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WTF do you know? :rolleyes:


Good points, Fearless Leader. Maybe White's was a little bit too strong (and could have gone about it a better way) but I still think the responses to him are the ones that went way too far and sidetracked the discussion.


Just my opinion.


I thought his post was unnecessarily demeaning. It's not like the OP came in with a bad attitude and starting spouting off useless garbage and deserved to be put in his place. He was friendly, polite and looking to talk about the game. Instead, he was met with condescension and ridicule. I would be put off too.


I think the advice could have been given with a friendly pat on the back and not a boot to the head.

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I thought his post was unnecessarily demeaning. It's not like the OP came in with a bad attitude and starting spouting off useless garbage and deserved to be put in his place. He was friendly, polite and looking to talk about the game. Instead, he was met with condescension and ridicule. I would be put off too.


I think the advice could have been given with a friendly pat on the back and not a boot to the head.



And that reaction (yours) to White's would have been better than the overreactions that occurred, IMO.

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If Whites Bay is "one of the problems with this board" we have a damn good board. He is a consistently good poster, who knows his football and someone who has a sense of perspective. So he took the opportunity to school a relatively new poster, to let him/her know this isn't a "Sk8er Boi" forum. Good for him.


He was correct to do so, and that should have been the end of it. The thread got hijacked because some wanted to focus on the very level-headed reprimand.


This was NOT "someone spazzing out and getting on someon's [sic] a$$ about grammar, apostrophe...", which makes your reprimand of White's Bay the real issue here. Stop overreacting. This was a very simply matter, until people like you decided to make more of it than what it was.



I'd say if you read his two posts in the flow of the conversation (not independently) as I was, I would classify that as 'spazzing out' with the reprimanding "neanderthalic....why in god's name...this is NOT...this is NOT...etc etc". The issue is dead, but if more of us put the patronizers in place, maybe the board would be a little more enjoyable. I still believe questioning one's intelligence level on a football board is pretty ridiculous...

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