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John Madden's lost it. And other MNF thoughts


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Madden said after a Colts penalty, "People think a discipline problem is a guy with long hair, but bad penalties like this are the real discipline problem." No crap, Sherlock. Does he think everyone's an idiot?

Also, The Vikings need to learn a lesson in clock management. That possession b4 the half ended reminded me of Gregg Williams' days. :w00t:

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someone should make a website that contains a ton of john madden quotes.

that would be hilarious



I'll bet there already is. There's quotes out there from every other moron around.

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Edgerian James said his biggest fear is going broke...



LOL, he shouldn't have to worry about that. He's been hangin' with Ricky Williams and the weed too much. Edge will get a nice contact after the year, whether it's in Indy or not.

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Here are some good ones:


"It's kind of hard to keep your head from being lopsided if you have half of the field in your helmet".


"When you lose your best cornerback and your punt returner, I'd say that's a double loss".


Winning is a great deoderant.


You never want to go backwards in the end zone.


Of course, if he had had control of the ball when he hit the ground, then it would have been a complete pass.


Coaches have to watch for what they don't want to see and listen to what they don't want to hear.


Self-praise is for losers. Be a winner. Stand for something. Always have class, and be humble.


The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer rules there are for players to break.


The only yardstick for success our society has is being a champion. No one remembers anything else.


The road to Easy Street goes through the sewer.


With all his tumid boasts, he's like the sword-fish, who only wears his weapon in his mouth.

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<in my best chris berman voice>dwight freeney-where is he from?





He may have grown up in CT, but Berman & crew always highlight the college.





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