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8-8 Forever?

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Everything posted by 8-8 Forever?

  1. they may bring him in as a free agent... like they did drew haddad a few years ago... he turned out to be a pretty good player for a while
  2. I was just about to make the point that " Jauron is exactly like Dungy" when I saw these posts. Inspired posts, they were. If we had Manning, we'd be winning like crazy, too. Players win games, not coaches.
  3. he'd be awesome a 3-4 zone blitz attacking defensive scheme... of course, we don't play that (we play the cover-2 babycrib defense so attacking defensive players need not apply...).. when will this franchise please be sold so it can move to an owner/coach/city that has the desire and the $$$ to compete for the title????
  4. bledsoe made billy brooks and peerless price look like all pros. man could that guy throw the rock..
  5. if perry fewell is back, and it seems he is, the bills will continue with the crappy tampa 2 defense (which by the way, Rivers shedded for the winning touchdown last night, ), so the big thing there is NOT how hard they hit, the big thing is whether they can run and cover half the deep zone. Polamalu would fail in the tampa 2 scheme, he can't cover enough ground. Now, believe me I'd rather have a zone blitz defense and polamalu every day of the week, but considering the garbage scheme the bills will continue with it seems, until the day the owner dies and the team is sold and put into rationale thinking football guys hands, the cover 2 scheme is what the bills have, and big hitting safeties are not a good fit, as much as we would love to have them...
  6. The county and state went into the stadium business with their eyes wide open. Don't get all bitter and blame Ralph. I completely agree with Atl fan. NFL owners don't owe the fans crap. The fans vote with their dollars. If Bills fans are mad they won't buy the tickets and merchandise. but they will, because Buffalo people have nothing left but the Bills as everything else is gone. And Ralph knows it. His livelihood is based on the Bills being the only game in town. If the Jax team or the Phoenix teams are crappy, their owners are at risk because fans actually HAVE choices in entertainment in those places... in buff they don't , unless building snowmen in the front yard counts as entertainment. ..
  7. Very true. The average knucklehead Bills fan wants the players to look tough whether they are or not and the coach to be screaming for 60 minutes on the sidelines. Helps them relate.
  8. Too much talent to blow up the entire organization and start over. On balance, that would be the wrong approach..
  9. I share you sentiments that it is time for RW to sell the team and let someone else who wants to compete for the title run it. However, the Bills are his property and he can do whatever, whenever he pleases. All we can do is vote with our wallets and stop buying the tickets and the merchandise.. but I am quite sure there will be at least 50-60 thousand knuckleheads in the stands next year (minimum) assuming the team wins a few games early, which they will. Why? Because the Bills are the only game in town and Ralph knows it.
  10. bunch of losers. top to bottom. as belechick says, you are what your record says you are. we suck. and have since the 90's. don't see how its gonna change until the franchise is sold and smarter people are running it.
  11. The Pats are top to bottom so much better than the Bills it is laughable. The Pats and Boston sports teams are winners, pure and simple. The Bills are Buffalo sports are perennial losers, pure and simple. And nothing is going to change anytime soon.
  12. who cares. This team is going nowhere fast. with next years schedule and either the sh------- current management/coaches or brand new ones finding there way, the bills are 6-10 next year BEST CASE...
  13. focus on your own team. relishing the bad fortune of others marks you as a loser. The Pats, Dolphins, Ravens etc (and Cowboys, although I do not root for them) are well run with experienced, talented management and players that are really really TRYING to compete for a title. The Bills are run by a bunch of 2nd tier career losers or inexperienced coordinators, all hired by a tightwad out of touch owner who doesn't compete for the title. I'm afraid the Bills are entering again into one of those 4-12, 5-11 periods in their history where they get beat by everyone, for years. The Pats, Phins and Jets will all be head and shoulders better than the bills next year. Relishing in other teams problems is a loser's reaction to disappointment.
  14. Ralph needs to blow it all up again. Levy hired the wrong coach, just as Ralph did when he got Donahoe/Williams/Mularkey.... it happens ... need to make changes... now. the fans are turning this franchise "off " in record numbers...
  15. stop living in the past. the kelly era was a once in a lifetime event... superior talent playing in an overall bad conference during that period of time.. a one timer that cannot be repeated we need to get rid of the tampa 2 defense once and for all, I don't what personnel we have. Either that or get rid of Poz and other attack-type guys who are nothing in that defense
  16. NO way Jauron survives this. There are all kinds of lifelong bills fans that are this close to just giving up..
  17. Unbelievalbe: Duke Preston got suckered into a fight to end the half.. unbelievable the height of stupidity and f ed uped ness...
  18. gutless bunch of wussies. that 3rd down call on teh pats 30 cost us the f ing game...
  19. i CANNOT believe that with the wind with 3rd and long on the pats 30 they RUN the ball with a guy who has 2 carries all season... fire them all now...
  20. spend the whole 1st qtr running and then they have the ball 3rd and long on pats 30 yd line and they RUN the Ball ///??? i hope they all get fired'
  21. i cant watch any more after they run omon on 3rd down and take a chance on a 45 yd fg ... !@#$ coaches .. absolutely stupid
  22. turk runs omon on 3rd and 10 with the wind?? what A chicken sh-- call form the pats 35 yd line.. i don't believe it.. this coaching staff is gutless
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