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John Holdren, anyone?

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BFD, the DailyKos is just as bad, but you don't see me citing articles from that hack of a site. If you ever do, please feel free to call me a lemming and assume that I have lost all objectivity. I'm sure you would have to stand in line to do so around here.


So they lied about the guy whose ideas you called extreme?

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BFD, the DailyKos is just as bad, but you don't see me citing articles from that hack of a site. If you ever do, please feel free to call me a lemming and assume that I have lost all objectivity. I'm sure you would have to stand in line to do so around here.

While I don't see you citing articles from someone like DailyKos, I see the most powerful man in the world has them on speed dial and is in such deep schiit over trying to force a health care bill he hasn't even read down the throats of America, that he actually NEEDS DailyKos to get his message out, regardless of the other messages that "hack of a site" also delivers.


So I guess it's safe to say that DailyKos and its ilk are no longer jackass websites, but rather credible vessels for delivering the message of the POTUS.

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So what exactly are you objecting to and what is your alternate solution to problem introduced by the hypothetical?


Problem is, the hypothetical was wrong. There's not a problem with overpopulation, the whole hysteria revolving around it was, in the 1960s and 1970s, equivalent to what the global warming hysteria is like today. The "science" was flawed and to even recommend such a "solution" to a non-existent problem was kind of like using a mortar to kill an imaginary cockroach.

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While I don't see you citing articles from someone like DailyKos, I see the most powerful man in the world has them on speed dial and is in such deep schiit over trying to force a health care bill he hasn't even read down the throats of America, that he actually NEEDS DailyKos to get his message out, regardless of the other messages that "hack of a site" also delivers.


So I guess it's safe to say that DailyKos and its ilk are no longer jackass websites, but rather credible vessels for delivering the message of the POTUS.




Thank God someone else besides me understands this.

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While I don't see you citing articles from someone like DailyKos, I see the most powerful man in the world has them on speed dial and is in such deep schiit over trying to force a health care bill he hasn't even read down the throats of America, that he actually NEEDS DailyKos to get his message out, regardless of the other messages that "hack of a site" also delivers.


So I guess it's safe to say that DailyKos and its ilk are no longer jackass websites, but rather credible vessels for delivering the message of the POTUS.

Stop changing the subject. I don't give a schitt about the DailyKos or its pro-Obama stance because they are not even a somewhat credible or unbiased news source. Your rant is completely off topic.

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Problem is, the hypothetical was wrong. There's not a problem with overpopulation, the whole hysteria revolving around it was, in the 1960s and 1970s, equivalent to what the global warming hysteria is like today. The "science" was flawed and to even recommend such a "solution" to a non-existent problem was kind of like using a mortar to kill an imaginary cockroach.

Right, overpopulation will never be a problem. China is actually running campaigns asking its peasants to have more children, particularly baby girls. At least 3 per family.


Also, a A hypothetical is not a prediction. Your bashing of research based on your absolute claim that over-population can never be an issue speaks to your uncritical way of thinking. Why do you care? Because you heard the word abortion?

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Right, overpopulation will never be a problem. China is actually running campaigns asking its peasants to have more children, particularly baby girls. At least 3 per family.


Also, a A hypothetical is not a prediction. Your bashing of research based on your absolute claim that over-population can never be an issue speaks to your uncritical way of thinking. Why do you care? Because you heard the word abortion?


How many children are aborted in China due to their gender? And for what purpose? Because a totalitarian socialist government decided "overpopulation" was holding back on material prosperity. That's the kind of thinking going through this guy's head and NOW he's an unaccountable government "czar." Yay us!

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Ok, it sounds extreme. It also sounds like more of a thought experiment than anything else. The obvious reaction is to cast stones. The more interesting discussion involves performing the thought experiment yourself. What methods do you think would be necessary to control a runaway population count? Is it somehow more ethical to let some of the population starve to death for lack of food? Seriously, if you had to find a solution to the problem, what methods would you employ? Or don't - it's far easier to spin something like this for the sake of partisan rhetoric.


I'd love to see where this ends up. I'd imagine that in the extreme case, you'd end up with something similar - something forced.


Soylent Green

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Stop changing the subject. I don't give a schitt about the DailyKos or its pro-Obama stance because they are not even a somewhat credible or unbiased news source. Your rant is completely off topic.

I'm really not changing the subject. Rather I'm debating the value of "jackass" bloggers. Until recently, I would have agreed with you that any opinionated idiot with a website is just another idiot with a website and an unfounded opinion, and in no way should be considered a credible source for anything. The president sees it differently. He sees them as messengers; as credible writers whose input is vital to advancing America. Did you ever think you'd see the president getting on the phone with DailyKos? Of course not, and yet here we are. So you must now concede that these sites provide credible and valuable information, as has been proven by them having a direct line to the Oval Office.

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I'm really not changing the subject. Rather I'm debating the value of "jackass" bloggers. Until recently, I would have agreed with you that any opinionated idiot with a website is just another idiot with a website and an unfounded opinion, and in no way should be considered a credible source for anything. The president sees it differently. He sees them as messengers; as credible writers whose input is vital to advancing America. Did you ever think you'd see the president getting on the phone with DailyKos? Of course not, and yet here we are. So you must now concede that these sites provide credible and valuable information, as has been proven by them having a direct line to the Oval Office.

I agree with you. I think that whatever relationship is there is a bad thing. I also think that you're deliberately blowing the connection out of proportion. It reminds me of stories of members of the Bush administration allegedly insisting that Fox News be on the boob tube at all times. But we were talking about whether or not the new Science Czar is an 'ultra-abortionist' monster because of an extreme contingency paper/book/study that he authored.

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How many children are aborted in China due to their gender? And for what purpose? Because a totalitarian socialist government decided "overpopulation" was holding back on material prosperity. That's the kind of thinking going through this guy's head and NOW he's an unaccountable government "czar." Yay us!

"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."

-Albert Einstein

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"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."

-Albert Einstein


Einstein was a horrible philosopher. The true sign of intelligence is knowing truth, acting in accordance with it with prudence. Perspicacity is a better measure of intelligence than imagination. The imagination is linked to memory and sentience, not ideas.


But go ahead, quote a scientist on philosophy. Maybe I should quote great philosophers on science.

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Einstein was a horrible philosopher. The true sign of intelligence is knowing truth, acting in accordance with it with prudence. Perspicacity is a better measure of intelligence than imagination. The imagination is linked to memory and sentience, not ideas.


But go ahead, quote a scientist on philosophy. Maybe I should quote great philosophers on science.


The truest sign of intelligence is ignoring your nonsense.

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"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."

-Albert Einstein

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

-Albert Einstein


Given that, and your clear endorsement of Einstein's ability as a philosopher, please explain: the imminent failure of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, basing "new health care" on any of the above, socialized medicine in general, socialized programs in general, the Post Office, the DMV, and why you haven't learned anything from either the blatant failure of, or the forced mediocrity of, socialism in general throughout the entire history of the world.


Go ahead and talk about Cuba(still laughing at the "Everybody gets a new pot" economic plan...at least now they have something to piss in). :thumbsup: And, don't tell me it's because we haven't gotten to Communism yet. :lol::oops:

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“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

-Albert Einstein


Given that, and your clear endorsement of Einstein's ability as a philosopher, please explain: the imminent failure of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, basing "new health care" on any of the above, socialized medicine in general, socialized programs in general, the Post Office, the DMV, and why you haven't learned anything from either the blatant failure of, or the forced mediocrity of, socialism in general throughout the entire history of the world.


Go ahead and talk about Cuba(still laughing at the "Everybody gets a new pot" economic plan...at least now they have something to piss in). :beer: And, don't tell me it's because we haven't gotten to Communism yet. :beer::beer:

I might be insane for continually reading your posts and expecting them to be relevant or make sense.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I might be insane for continually reading your posts and expecting them to be relevant or make sense.

Yes....this is all you can do...punt. You thinking of trying to take over Moorman's job? You can't defend a single thing that you say, and you try to make it about me instead.


Buddy, you are weak intellectually. Time to face that. Calling me names without explaining why, or talking about process instead of content, merely makes you look like a fool. Defend your position or get off this part of the board and stop wasting our time.

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Yes....this is all you can do...punt. You thinking of trying to take over Moorman's job? You can't defend a single thing that you say, and you try to make it about me instead.


Buddy, you are weak intellectually. Time to face that. Calling me names without explaining why, or talking about process instead of content, merely makes you look like a fool. Defend your position or get off this part of the board and stop wasting our time.


There is no cogent defense of his position. Holdren is a radical. Obama is a radical. These points aren't even up for debate, unless you've alreay had a good long sip of the Kool-Aid.

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“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

-Albert Einstein


Given that, and your clear endorsement of Einstein's ability as a philosopher, please explain: the imminent failure of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, basing "new health care" on any of the above, socialized medicine in general, socialized programs in general, the Post Office, the DMV, and why you haven't learned anything from either the blatant failure of, or the forced mediocrity of, socialism in general throughout the entire history of the world.


Go ahead and talk about Cuba(still laughing at the "Everybody gets a new pot" economic plan...at least now they have something to piss in). :beer: And, don't tell me it's because we haven't gotten to Communism yet. :rolleyes:B-)


Did you just call the Post Office socialist?




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