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Everything posted by Grouse89

  1. I can only be sarcastic I don't pick up on it sry lol
  2. Thank you, exactly what i said although i feel stupid responding to the 4th pag of 19 but i'll get there
  3. A robber is going to think damn twice about goiing into a store if he knows that the owner might shoot him because he has a gun. I go to a college in the area and while it will never happen I wish college kids could carry handguns on campus. That way I would know for sure that no wack jobs would come into these classes and start shooting people and take me out too i'd be able to protect myself and save other people's lives as well.
  4. He probably collects them, just like people collect baseball cards, I know families with more than 50 guns, they collect them it's legal and there is nothing wrong with it. The people who own 20 or more guns aren't the people shooting other people on the streets fyi. Oh and another thing if the 2nd amendment is abolished guess what, I hate to tell you but the crime rate is just going to increase. Because criminals are not going to hand their guns over to the police, only law abiding citizens will and guess what, those people aren't commiting crimes!!!
  5. Y not, who are you to tell him what to do? Damn problem with this country today too many liberals, beerball i'm not saying you are one, but jeeze it's his right to own one, I hope the police are going to give him money for the gun guns aren't cheap, i don't care how much money he is making you don't just hand someing over that is probably worth more than $500.00 for nothing ..... police or not.
  6. yes...yes it does. Trust me..I know.
  7. OMG NO WAY!!! If espn said it we are a lock in the playoffs for sure
  8. Glad I could offer so much to this thread! I'm going away now.
  9. hey man, nothing like being hypocritical you should try it sometime!
  10. if a tree falls in the woods and noone is around to hear it does it make a sound?!?!?!?!?
  11. from the sounds of it already i'll bet their whole draft is going to be a bust, when was the last time they actually had a sucessful draft anyway?
  12. pretty arrogant to say they are wrong for having an opinion. you have an opinion don't say they are wrong. you are wrong my friend this thread is going nowhere i'm out.
  13. I gotta go with derek fine, 30-40 catches at least, just a hunch
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