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Question for California folks:

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Some argue that drug prohibition has done more to harm our country than alcohol prohibition 70 years ago.


The DEA spends billions of dollars a year investigating, prosecuting, and arresting marijuana growers and distribution centers. Meanwhile, their budgets go up every year, supported by tax payer dollars, and nonviolent criminals flood the already cramped U.S. prison system also on the brink of collapse, yet again made possible by taxpayer dollars.


This is why I fail to understand why fiscal conservatives are so against marijuana legislation reform. If their biggest issue is government waste and corruption, over spending, over taxing their support base, then why wouldn't they want a means to instantly bolster all tax revenue coffers with the ridiculous taxes they could charge on say, $100/8th of an ounce of marijuana? Or even higher? It would certainly help California's budget crisis. Prisons would actually be filled with violent criminals deserving of incarceration.


Sure, smoking reefer corrupts the youth, kills brain cells, encourages fast food sales, music listening, a lot of terrible societal issues. Ever hear of anyone high on marijuana commit any violent crime? There's a tremendously negative image associated with pot users, and some of it is valid. We're lazy, uneducated, out of shape, and have little to offer in life. Well, I smoke pot, maintain a 3.7 gpa, work full time, have 0 credit card debt, exercise daily. You wanna chastise or demonize responsible marijuana users? Ok, go ahead and burn any book written by Huxley, Louis Carrol, Jack Kerouac, Hunter S. Thompson, Ray Bradbury, throw out all your Beatles, Rolling Stones, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Theolonius Monk, albums. Obviously, all these artists have nothing to say either. In fact, lets destroy all culture then the social conservatives will have nothing to complain about.

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In a study of 100 young girls it was determined that smoking marijuana doubled the chance of her turning into a crack whore. Is that what you want for your daughter? Hmm?


Also consider this, while marijuana may indeed not be very harmful in and of itself, many fine police officers, DEA agents, and FBI agents have lost their lives against hardened criminals selling this illegal drug.


It is also a Gateway drug. Sure it is not very addictive, but since it is illegal people, consort with these criminals who sell other more dangerous drugs.


If you can't see how dangerous it is with these simple facts, I feel you are lost cause.


Ok to be honest, only the first one was made up. The rest are real objections to marijuana.






Lots of agents died during Prohibition too. It's your choice to smoke pot, but if it were legal, it could be taxed, regulated, distributed, shipped, and traded legally. Legalizing something dries up the illegal market real quick. Legal Pot=zero crime related to illegal marijuana trade.

Exactly, you don't hear of people getting killed in a Marlboro Light or Budweiser deals gone bad......that's because its legal. All you have to do is look at prohibition and look at how heavily involved organized crime was in the underground booze rings. Legalize it.......no more crime. Not to mention its way safer than Alcohol IMO.

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Exactly, you don't hear of people getting killed in a Marlboro Light or Budweiser deals gone bad......that's because its legal. All you have to do is look at prohibition and look at how heavily involved organized crime was in the underground booze rings. Legalize it.......no more crime. Not to mention its way safer than Alcohol IMO.


Way safer? Perhaps. I encourage people to have somebody film them under the influence. Then view same and explain to others how insightful and lucid and capable they are. Try it! :thumbsup:


Well...you need to take another look at Prohibition. We all know about the gang activity. It's a Hollywood favorite, and well-pounded into people's heads as an immutable truth.


Almost never mentioned, is the fact that the "mundane" crimes, violence, indeed dropped off. Petty thefts. The person getting tanked up, going home and at best being a nasty loudmouth and at worst slaying his wife or kids - that diminished. A lot.


People, who liked to take a drink or several, but also abided by the law, stopped their swilling. They kept their jobs, they cleaned up their domestic act.


Cigs? This crap about cigs "costing" society is just that. A big lie.


Smokers die younger - and quicker. They seldom linger and run up the costs. Yet, you see this Obama Administration and his slavish Congress imposing a giant increase in Fed cig tax...of course regressive on their "poor", ones that they love to have go and vote for them.


In OH, cig tax is the 4th largest source of revenue. If they were concerned about anyone's health - same as all states or the Feds, they would make cigs illegal...guess why they don't... :unsure:


So add pot to the mix. Nice... <_<





Here's advice for business owners - an easy way to improve attendance and build good employees:


Pay on Monday, not Friday. Monday pay gets saved, discussed, not blown on weekend yucks. If you want to party next weekend, you have to hang on to the cash, pay your bills first, and maintain your family's welfare.


And think about this, worker - how your life might change if that check came on a Monday...


And btw remember - it's very easy to increase the total of human happiness. Words of encouragement. Small things. Little acts of kindness. Gestures of love. It's so easy.

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