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scoring is not hardy

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Everything posted by scoring is not hardy

  1. I can't wait to hear what Duke thinks about the new stadium! Anyone know if he has a twitter account?
  2. Right...............I just starting following the team this year. Obviously he has struggled, but he doesn't play in a vacuum.
  3. Here's my favorite nugget from the article. "The free agent addition of Terrell Owens knocked most of the receiving corps down a peg on the Bills’ depth chart. As a result one can make the argument that there’s one less spot on the roster with Owens occupying one of them."
  4. You're absolutely right! Our team is completely loaded at all positions except QB! When we win it's despite of him, and when we lose it's because of him. [/sarcasm]
  5. I willing to bet that a lot of these posters that just knew passing on Ngata was such a big mistake were also screaming to trade up for the can't miss Robert Gallery, or Vernon Gholston. Obviously it's a little different because we had an opportunity at our spot, to get Ngata, and we passed. It's just too convenient to say I liked this guy, he's now great, and we picked someone who is not as good. I'm sure there are guys that we all have loved, that have turned out to be complete busts, but no one mentions those. We could have done much worse than Donte Whitner.
  6. I was sure we were the only idiotic team still playing that ancient defensive system.
  7. I'd say we're running out of guys. I think we only have Stroud left. I'll start. He's old and washed up.
  8. Gotta love the preseason. We run guys like Whitner and Schobel out of town, and fall in love with guys like Stupar and Bryan.
  9. Ryan should definitely win preseason coach of the year!
  10. The roller coaster is really in full swing around here. I will be reserving judgment until Sept. 14.
  11. He was probably the first tackle to feel the wrath of Maybin. Maybe it was good that he missed some time, we don't want him to injure all our linemen.
  12. He tweets a good game. The key to our defense is to generate pressure with the front four, which doesn't happen. Hopefully Maybin can help right away.
  13. I thought Nic Harris played well. I think he is going to be a real good player.
  14. Don't be so hard on Marshawn. Even Brian Leonard would look bad behind this line.
  15. I heard he injured the toe kicking down a door a fisher, trying to get to a secret meeting between Trent and Schouman. Source- Interwebs
  16. The only thing that will be in need of cleanup will be Tom Brady* off the turf on Sept. 14.
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