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Is it possible that the reason why Trent looked lost because

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Agreed for the most part. Evans, Reed as the #2 and Parrish are too easy to cover.


I have always wondered why we move Reed out of his slot position. He is definitely not a #2 but I think he is a good #3 especially given his ability to block. It seems we would have been better served to keep Reed in the slot and let one of our bigger bodies like Johnson, Jenkins or Huggins fill in for T.O.

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Neither is Trent Edwards.

I would hope Trent isn't a #1 WR, otherwise this team and coaching staff have even more problems then we know, although it wouldn't suprise me with the way this team likes to move players to other positions, I mean, we did have a converted TE play LT for a few years

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Don't forget that Evans costs $9 million per season. Guy makes over a million dollars per touchdown.


I suggest you turn your hate to the most overrate dplayer on the team.


Josh Reed 2.5 million a year(4 yr 10 million contract signed in 2006). 3 TD in 3 years. That would be 2.5 million per TD.


Oh but he cathces first downs....

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I would hope Trent isn't a #1 WR, otherwise this team and coaching staff have even more problems then we know, although it wouldn't suprise me with the way this team likes to move players to other positions, I mean, we did have a converted TE play LT for a few years

I meant Edwards is not a #1 QB (except on this team) - but you knew that.


You're right, though - maybe the coaches aren't sure where he fits best. Lynch played QB in high school - supposedly can chuck the ball 70 yards. Probably has a better arm than Los Gatos Boy - maybe we have them switch positions and see if Trentie-Boy lasts a series. :worthy:

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Roscoe will never be a #1 or #2 receiver, but it wasn't his or Evan's fault that Edwards looked lost. They didn't make him throw 5 yards behind them, or fumble as he was running for his life. If it is anyone's fault besides Trents', put the blame on the Offensive Line.

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I suggest you turn your hate to the most overrate dplayer on the team.


Josh Reed 2.5 million a year(4 yr 10 million contract signed in 2006). 3 TD in 3 years. That would be 2.5 million per TD.


Oh but he cathces first downs....

Josh Reed doesn't put up the big numbers, but he isn't given the chances either. He is however, over the last few years, the most clutch reciever the Bills have had, making more key first down receptions than anyone. Last years most overrated player in is Philly now, and this years hasn't played the last two games because he stubbed his toe.

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It is only the 3rd preseason Game & Trent apologists are in midseason form. :huh:


Just having a solid preseason performance is all! Somebody has to.


I would like to at least see a td pass once from our first string before the season starts. Four preseason games and not once passing touchdown? I don't know HOW that is acceptable. The things that I was hoping to see out of Edwards in the preseason that were supposed to inspire for the year have instead brought doubt... being decisive in the pocket, being aggressive with his throws, getting a blasted touchdown... I just haven't seen it. I've been a supporter of the guy, but at some point he needs to give me a legitimate reason to keep doing so.

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trent's lost becuase he's a career backup teying to fill a starter's role. He ain't even as good as Fitz. His contract's up after this season.... you wanna pay him Manning money?


You're the leader of the bandwagon that jumps on and summarizes careers based on the last quarter of football you watch. Get a clue would you please?

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Every time somebody bangs this "Evans isn't a true #1 WR" drum, I am forced to point out that Evans' numbers through 5 seasons are on par with those posted by Andre Reed through 5 seasons. See for yourself:







Evans: 296 rec--4,744 yds--32 TDs

Reed: 317 rec--4,408 yds--31 TDs


Now unless anyone is going to try to sell me the idea that Andre Reed--twice a semi-finalist for the Pro Football HOF--wasn't a #1 WR, this argument about Evans is foolishness.



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Evans is good for a #2, but he is not a #1. Never has been, never will be. He's too one dimensional. Never over the middle, and does not need a double team.


Look at the INT last night in single coverage, no separation, and not aggressive enough for the ball.



Lee's route running was fine. Trent threw the ball late and with no velocity. Even the commentators pointed out the part about throwing it late.

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There is A LOT of blame to go around with this team, but I would not put it on Evans. He cannot throw the ball to himself people. Insert Evans into Indy's offense and watch Peyton Manning make him a bonafide star...


Ahem. You are right. It is not Lee Evans' fault that he gets totally shut down. He is not a #1 receiver. He gets double teamed and has no tools to defeat that. He is a one trick pony, and when you don't have a legitimate all-over-the-field threat across from him, he won't be at all effective. It also is not Trent's fault, as you just cannot throw the ball to a receiver who is as covered as you can possibly be. Without T.O. in the game, the Bills are doomed. Plain and simple.

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