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Speedy G

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Everything posted by Speedy G

  1. Agreed, why are people so torn on peters?, the guy is obviously on an ego trip and we can do without another big ego since we just acquired one, too much"me" and not enough"we" is not what this team needs.IMOP I don't think he deserved the pro bowl last year, (11.5 sacks given up),messed with the OL chemistry, spoiled rotten, I'm not coming to camp unless I get my way, what a jerk. The Bills desreve better from him, without them, he'd be out on the street. Get whatever you can for him, a couple day one picks, 1st and 3rd or better, the 11.5 million can be used in alot of other areas! (??? he wants 1 million $ for every sack he gave up last year ???)
  2. regardless of the reason he signed, he's 35yrs old now, not too many more chances are coming as old man status hits.
  3. The question is ? might OBD add another free agent wr? how many others have got the tour, and might they be an upgrade over our rookies? hmmmm... If not are added, then Jenkins is gone!
  4. why is everyone so hyped on this, if he signs, great, if not, whatever, we really need a pass rushing DE, and an OLB, if we cant stop anyone and get the opposing offenses off the field, we are in trouble!
  5. I guess your glass is always half empty!!! You should try optimism, it's good for your soul
  6. dont teams take on the character of their coaches? so this is what we've got! DJ koolaid, maybe someone can spike the koolaid with a little white lightning so we can see a little craziness
  7. that SB run was a result of tony dungys work not chuckies
  8. I think we all want the win, its the patriots, any chance to knock them off their thrown would be welcome and something to build on for next year:)
  9. I can never root against them, they're my team as well, but after 3 years of avaerage, and 9 years of not watching them after christmas, I'm tired of paying it forward and ready for some kick a$$ football!!!
  10. We need a coach with some fire in his gut, the reason the players like him is because he doesn't yell at them and takes it easy on them, give me a break, they're not in kindergarden anymore! If dj is taking blame then he should be gone, period!!!
  11. we need a stud tight end and more beef(not fat) on both lines
  12. no one is happy with the way this has turned out! but look at the bright side, we wont get our hearts broken by them losing in the playoffs either, they are still "a few good men" away from being above avaerage:)
  13. wasn't Joe Montana drafted in the 3rd round as well, it dosent matter where they are drafted, it's all about their desire to succeed!
  14. patriots 28 bills 24 pride and playing for uncle dickies job not enough to win
  15. Poz is still a rookie so next year we shall see if he has what it takes!
  16. What was the deal with all the zone pass coverage, they were getting burned all day!!!
  17. I was just thinking about that game last year, I was hoping that when the miami game started last week it would be a repeat of last years gem, but the under achieveing O Line put a kabosh on the idea. Evans has been the most consistent player this year, even in the two losses
  18. The fact of the matter is : this is a team game and I dont care how good he is or isnt, we dont have thurman anymore, so to compare them is not a fair thing to do, and if you were comparing him with thurman, then you should compare their respective O lines, thurmans was much better, so I say it again, this O line's run blocking is the weak point on the TEAM!!!
  19. The bottom line is not about the RB's, it's the O line! They are not very good at run blocking and Royal is a part of that, if they could run block, both backs could have 1000 yd seasons.
  20. where else would you rather be ? isnt this better than the alternative? absolutely!!! win or lose, we are in the hunt, and when we start firing on all cylinders, look out! have faith all, we are on the upswing, it will only get better!
  21. Way to go Boomer, circle those wagons, and ...........whoop.............there goes Roscoe Parish.................whoop.........!!!!!!
  22. Does anyone remember during the super bowl years, I think it was the 1st one,not sure, the bills got thier butts kicked in like the 3rd game of the season and used it as motivation to a lot of wins that year. Let's hope this team does the same!
  23. The Cards are very one dimensional(no run game) so all the Bills have to do is put lots of pressure on Warner and the "house of cards" will most definately fall!
  24. Does anyone remember what everyone was saying about josh reed, "get rid of him, he can't catch a cold". Look at him now, do you think we should get rid of him? me say no way Jose' !!! Give hardy some time to get accustomed to the nfl and the bills could be scarrrrrrry goooood!!!
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