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A Bills Fan Visits a Psychotherapist


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"And then, there’s me. I watched Monday’s game with huge intensity, as I’ve watched every single game since 1990. My throat was still raw Tuesday afternoon. But, something odd happened to me in the final five minutes. When Leodis inexplicably blundered…I laughed. And I pretty much laughed all the way home from Calico Jack’s.


My wife thought I lost it. My old friend Gerry agreed with her.


I respect them a lot, so had to ask myself: have I finally snapped? Gone nuts?


That line of inquiry led me to even larger questions: are we ALL FREAKING NUTS for continuing to live and die with this absolutely ridiculous team?


The answers to these questions are beyond me, and I’m at least lucid enough to know when to call on a professional.


Meet Diane Spear, a prominent, Manhattan-based psychotherapist (www.dianespeartherapy.com), and complete non-football fan who agreed to share her thoughts on the Bills, Bills fans and our respective grips on sanity. Following are excerpts of our conversation, at least as far as my apparently delusional mind recalls them:"


See article with Q/A and professional insight:



Basically, the Bills are yo daddy.....

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The problem is simply that we are bonded with this team. The bond is so #%$@ tight that when they fail, it literally causes us pain. Pathetic? Yes, but understandable.


I think it was probably 1967 and I was 6 years old when my Dad brought me to my first Bills game at War Memorial Stadium. I remember him holding my hand as we walked though the tunnel to the seats and suddenly a whole new world opened up -- it was sunny and the grass was such bright green (must have been an early season game), sharp lines on the field, bright goal posts, colorful uniforms, the smell of cigar smoke, the smell of hot dogs, the crowd -- it was really an awesome experience for a 6-year old.


And that's how it starts. It is almost like religion. We are baptized in the spirit of the Buffalo Bills and the bond lives on forever. My Dad died when I was 8 and I don't have a whole lot of childhood memories of him, but this was one of them.


Is it foolish to be a die-hard fan of the Buffalo Bills when there are so many more important and useful endeavors in life? Perhaps, but that doesn't make it any less real for us.


Go Bills!

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I think the psychotherapist has it reversed. They are the children, and we are the adults. We have the right attitude, and are doing our job as fans. Like responsible parents this city never wavers, and we patiently accept the errors of our players.

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When they talked about a self fulfilling prophecy, I was thinking about all the Bills fans that said yeah Leodis should of run it out, he was being agressive. Weve become conditioned to losing and couldnt imagine making a first down on the Patriots, with the lead. Somehow what was lost on most here is this isnt your old Patriots defense, they didnt have Mayo and Seymour. Bruschi, Vrabel and Harrison are gone. In case you didnt notice the drive before we went down and scored, now somehow bills fans couldnt EVEN IMAGINE a first down. So we go out do the ONE THING that shouldnt of been done, run out of our own endzone(4 yards deep) with no return setup. and our returner gets stood up, and the patriots strip him of the ball. Textbook 101 how to blow a game and a lot of fans cheer the decision.

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When they talked about a self fulfilling prophecy, I was thinking about all the Bills fans that said yeah Leodis should of run it out, he was being agressive. Weve become conditioned to losing and couldnt imagine making a first down on the Patriots, with the lead. Somehow what was lost on most here is this isnt your old Patriots defense, they didnt have Mayo and Seymour. Bruschi, Vrabel and Harrison are gone. In case you didnt notice the drive before we went down and scored, now somehow bills fans couldnt EVEN IMAGINE a first down. So we go out do the ONE THING that shouldnt of been done, run out of our own endzone(4 yards deep) with no return setup. and our returner gets stood up, and the patriots strip him of the ball. Textbook 101 how to blow a game and a lot of fans cheer the decision.

I could easily have seen Trent & co. picking up a 1st down. Wish they had the opportunity.

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