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Everything posted by Grouse89

  1. Is that supposed to be witty, because it's not funny at all
  2. Oh I enjoy it as well lol, Nice work researching that stuff, very interesting.
  3. what does that have to do with anyting, is god going to stop him from shooting someone? prolly not...
  4. I'm curious as to how you think we will ever change that, maybe you don't idk it's been a long day i'm tired and cranky.
  5. next thing is he will be saying women don't have the right to vote, it's up for the states to decide or something. I mean I agree with you, according to my schooling the Bill of Rights protects individual's rights but I guess we are wrong....
  6. so according to you if the second amendment is thrown out or done away with I can still have my guns?
  7. Haha good point. All I know is that there is going to be a serious revolution in this country if they ever abolish the second admendment. I have heard many people say that if the police/swat/government comes to their door to take their guns they are going to die because they will be shooting at them. They aren't going to give their guns up peacefully.
  8. Yes it does allow an individual the right to keep and bear arms, You just failed your paper son. How do I know? Because lots of people own guns and it's LEGAL that is how
  9. just draft please, fa linemen are too expensive
  10. oh yea y is that? chances are we don't care but just curious?
  11. wow that's one of the saddest things I think I have ever read. I just lost all respect for you, not that you care..but just wow.
  12. Take a psychology class dude, about 80% of the time an "eyewitness" didn't see what they though they saw, eyewitnesses are worthless. fyi.
  13. By saying how many harrison HAD and why did he need that many? yea had nothing to do with hardy since he had ONE. YOU made a POINT about how many HARRISON OWNED. uncalled for and had nothing to do with anything.
  14. That's what I think happened....some people nowadays see a gun and freak for whatever reason.
  15. I hate to tell you but puting a ban on guns isn't going to solve it. Don't have to be a rocket scientist. Anyone with common sense knows that banning firearms will not make criminals give their guns up. Violence will only increase because what then I ask do criminals have to be afraid of? They can walk up to any house and steal and murder whoever they want because the law abiding citizen gave his guns up and now he has no protection....think about it.
  16. It's the second admendment douchebag suck my dick. who's retarded now?
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