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  2. Keon's cousin in Dallas must have spiked a football when he saw this today. He is going to get the same money as jefferson I bet.
  3. I'm not sure if this is a political statement or if this is a commentary on the sorry state of your love life at the moment.
  4. The best thing to do when you have a young QB is give him great targets so he can reach his potential. We did the exact same thing with Josh and Diggs lol
  5. Correct me if I am wrong, Justin Jefferson is at 31.94 mil/yr. He makes more money than all the skilled players on the Bills offense combined, excluding Josh Allen. Come to think of it, excluding Dawkins, you could throw in the balance of our Oline.
  6. This is what I think as well. And in 2 years they will draft Davis's replacement. They have shown this is what they like to do at RB in the past with Singletary. That said Cook is a good back. He'll find someone to pay him well if he keeps being productive. The drops, fumbles and mediocre pass blocking skills leave him below elite level, however.
  7. Just like having 1 of Jefferson. It hasn't mattered. They have won nothing. He has made the playoffs once and got outscored by a Daniel Jones led Offense at home. It really should. They are going to get hammered in that division.
  8. Never. I worked with a guy who called everyone “guy”. Like “hey, guy, how you doing?” He just couldn’t remember other people’s names.
  9. This contract is setup perfectly imo, So this should be exactly close to the time J.J. McCarthy's contract is up, Jefferson should propel him in his first couple years and if J.J. is as good as the Vikings hope he'll be they can do the Packers approach while still having Jefferson on the roster and then let him walk or trade him in his last year. Bengals are about to get destroyed when Chase gets paid.
  10. Will the bengals be able to pay Chase and Burrow?
  11. James Cook will not see a second contract. Doesn't matter how well he plays.
  12. Hopefully this results in an absolutely lousy team that has an early draft pick in the second round for us to use. 😋
  13. If Beane didn’t recognize that Elam was a risky pick - even more so than a typical draft pick in that range - then he’s not nearly the GM I think he is. And if Benford wasn’t on the team then we’d have picked up a reasonably priced vet.
  14. 6? They could get 20 of those guys and it still wouldn’t matter.
  15. Trump Conviction May Be Death Knell For Vulnerable Senate Democrats Former President Donald Trump’s conviction in a Manhattan courtroom last week may well spell electoral disaster for vulnerable Senate Democrats who have not only tacitly endorsed the lawfare against Trump, but also embraced every other aspect of the left’s assault on democracy and key American institutions. Five months out from Election Day, the legal persecution of Trump has now become the dominant political storyline. This development represents a potential disaster for endangered incumbents Sherrod Brown in Ohio, Jon Tester in Montana, Jacky Rosen in Nevada, and Bob Casey in Pennsylvania. None of these Democrats has lifted a finger as Biden’s Department of Justice has ruthlessly targeted Trump in a blatant attempt at election interference – something that will likely become the subject of withering GOP attack ads as campaign season heats up. With Soros-funded prosecutor Alvin Bragg and Biden’s maniacal grin suddenly becoming the new faces of the Democrat Party, the party’s image may well already be irreparably damaged in the eyes of most voters. https://amac.us/newsline/elections/trump-conviction-may-be-death-knell-for-vulnerable-senate-dems/ .
  16. I think walk. Davis will have 2 years in the system and can take over, draft another mid round RB that year and keep cycling through. The ONLY thing that changes the equation is if he becomes a real receiving threat. That could make them re-consider. I don't just mean a decent check down option. I mean Kamara or McCaffrey who teams design pass plays for. I don't see Cook ever being that but if he were then it might tip the balance for them. Never draft one day 1 either.
  17. I have to think we let him walk in FA. As a general rule RBs are not worth 2nd contracts and Cook has enough warts in his game I'm more than happy to let him walk to get a comp pick
  18. Well, they would’ve cumulatively paid that group less money. So, the Bills are getting a 6 for the price of 1 deal.
  19. The guy finished 3rd in yards from scrimmage for all RBs in the NFL in his second year. How is that average?
  20. Which is one of the reasons why I’ve supported taking one of the best ones in the draft in rd1 before. You get him for that 5th year option which is huge. And if he’s really good and still producing you can always franchise tag him at least once. Hell, by then Allen’s career will likely be close to over.
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