLEASE
  20. Hey yo Bills fans I am Jimmy Spagnola here and I need your help. I have to admit I am not a Bills fan but went more with the Jets growing up on the block I did. I am the attorney for the estate of a Bills fan who was my client before he fell into the ocean. He was rich and I am trying to liquidate his fortune quickly. This is where you come in. I am staying in his compound and there are a lot of security problems. This is my number one problem. There is also a gerbil that keeps sneaking up on me and biting my ankle. I will squash him like a bug when I get him so don't worry about that. I took my client on a deep sea fishing trip where he clumsily fell off the boat and now he is sleeping with the fishes. For me to get his money to the proper parties I need to get into a vault which has his computer that handles all that stuff. The vault has a password. I think you guys know the password because the clue I found says "Two Bills Drive Signature". This being Two Bills Drive I figure you guys know the password. Please tell me what it is. There might be something in it for you. A bit of advice for you. Don't hold out on me. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?...c=92355&hl=
  21. Anybody see this? This is hilarious! "While introducing Gailey, new Bills general manager Buddy Nix gave the Buffalo headphones assignment this incredible vote of confidence: "Don't ever think you can't fill coaching jobs, even if they're bad." Beyond the fact that Nix's opening move was to insult his own team -- click here to hear the audio -- Nix sounds exactly like Slim Pickens as Major Kong in the black-comedy classic "Dr. Strangelove." Part of the lore of that film is that to get Pickens to deliver his lines super-straight, director Stanley Kubrick did not tell the actor that the film was a comedy. Nix may not have been told that the post-Levy Buffalo Bills are a comedy!" http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...467=80000000000
  22. Maybe some other team should hire Dick Jauron because of this one article... http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/writ...ards/index.html just sayin'
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