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Everything posted by LGB

  1. This is exactly correct. Kelsay is a liability on the field and one that opposing teams have easily exploited this year (just look at the tape)...but we should pay him like he is a Pro-Bowl player. Gimme a break. Kelsay does not need any help looking real bad.
  2. Look at the Will Witherspoon for the Titans Here is guy that is way better at his position than Kelsay - who was cut because he was making too much money. He signed a three-year, $11 million contract in March a week after being unexpectedly released by Philadelphia - to avoid paying him $5 million for 2010. Why didn't the Bills get rid of some dead weight and sign this guy for half of Kelsay's money?
  3. It's likely that this move was made to shore up the locker room instead of the playing field.
  4. yea, I wonder if TE made a copy of his QB wristband...
  5. "It would have been two factors. We think he can play quarterback in this league. The other factor would be we think it would help us get an idea of this Buffalo offense."
  6. Whether the Bills dissolve will likely determine that, although the front office is doing a good job of killing even the most staunchest fans hopes this year...think about it, instead of using cap room to go out and shore up the OL, LB or other areas of need, the Bills decide to plunge a dagger into the backs of Bill's Backers by signing one of the most disliked players ever to play DE/OLB to an over the top extension. I am sure Kelsay is a nice guy, but has not proven anything at DE, much less OLB to deserve such a lucrative deal this early in the season.
  7. There is no question that this move seems to reinforce the idea that the Bills are committed to mediocrity and do not give a rat's a$$ about winning or about the fans in WNY. In essence, the fans were just told that they do not matter, common sense does not matter and if you dog us, not only are we not going to sign autographs, but we are going to give one of the most disliked players $6 million dollars a year of your money that you have given to support the team.
  8. Bills fans are trying to deal with the five stages of grief with the Bills 2010 season. · Denial (this can’t be happening - Trent had such a good camp!) · Anger (Kelsay extended for 6 million a year? If that isn’t a commitment to low standards, was else is? ) · Bargaining (maybe we can trade Lynch for a __________...) · Depression (we don't care anymore) · Acceptance (we will be fine on Sundays without following the Bumbling Bills)
  9. The Bills signed Akin Ayodele to replace Mitchell - was he the only LB available? What about starting Chris Ellis or first round pick Aaron Maybin and see what they can bring to the position.
  10. It would be great if Kelsay actually showed some promise at OLB - BEFORE filling his pockets. There will be plenty of time to evaluate his play, extend him or let him test the free-agent waters AFTER he proves that he is at least good at OLB. Right now, he is just plain BAD. Really, when I first heard of an extension, I thought it was some sort of joke.
  11. Can it really be that the Bills are going to overlook the liability Kelsay presents on the field so that they have his presence in the locker room? I do not billieve the press release/statement that the "Bills like Kelsay’s all-around game and see him as a sturdy outside linebacker and sound in his assignments." Is this statement designed to gauge fan reaction? Sound in his assignments? What?!? He couldn't make an impact at DE, so you move him to OLB? You can't be serious. Are the Bills really that desperate? Do they really want to lose even more season ticket holders?
  12. Can someone please explain why the Bills would do this right now - within a week? Are the Bills really thinking he is going to improve to the point where they need to sign him to a deal right now - that he will be so good at the end of the year, that they will save money by extending him right now? Is it because he looks good in the team picture or something, because after reviewing his play this year, I don't get how he makes this team or could play linebacker for another team? yes, he is a captain, would probably make a good Boy Scout Leader, but he was an average at best, slow DE and now seems lost and even slower at OLB. Kelsay at OLB has been such a gift for opposing teams and a such weakness to exploit, is this really going to happen?
  13. Like OBD has a recent history of being able to use those draft picks to build a better team. I know, we have to give the new staff time and let the players develop, but we have been saying that about every three years for the last nine years and now that Lynch has shown he wants to be a bruiser this year, everyone wants to trade him for draft picks. I might consider trading him for a starting LT or QB, but the way RBs get hurt, why not have 3 good ones? just saying...
  14. Yes, Mr. Kelsay, just because someone tries, doesn't mean they are suited for an NFL linebacker, but if we took a poll at the next Bill's game, it would seem pretty likely you...errr...Kelsay would be voted off the team...
  15. lol - the "REAL" reason is TE could only throw for five yards and run out of bounds...man why didn't I post the "REAL" reason...
  16. You make a good point, but might remember that Edwards only could check down/throw 5 yards or run out of bounds...and Brohm can probably handle that. It looks like the Bills were hoping that they could salvage something out of Edwards because it was reported that they were trying to trade him since the off-season...but yeah, a waste of time.
  17. Even if Chris Kelsay posted this, it sure seems like a troll post, but the fact remains that the idiots at OBD appear to be willing to sign the guy. Kelsay playing LB and if he gets an extension is all you need to know about - if you were wondering about the new staff moving in the right direction. Maybe we can resign Eric Flowers too?
  18. Scott is the best defensive player today...
  19. $3 million dollars for 30 second commercials in the SB? Whatever that 1/32 is, the Bills have not seemed to have earned it and do not have a big TV market draw. The addition of TO and Spiller were stopgap measures taken to give marketing people something to work with, but that has not worked too well either.
  20. Just when you thought you wouldn't be surprised by how low the Bills have fallen...
  21. Most un-drafted college players could be signed and do what Edwards has done this year. Five yard passes and running out of bounds does not take that much talent. Trent might get lucky enough for a try-out in the UFL. Oh yeah - If Fitz plays well today - and i think he will, the Bills will likely cut Edwards to make room for Levi Brown or another QB and will be able to say that at least they tried to trade him.
  22. It's worst than that. Outside of WNY, nobody cares about the Bills. RW is just going through the motions collecting his revenue share without really contributing to the NFL. Sure, he fields a team, but not one that is competitive or earns any national television revenue. That is where the real money is, not in local ticket sales. The Bills can't afford to pay Lee Evans $9 million a year based only on your $60 ticket.
  23. It looks like field level ring wall might be where the NFL is determining the point at which the field of play begins and if the Bills or the NFL want to sell or display advertising there, they might not want someone to cover it up. Is that so hard to understand?
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