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The Debate is Over - O-V-E-R


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For everyone who defended the decision to keep Drew in the offseason and cite his yards, his productivity, his golden arm, his two Super Bowl appearances, that overrated performance in the 2002 playoffs against Pittsburgh – it is now time to admit that you were wrong. He doesn’t have in his soul what it takes to lead a team to the promised land.


Look at last night from Drew’s perspective. He’s coming into Foxboro – a place where he spent 9 years. He’s playing at a stadium that he arguably helped build. He’s playing against the coach and the team that benched him. There was a chance during Super Bowl week in 2002 that he might play over a slightly hobbled Brady in the biggest game of them all, and Drew was relegated to the bench.


Imagine if that happened to you at your job, and some younger person was chosen to make a big presentation in your stead. Would you not be extra prepared and extra focused if you got a chance to redeem yourself or compete against that person at some point in the future? Would you not put your heart and soul into proving to everyone that they made a big mistake passing you over?


Last night Drew was lethargic, slow, easily fooled by coverages. He looked underprepared and sluggish. His play action was dreadful. His mechanics were out of whack. Most critically, his body language and persona oozed defeat. He looked beaten from the time the game started, and clearly he had the look of a man who was in over his head as he stood on the sideline after being benched. He’s a loser.


Restructuring Drew in the offseason and extending the time period of the Bills’ financial commitment to him was the keystone mistake among many that should cost Donahoe his job. If he couldn’t figure out in two years being around a high profile guy like Drew that he doesn’t have it, then he has no chance to hit on enough of the other 52 guys to get the Bills’ back into the playoffs.

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For everyone who defended the decision to keep Drew in the offseason and cite his yards, his productivity, his golden arm, his two Super Bowl appearances, that overrated performance in the 2002 playoffs against Pittsburgh – it is now time to admit that you were wrong. He doesn’t have in his soul what it takes to lead a team to the promised land.


Look at last night from Drew’s perspective. He’s coming into Foxboro – a place where he spent 9 years. He’s playing at a stadium that he arguably helped build. He’s playing against the coach and the team that benched him. There was a chance during Super Bowl week in 2002 that he might play over a slightly hobbled Brady in the biggest game of them all, and Drew was relegated to the bench.


Imagine if that happened to you at your job, and some younger person was chosen to make a big presentation in your stead. Would you not be extra prepared and extra focused if you got a chance to redeem yourself or compete against that person at some point in the future? Would you not put your heart and soul into proving to everyone that they made a big mistake passing you over?


Last night Drew was lethargic, slow, easily fooled by coverages. He looked underprepared and sluggish. His play action was dreadful. His mechanics were out of whack. Most critically, his body language and persona oozed defeat. He looked beaten from the time the game started, and clearly he had the look of a man who was in over his head as he stood on the sideline after being benched. He’s a loser.


Restructuring Drew in the offseason and extending the time period of the Bills’ financial commitment to him was the keystone mistake among many that should cost Donahoe his job. If he couldn’t figure out in two years being around a high profile guy like Drew that he doesn’t have it, then he has no chance to hit on enough of the other 52 guys to get the Bills’ back into the playoffs.




Ol' Whitey shoulda never restructured, but if he didn't there'd have been a 7 million dollar cost to cut him.

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I agree with that much. When we got Drew I was as happy as anyone. Our other "choices" weren't exactly exciting me.


That being said, since the first half of the 2002 season he has been a disaster. There have been games that I will agree were not his fault but for the most part the guy has been a train wreck. I can't even deny it anymore.

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OW should have cut him then. They'd have taken the 7 million dollar hit now. They're in 15th place out of 16 teams in the conference. Is it that big a deal to be 15th versus 16th this year when the future is being wagered so carelessly? This is the exact time to take th ehit - when the team isn't good enough anyway.


This is how awful a manager Donahoe is - he clearly made moves for this year between the Drew deal and the Losman trade as if the Bills would be a 9-7, 10-6 wild card type team. Instead they're in 15th, they're down a first round pick to the rest of the league, and he's extended the time period for which they have to play Bledsoe.


TD is the one who traded for Drew and his contract, and he just couldn't admit he was wrong. This extension of the time that the Drew trade hurts the team is inexcusable.

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- his golden arm...




Sorry, but I couldn't help but think about that old campfire ghost story...



Who stole my golden arm? WHO STOLE MY GOLDEN ARM?



...YOU DID!!!




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I, like the rest of you, feel that Drew is done and should be replaced but what I have a problem with is the contant pounding of Drew. He has never done anything but try to help the team. He is a GOOD guy and doesn't deserve the ridicule he gets. He's simply playing the hand that's been delt. He feels he's still a great qb or did when he signed the initial contract. He restructured his contract this year to free up money to help the team. He takes all the blame no matter what the situation. I don't blame Drew at all for our current situation and think that all you idiots that want to sit and talk stevestojan about him and make fun and ridicule him are a bunch of !@#$s. Armchair !@#$ing quarterbacks that probably don't have an athletic bone in your body and don't know the meaning of the word "competitor". All Drew wants to do is compete and help this team win. You guys are pathetic.

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I like Drew.


But, the best thing he could do to help this team win, is TAKE A SEAT. He is killing us. I'm not questioning his good intentions, his heart, or how brave he is. I'm just calling it like I see it.


He should sit, start Losman next week and see where it gets us. Drew could use a break.

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I like Drew.


But, the best thing he could do to help this team win, is TAKE A SEAT.  He is killing us.  I'm not questioning his good intentions, his heart, or how brave he is.  I'm just calling it like I see it.


He should sit, start Losman next week and see where it gets us.  Drew could use a break.



I agree with this but nobody in this league is going to go to the coach and say "sit me". Get real. It's up to MM to sit him and that's part of being a "head coach" in this league. Make a decision already Mularkey.

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All Drew wants to do is compete and help this team win. You guys are pathetic.



I don't believe it anymore. If that were the case, he'd be more prepared to play than he was last night. I think just a the opposite - compared to other players at his position, he does not do the physical, social and mental work required to be successful. He doesn't want it enough.


And I'm sorry - I'm tired of hearing about this "good guy" nonsense. First of all, I'm guessing you don't know him from (his brother) Adam - you just go by what you see and hear in the press and from other people. Everyone on the planet is supposed to be a good person - why does this guy get extra credit for it??? Saying that I'm being "pathetic" criticizing his abilities as a quarterback because he's a "good person" is just an inane argument. I don't have to be good at athletics myself to reach that conclusion.

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picking up drew was a great move at the time.  I'll defend that till i die.  Nobody could have foreseen how far he's fallen since the adrenaline of being traded wore off around october of 2002.



I am Drew's biggest basher, but I agree with that statement 100%.

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I, like the rest of you, feel that Drew is done and should be replaced but what I have a problem with is the contant pounding of Drew. He has never done anything but try to help the team. He is a GOOD guy and doesn't deserve the ridicule he gets. He's simply playing the hand that's been delt. He feels he's still a great qb or did when he signed the initial contract. He restructured his contract this year to free up money to help the team. He takes all the blame no matter what the situation. I don't blame Drew at all for our current situation and think that all you idiots that want to sit and talk stevestojan about him and make fun and ridicule him are a bunch of !@#$s. Armchair !@#$ing quarterbacks that probably don't have an athletic bone in your body and don't know the meaning of the word "competitor". All Drew wants to do is compete and help this team win. You guys are pathetic.




Whoa there bud? I have to say BULL stevestojan! Good guy? Yes. Great Dad and role model? Yes. But those things have NOTHING to do with FOOTBALL. Drew bledsoe is a worthless POS ON THE FIELD. HE SUCKS. and as such he deserves every bit of the crap he is being handed. EVERY BIT!


Feels he is STILL at great QB? he was NEVER a great QB...NEVER! Go look at the mans stats. A great QB doesn't get hurt then some nobody steps in and takes the team to a superbowl. Stop the bull stevestojan.


He is, and has been an AVERAGE QB with a 'Name'. Because he was drafted by parcells 1st overall is the ONLY Reason he has stayed this long. His 'greatness' is one of the greatest MYTHS in the NFL Today.

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Nobody is putting Drew down as a person! Why does somebody always have to bring up his character. WE KNOW HE IS A GREAT GUY! But on that football field last night the guy GAVE UP. You could see it in the second quarter. Ready or not, it's Losman time.

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Nobody is putting Drew down as a person! Why does somebody always have to bring up his character. WE KNOW HE IS A GREAT GUY! But on that football field last night the guy GAVE UP. You could see it in the second quarter. Ready or not, it's Losman time.



I've said it before, and I'll say it again: My grandmother is one hell of a woman. I love her to death. But if someone paid her $8.75Million to play football, and she played like Drew, I would boo her off the field.

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For everyone who defended the decision to keep Drew in the offseason and cite his yards, his productivity, his golden arm, his two Super Bowl appearances, that overrated performance in the 2002 playoffs against Pittsburgh – it is now time to admit that you were wrong. He doesn’t have in his soul what it takes to lead a team to the promised land.


Look at last night from Drew’s perspective. He’s coming into Foxboro – a place where he spent 9 years. He’s playing at a stadium that he arguably helped build. He’s playing against the coach and the team that benched him. There was a chance during Super Bowl week in 2002 that he might play over a slightly hobbled Brady in the biggest game of them all, and Drew was relegated to the bench.


Imagine if that happened to you at your job, and some younger person was chosen to make a big presentation in your stead. Would you not be extra prepared and extra focused if you got a chance to redeem yourself or compete against that person at some point in the future? Would you not put your heart and soul into proving to everyone that they made a big mistake passing you over?


Last night Drew was lethargic, slow, easily fooled by coverages. He looked underprepared and sluggish. His play action was dreadful. His mechanics were out of whack. Most critically, his body language and persona oozed defeat. He looked beaten from the time the game started, and clearly he had the look of a man who was in over his head as he stood on the sideline after being benched. He’s a loser.


Restructuring Drew in the offseason and extending the time period of the Bills’ financial commitment to him was the keystone mistake among many that should cost Donahoe his job. If he couldn’t figure out in two years being around a high profile guy like Drew that he doesn’t have it, then he has no chance to hit on enough of the other 52 guys to get the Bills’ back into the playoffs.



What I cannot believe is how people can ever say Bledsoe was great quarterback? Recall the days when Buffalo had a team, every time we played against Bledsoe he was always good for a key interception at the wrong point in the game. HE HAS NEVER BEEN A BIG GAME PLAYER, POINT PERIOD!!! He was fairly effective in the middle part of his career when he had Ben Coates, but that is about it. Bill Parcels did a levitation act with him a couple of years ago, but the success of those Pats teams was based on not relying on Drew Bledsoe. BB couldn't wait to get rid of this bum because high probably for errors that have become such a regular occurence for us Bills fans.

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For everyone who defended the decision to keep Drew in the offseason and cite his yards, his productivity, his golden arm, his two Super Bowl appearances, that overrated performance in the 2002 playoffs against Pittsburgh – it is now time to admit that you were wrong. He doesn’t have in his soul what it takes to lead a team to the promised land.


Look at last night from Drew’s perspective. He’s coming into Foxboro – a place where he spent 9 years. He’s playing at a stadium that he arguably helped build. He’s playing against the coach and the team that benched him. There was a chance during Super Bowl week in 2002 that he might play over a slightly hobbled Brady in the biggest game of them all, and Drew was relegated to the bench.


Imagine if that happened to you at your job, and some younger person was chosen to make a big presentation in your stead. Would you not be extra prepared and extra focused if you got a chance to redeem yourself or compete against that person at some point in the future? Would you not put your heart and soul into proving to everyone that they made a big mistake passing you over?


Last night Drew was lethargic, slow, easily fooled by coverages. He looked underprepared and sluggish. His play action was dreadful. His mechanics were out of whack. Most critically, his body language and persona oozed defeat. He looked beaten from the time the game started, and clearly he had the look of a man who was in over his head as he stood on the sideline after being benched. He’s a loser.


Restructuring Drew in the offseason and extending the time period of the Bills’ financial commitment to him was the keystone mistake among many that should cost Donahoe his job. If he couldn’t figure out in two years being around a high profile guy like Drew that he doesn’t have it, then he has no chance to hit on enough of the other 52 guys to get the Bills’ back into the playoffs.




I was for it at the time and I do not think it was wrong......but I admitted several weeks back that it is the wrong choice now.....

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The B'gals management finally wised up and cleaned house before their 2003 season. There's something like 10 players from that squad. After Mr. Potatoe Head (owner, and GM Mike Brown) presided over a ten-year joke and at last bowed out, things improved.


Donohue couldn't make a Wendy's franchise go, and Dear Ralph's family aren't far behind...

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I don't believe it anymore. If that were the case, he'd be more prepared to play than he was last night. I think just a the opposite - compared to other players at his position, he does not do the physical, social and mental work required to be successful. He doesn't want it enough.


And I'm sorry - I'm tired of hearing about this "good guy" nonsense. First of all, I'm guessing you don't know him from (his brother) Adam - you just go by what you see and hear in the press and from other people. Everyone on the planet is supposed to be a good person - why does this guy get extra credit for it??? Saying that I'm being "pathetic" criticizing his abilities as a quarterback because he's a "good person" is just an inane argument. I don't have to be good at athletics myself to reach that conclusion.



Actually I have met Drew and spent some time talking with him. Granted it was a few years ago but I don't think he's changed that much as a person. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve to be criticized for his current lack of abilities. I'm saying the personal shots at him are unnecessary and unwarrented. Anybody here put into his situation would handle themselves the same way. How do you know he doesn't do the physical, social and mental work required to be successful? How do you know he doesn't want it enough? According to everybody on this board he doesn't have the SKILLS. No amount of preparation can make up for a lack of skills. I don't buy it for a minute.

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