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OT 6 Year Old Tazed by Police


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This thread got so long I couldn't help myself, so given it was Saturday morning I looked. Amazing.




1. The amount of fact-free opinion that folks are basing stridently held opinions on is as Billy Fucillo would say HHHUUUGGGEEE. There are so many questions left unanswered and unexplored in the brief article its rediculous to draw a firm conclusion.

2. The copie of the police reports were helpful, but even they raised a lot of questions a jury (most likely a special court) will consider upon further examination. The situation (kid backs into a corner) conceivably is one where bumrushing the kid would be hard, but why was he able to harm himself seemingly so much with a glass shard and what actual threat of future harm was there? How appropriately conditioned were the multiple officers involved? There seemed to be time for a lot of exploration into what regs allowed regarding Tasering a 6 year old and how long and what happened during this time? Did the kid injure himself in the hands weilding this glass "shard" and if so how big was it? The whole thing is so rediculous it smells like an urban myth but is so bizarre something obviously happened?

3. What are the effects of subjecting a 6 year old to 50,000 volts?

4. What's next particularly regarding his parents?


At any rate, this would seem to be a case where facts matter a lot and even the police report raises tons of questions as to what the facts were.

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You got it. We also enjoyed holding our jockstraps over the faces of nerds like you. Tell you you don't remember playing fighter pilot.



Ahh, i remember doing this to others on the hockey team in high school...someone got out of hand?...they needed a good dose of "Jocks-ygen"


haahaha :D

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