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highly doubtful an employer would not hire an individual due to their lack of grammer on a buffalo bills chat forum.


You're missing the bigger picture Shnooks. Anyone who would chose to look like a silly 14-year-old by writing in such a format isn't going to be smart enough to turn it off when it counts. Like any skill, the ability to write properly deteriorates without practice. So it's no surprise when I see horrible writing all the time on cover letters and resumes. It's the first and easiest test to disqualify a candidate without having to waste time reading his whole resume.



Yes, this is a football board, but it's supposed to be a football board for adults.

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I just got back from the best sunset ride on an antique boat out in the eastern basin of Lake Ontario. It felt like being 14 again. Except I could spell back then, too.


What did I miss?


To your point, Buster - oh, no, quite to the contrary. I try hard to add to each thread, and not to indulge in the usual "You suck/No, you suck" garbage that this place has become. In fairness, you're correct - I tend to point out grammatical inconsistencies and errors...and, you know, outright $)*%ups. I don't see a problem with that. Why not? No, not because I'm a dick. It's because we're contributing on a forum that relies on the written word, and allows for unlimited sentence structure.


It's NOT Twitter, so our communication can extend beyond 140 characters.


It's NOT video, so we don't all have to look like Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie.


It's NOT radio, so I don't have to listen to someone's squeaky, mildly feminine tenor.


It IS a forum based upon use of the keyboard, and the English language. Why, in God's name, would you have a problem with doing it right?


And, no, I'm not an amateur English teacher. I've slept with a few. But I'd fail "beastly23", and condemn it to fast-food servicing for the remainder of its days, or until it could pass the English Regents exam with the phone turned off.


To the point of the original Neanderthalic post, I'm thrilled with Eric Wood thus far. I didn't get to catch this weekend's game. Did he pancake anyone? That's the afternoon for which I'm living - so long as it's Wilfork.


Since we're conducting English class, I minored in Journalism, so perhaps I can help you out:


- The sentence "I just got back from the best sunset ride on an antique boat out in the eastern basin of Lake Ontario" is an incomplete thought. There's something missing at the end. For example "...the best sunset ride of my life, on an antique boat out in the eastern basin of Lake Ontario" or "...a terrific sunset ride on an antique boat out in the eastern basin of Lake Ontario". Simply saying "...the best sunset ride on an antique boat out in the eastern basin of Lake Ontario" without a qualifier leaves the statement undefined. Is it the world's best sunset ride? The best sunset ride ever taken on an antique boat? The best sunset ride ever taken in the eastern basin of lake Ontario?


- "Except I could spell back then, too" is missing the word "that". It should read "Except that I could spell back then, too."


- "Sentence structure" is a characteristic, not a measurable quantity, and thus the word "unlimited" really doesn't apply. Perhaps you find the words "traditional" or "grammatically correct" more appropriate?


- The statement "I try hard to add to each thread, and not to indulge in the usual 'You suck/No, you suck' garbage that this place has become." is both misleading and written in the passive voice. I'm certian that you do not respond to every thread on the board, thus you cannot possibly try hard to add to "each thread". You probably meant "I try hard to add to each thread to which I respond", which I find acceptable. Also, proper English grammar does not include phrases like "has become", but rather the past-tense active statement "became".


- To end your sentance with "...doing it right." is ending a verb-based construct with an adjective. As I'm sure you know, this requires an adverb. I find "...doing it correctly." much more appropriate.


- Correct grammar does not allow conjunctions (and/but/or, etc.) at the beginning of sentences. To correctly phrase your two thoughts, you need to separate them. Try "I've slept with a few, but I'd fail..." in lieu of "I've slept with a few. But I'd fail...".


- You ended your sentence "...or until it could pass the English Regents exam with the phone turned off." with a preposition. A more correct form is "...or until it could pass the English Regents exam without the use of a phone."


Overall, I give this post no better than a C+ for grammar. You may choose to keep that in mind when correcting your students' papers.

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Your last two posts may be the most ridiculous things I've ever read. You are one of the problems with this board and why I along with many others choose not to read or interact on stadiumwall.



If Whites Bay is "one of the problems with this board" we have a damn good board. He is a consistently good poster, who knows his football and someone who has a sense of perspective. So he took the opportunity to school a relatively new poster, to let him/her know this isn't a "Sk8er Boi" forum. Good for him.


He was correct to do so, and that should have been the end of it. The thread got hijacked because some wanted to focus on the very level-headed reprimand.


This was NOT "someone spazzing out and getting on someon's [sic] a$$ about grammar, apostrophe...", which makes your reprimand of White's Bay the real issue here. Stop overreacting. This was a very simply matter, until people like you decided to make more of it than what it was.

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Since we're conducting English class, I minored in Journalism, so perhaps I can help you out:


- The sentence "I just got back from the best sunset ride on an antique boat out in the eastern basin of Lake Ontario" is an incomplete thought. There's something missing at the end. For example "...the best sunset ride of my life, on an antique boat out in the eastern basin of Lake Ontario" or "...a terrific sunset ride on an antique boat out in the eastern basin of Lake Ontario". Simply saying "...the best sunset ride on an antique boat out in the eastern basin of Lake Ontario" without a qualifier leaves the statement undefined. Is it the world's best sunset ride? The best sunset ride ever taken on an antique boat? The best sunset ride ever taken in the eastern basin of lake Ontario?


- "Except I could spell back then, too" is missing the word "that". It should read "Except that I could spell back then, too."


- "Sentence structure" is a characteristic, not a measurable quantity, and thus the word "unlimited" really doesn't apply. Perhaps you find the words "traditional" or "grammatically correct" more appropriate?


- The statement "I try hard to add to each thread, and not to indulge in the usual 'You suck/No, you suck' garbage that this place has become." is both misleading and written in the passive voice. I'm certian that you do not respond to every thread on the board, thus you cannot possibly try hard to add to "each thread". You probably meant "I try hard to add to each thread to which I respond", which I find acceptable. Also, proper English grammar does not include phrases like "has become", but rather the past-tense active statement "became".


- To end your sentance with "...doing it right." is ending a verb-based construct with an adjective. As I'm sure you know, this requires an adverb. I find "...doing it correctly." much more appropriate.


- Correct grammar does not allow conjunctions (and/but/or, etc.) at the beginning of sentences. To correctly phrase your two thoughts, you need to separate them. Try "I've slept with a few, but I'd fail..." in lieu of "I've slept with a few. But I'd fail...".


- You ended your sentence "...or until it could pass the English Regents exam with the phone turned off." with a preposition. A more correct form is "...or until it could pass the English Regents exam without the use of a phone."


Overall, I give this post no better than a C+ for grammar. You may choose to keep that in mind when correcting your students' papers.

So you're saying that Whites Bay, who thinks he could be your next employer, cannot pass an English Regents exam? :rolleyes::doh:

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If Whites Bay is "one of the problems with this board" we have a damn good board. He is a consistently good poster, who knows his football and someone who has a sense of perspective. So he took the opportunity to school a relatively new poster, to let him/her know this isn't a "Sk8er Boi" forum. Good for him.


He was correct to do so, and that should have been the end of it. The thread got hijacked because some wanted to focus on the very level-headed reprimand.


This was NOT "someone spazzing out and getting on someon's [sic] a$$ about grammar, apostrophe...", which makes your reprimand of White's Bay the real issue here. Stop overreacting. This was a very simply matter, until people like you decided to make more of it than what it was.


I'm as adamant as anyone about the correct use of the language, Dean, but shouldn't we focus more on content than anything else here?


An assault on beastly comprising the first reaction to this thread (which really wasn't all that poorly written) is--in my mind--extremely poor form.

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Yes, he does show promise.


More than your syntax. Learn to spell ("you" versus "u"). This isn't your cell phone. You can complete words on this forum. It's okay....try it! The shift key is over by the left or right thumb. It makes letters get real big. It works very well when you type the "i" key, particularly when it relates to.....you know.....YOU. As in "I". See how that works? Apostrophes CAN be a problem. "hes" should perhaps have read "he's", but dropping that little dash in there DID indeed tire me out a little bit, so I can understand how you might have worn down by the end of the fourth sentence.


In any case, great post!


This guy cant be serious. This is a football forum......we aren't typing papers in here...... :rolleyes:

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Since we're trying to improve the educational/career value of our site, I thought I would add the following from Wickipedia:


"Douchebag, or simply douche, is considered to be a pejorative term in North America, the United Kingdom and some other English speaking countries. In some English speaking countries the term is not well known. The slang usage of the term dates back to the 1960s.[6] The term implies a variety of negative qualities, specifically arrogance and engaging in obnoxious and/or irritating actions without malicious intent. It is generally used for males only."




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I'm as adamant as anyone about the correct use of the language, Dean, but shouldn't we focus more on content than anything else here?


An assault on beastly comprising the first reaction to this thread (which really wasn't all that poorly written) is--in my mind--extremely poor form.



He responded to the poster's question first. Then simply let him know we don't really use texting language on posts, here at TSW. Yes maybe he shouldn't have included the apostrophe and capitalization stuff, but c'mon. What's the big deal. It actually made the little rebuke enjoyable to read, IMO. It wasn't some long diatribe and, again, he did address the intent of the post, first. I think most of the reactions to his post are far worse than his initial reaction to the OP.

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You also don't have to be pretentious and arrogant about the matter, either. If it were between a person who speaks or types in slang that is nice versus someone who can master the English language but who is arrogant, I'd take the former EVERY SINGLE TIME.


This board is about football, not about English.


:rolleyes::doh: well said


BTW, I am from Bmore too

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I'm as adamant as anyone about the correct use of the language,


This is a good one for the cliché thread: "I'm as _________ as anyone on the topic of _________",


And in this case, it is quite clear that you are not as adamant about correct use of language as anyone. Otherwise you wouldn't be questioning the guy who was in fact correcting the language of the original poster!

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Are you suggesting that Bills' fandom should be limited to illiterate, knuckle dragging, uncultured simpletons?


Not in the least! I do however , think it is stupid to go off in a tirade over something so miniscule. I really don't think the original poster thought his simple post would be disected and ridiculed by some loafer wearing a**hole. Why couldn't he offer his insight on the subject of the post in as much depth as he did on the writers use of English?


Look, I've traveled the world and I'm educated..blah blah blah...Im not suggesting any Bills fans to be anything other than what they are individually. It just pisses me off to see someone berated for making a post using less than perfect English. Its so lame.



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I just got back from the best sunset ride on an antique boat out in the eastern basin of Lake Ontario. It felt like being 14 again. Except I could spell back then, too.


What did I miss?


To your point, Buster - oh, no, quite to the contrary. I try hard to add to each thread, and not to indulge in the usual "You suck/No, you suck" garbage that this place has become. In fairness, you're correct - I tend to point out grammatical inconsistencies and errors...and, you know, outright $)*%ups. I don't see a problem with that. Why not? No, not because I'm a dick. It's because we're contributing on a forum that relies on the written word, and allows for unlimited sentence structure.


It's NOT Twitter, so our communication can extend beyond 140 characters.


It's NOT video, so we don't all have to look like Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie.


It's NOT radio, so I don't have to listen to someone's squeaky, mildly feminine tenor.


It IS a forum based upon use of the keyboard, and the English language. Why, in God's name, would you have a problem with doing it right?


And, no, I'm not an amateur English teacher. I've slept with a few. But I'd fail "beastly23", and condemn it to fast-food servicing for the remainder of its days, or until it could pass the English Regents exam with the phone turned off.


To the point of the original Neanderthalic post, I'm thrilled with Eric Wood thus far. I didn't get to catch this weekend's game. Did he pancake anyone? That's the afternoon for which I'm living - so long as it's Wilfork.


If you and the rest of your "English Faculty" truly wanted to help those of us who cannot properly speak/type the English language properly. Why not consider sending private messages? Why attempt to embarass people in a public forum if your TRUE intent was to "help". I am sure it would be much more appreciated and it would help to keep the thread on topic.

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This is a good one for the cliché thread: "I'm as _________ as anyone on the topic of _________",


And in this case, it is quite clear that you are not as adamant about correct use of language as anyone. Otherwise you wouldn't be questioning the guy who was in fact correcting the language of the original poster!

Careful - I could be your next employer. Anyone on this board could. :rolleyes:

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Not in the least! I do however , think it is stupid to go off in a tirade over something so miniscule. I really don't think the original poster thought his simple post would be disected and ridiculed by some loafer wearing a**hole. Why couldn't he offer his insight on the subject of the post in as much depth as he did on the writers use of English?



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Since we're conducting English class, I minored in Journalism, so perhaps I can help you out:


- The sentence "I just got back from the best sunset ride on an antique boat out in the eastern basin of Lake Ontario" is an incomplete thought. There's something missing at the end. For example "...the best sunset ride of my life, on an antique boat out in the eastern basin of Lake Ontario" or "...a terrific sunset ride on an antique boat out in the eastern basin of Lake Ontario". Simply saying "...the best sunset ride on an antique boat out in the eastern basin of Lake Ontario" without a qualifier leaves the statement undefined. Is it the world's best sunset ride? The best sunset ride ever taken on an antique boat? The best sunset ride ever taken in the eastern basin of lake Ontario?


- "Except I could spell back then, too" is missing the word "that". It should read "Except that I could spell back then, too."


- "Sentence structure" is a characteristic, not a measurable quantity, and thus the word "unlimited" really doesn't apply. Perhaps you find the words "traditional" or "grammatically correct" more appropriate?


- The statement "I try hard to add to each thread, and not to indulge in the usual 'You suck/No, you suck' garbage that this place has become." is both misleading and written in the passive voice. I'm certian that you do not respond to every thread on the board, thus you cannot possibly try hard to add to "each thread". You probably meant "I try hard to add to each thread to which I respond", which I find acceptable. Also, proper English grammar does not include phrases like "has become", but rather the past-tense active statement "became".


- To end your sentance with "...doing it right." is ending a verb-based construct with an adjective. As I'm sure you know, this requires an adverb. I find "...doing it correctly." much more appropriate.


- Correct grammar does not allow conjunctions (and/but/or, etc.) at the beginning of sentences. To correctly phrase your two thoughts, you need to separate them. Try "I've slept with a few, but I'd fail..." in lieu of "I've slept with a few. But I'd fail...".


- You ended your sentence "...or until it could pass the English Regents exam with the phone turned off." with a preposition. A more correct form is "...or until it could pass the English Regents exam without the use of a phone."


Overall, I give this post no better than a C+ for grammar. You may choose to keep that in mind when correcting your students' papers.


Wow, you are good. Way to put that guy in his place. :rolleyes: It also proves the point that we should just talk about football. I really don't care how people type on here as long as we can understand each other.

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Wow, you are good. Way to put that guy in his place. :rolleyes: It also proves the point that we should just talk about football. I really don't care how people type on here as long as we can understand each other.



And that's the point. Some semblance of proper English (not perfect punctuation) is very helpful in the "understanding" process. Intelligent adult Bills fans shouldn't have to decipher ridiculous text-code on this message board.

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And that's the point. Some semblance of proper English (not perfect punctuation) is very helpful in the "understanding" process. Intelligent adult Bills fans shouldn't have to decipher ridiculous text-code on this message board.


I can understand that, but did anyone have an issue with understanding 4 and u?

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I can understand that, but did anyone have an issue with understanding 4 and u?



Perhaps not, but it sets a bad precedent. And it demonstrates the OP may not know this isn't a board where we post in text-type. He is a relative newbie, after all. Train em when they're young. That's my philosophy.

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FWIW, (am I allowed to use that shorthand?) I think the original poster has a fair point. I do not agree with The Dean that the criticism was "level" by any means. Regardless whether Whites Bay is a good poster or not, I found his response to extremely douchy and I'm not surprised by the reaction of some of the posters.


With that said, I would like to think we are "a cut above" the average football forum and we do cater to more adult fans than other sites. Striving to increase the quality of the posts is a good thing, but I think Whites Bay went about it the wrong way. I think the OP was friendly enough to deserve a little better treatment than what he received from many of the replies. A simple "FYI" about the community make-up and what does/doesn't go over well in this particular forum probably would have been sufficient to make his point.


That's just my opinion though...

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FWIW, (am I allowed to use that shorthand?) I think the original poster has a fair point. I do not agree with The Dean that the criticism was "level" by any means. Regardless if Whites Bay is a good poster or not, I found his response to extremely douchy and I'm not surprised by the reaction of some of the posters.


With that said, I would like to think we are "a cut above" the average football forum and we do cater to more adult fans than other sites. Striving to increase the quality of the posts is a good thing, but I think Whites Bay went about it the wrong way. I think the OP was friendly enough to deserve a little better treatment than what he received from many of the replies. A simple "FYI" about the community make-up and what does/doesn't go over well in this particular forum probably would have been sufficient to make his point.


That's just my opinion though...



WTF do you know? :rolleyes:


Good points, Fearless Leader. Maybe White's was a little bit too strong (and could have gone about it a better way) but I still think the responses to him are the ones that went way too far and sidetracked the discussion.


Just my opinion.

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