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Haiku time...opener is on the way


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I'll try a few ....


Ralph kills the Turk-ey

Dick serves a Pillsbury roll

Hoodie is hungry


T.O.'s toe is sore

Training camp? Sure, for rookies

Bruce Smith sees, giggles


Trent is our starter

Fitzpatrick, Hamdan, Baker

Our scouts are awesome


Brandon signs T.O.

Sprinkles on a pile of poo

Smells like ticket sales

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On Monday Dick said what the hell


We really must answer the bell


Then regaining his sense


he got back on the fence


Knowing hope was beyond him to sell


The Bills have a player named Donte,

Though rarely his name do they call.

Some think he is great,

He was our number 8,

But he's played 50 yards from the ball.

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