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Everything posted by Grouse89

  1. umm really? pretty sure he can play, y is it that because he isn't a #1 wr people say he sucks i don't get it he is a solid player wtf
  2. yea this post is quite the piece of work too
  3. I understand what you are saying But when we signed Royal didn't those same coach RAVE about his ability to catch passes? pretty sure they did Honestly I take what they say with a grain of salt until I see these players play for myself.
  4. It's true one of my best friends from highschool is enrolled at West Point as we speak and I got to see first hand how much sh-- he had to do just to get in, I know I would never get in there, I'm smart enough, but I couldn't pass all the physical tests they make you do jeeze all you are is a piece of meat pretty much and they do w/e the !@#$ they want with you, he's told me stories.
  5. I disagree about this. MAybe it's just me but not every TE can just do this. If you haqve a good blocker you keep him. If a TE can't catch you just don't say oh he can block, it doesn't work like that. he has to be GOOD at blocking. a TE who can't catch IMO doesn't equal blocking TE. Since Anderson hasn't played a game for us yet unless you have seen him play alot for other teams idk where you think he's a better blocker than royal, I thought we brought anderson in to CATCH passes not block. he isn't a blocker JMO.
  6. I'm sry I have no idea why Stroud popped into my head when you said tackle haha, I completely forgot about the offense.
  7. Stroud hasn't done anything yet, jeez lets see a few games before we say he's our probowler, last time I checked he's never been to the probowl as a Buffalo Bill
  8. As you can see the truth is noone really knows.
  9. yea it's all my fault haha get real If you think I'm the one instigating stuff you don't get around the boards much.
  10. and he signed with PHI too i guess.
  11. someone posted on Buffalo Bills.com that he is facing up to 12 months in prison, now I have no idea if that person has a clue, but still if that's the case no way.
  12. I agree with you. They don't read what they write.
  13. I'm not trying to be an ass but all of the rookie's number have already been posted on here in another thread, fyi, in case you don't get alot of responses and are wondering y, it isn't because we don't like you.
  14. Of course you agree with him he said the same thing you did. If he said you were wrong or if he disagreed you would B word about people insulting you. The fact of the matter is that since you have 1 or 2 people who agree with your point of view, and 20+ who disagree (or more) leads me to believe maybe you should rethink your opinion a little...or not w/e doesn't matter.
  15. Because mine are brand new, lets find other things to piss on please
  16. If that ever happed I think I would laugh and then cry, prolly laugh some more and then cry again, etc. you get the picture.
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