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Stallworth had tested positive for pot after his murderous drive...

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Little smoke / little drink / little murder, 30 days in jail. What a F-in joke.

Skooby I usually give you the benefit of doubt and like your post. You are so far out of line on this one it is not even funny. Mr. Reyes caused his own death and Donte Stallworth did not murder him. His haveing alcohol in his system has almost no bearing on the outcome . This is why he got a light sentence. The prosecution had to prove that his driveing drunk was the cause of the accident and they could not. I have seen so many people get killed while jay walking it is not even funny. Jay walking is a crime for a reason because it kills people. You have obviously never seen what Jay walking does to people I have. You using words like murder is a F-in joke. Educate yourself on reallity before you start with your obviously uninfored opinion. I freakin hate drunk drivers, I have taken care of so many of there victims. Your lynch mob mentality is pretty pathetic also though. Grow up and become an adult, learn to think before you speak it is free you know.

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Skooby I usually give you the benefit of doubt and like your post. You are so far out of line on this one it is not even funny. Mr. Reyes caused his own death and Donte Stallworth did not murder him. His haveing alcohol in his system has almost no bearing on the outcome . This is why he got a light sentence. The prosecution had to prove that his driveing drunk was the cause of the accident and they could not. I have seen so many people get killed while jay walking it is not even funny. Jay walking is a crime for a reason because it kills people. You have obviously never seen what Jay walking does to people I have. You using words like murder is a F-in joke. Educate yourself on reallity before you start with your obviously uninfomred opinion. I freakin hate drunk drivers, I have taken care of so many of there victims. Your lynch mob mentality is pretty pathetic also though. Grow up and become an adult, learn to think before you speak it is free you know.

Stallworth was VERY lucky there was a video camera that caught the whole thing. Otherwise, he could have gone away for a very long time for something that was mostly if at all not his fault. BUT, this should be a lesson to everyone regarding drinking and driving. Even an accident that was unavoidable or not your fault will suddenly become your fault if you are even a smidge over the legal limit.


It was a very admirable thing that Stallworth took responsibility, compensated the guy's family and saved the taxpayers a lot of money. He could have very easily fought this all the way and perhaps won both criminally and civilly in court. I can only imagine how Stallworth feels, wondering if he had been completely sober could he have avoided hitting the guy, even if the guy pulled the boner of his life by running out in front of a car without looking first.


So notwithstanding this shining example of a man taking responsible for something that may very well have been unavoidable anyway, and you still have holier-than-though buttholes who are going to take a shot because they think they have the right to pass judgment on others (regardless of their lack of direct knowledge of the situation), and even though but by the grace of God go they. This could have happened to anybody who's been out, had a few (and perhaps even just one too many) and some guy pulls something like that. But because you blow just over the limit, it doesn't matter that even sober you couldn't have avoided the accident.


But hey Skoob, if taking shots and judging others makes you feel better about your pathetic self, who am I to tell you not to. You're the one who comes off like the arrogant, self-righteous turd. :thumbsup:

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...I can only imagine how Stallworth feels, wondering if he had been completely sober could he have avoided hitting the guy...


...and he should feel pretty damn bad about that, too! Standing up and accepting his fault means Donte Stallworth has morals and humanity. Good for him. But if he is such a hero, why was he drinking, smoking pot and driving? If he wasn't so stuipid and rich, he would have called a limo and had himself taken to wherever the hell he needed to go drunk and high. (And so what if he smoked that pot 27 freakin' days ago, isn't that still illegal? Oh wait, nobody cares about that, and some think it should be legalized anyway. OK, fine. Then isn't smoking pot breaking the collective bargaining agreement of the NFL anti-drug policy?} Yes sir, that Donte Stallworth is someone to look up to, that's for sure.


If I were Roger Goodell, and Stallworth pleaded guilty to this crime bargained down to just 30 days in jail, I would wish Mr. Stallworth a successful career as a motivational speaker for inner city youths aross America, because even just one day behind bars would mean never having the privlege to play another game in the NFL :thumbsup:.

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...and he should feel pretty damn bad about that, too! Standing up and accepting his fault means Donte Stallworth has morals and humanity. Good for him. But if he is such a hero, why was he drinking, smoking pot and driving? If he wasn't so stuipid and rich, he would have called a limo and had himself taken to wherever the hell he needed to go drunk and high. (And so what if he smoked that pot 27 freakin' days ago, isn't that still illegal? Oh wait, nobody cares about that, and some think it should be legalized anyway. OK, fine. Then isn't smoking pot breaking the collective bargaining agreement of the NFL anti-drug policy?} Yes sir, that Donte Stallworth is someone to look up to, that's for sure.


If I were Roger Goodell, and Stallworth pleaded guilty to this crime bargained down to just 30 days in jail, I would wish Mr. Stallworth a successful career as a motivational speaker for inner city youths aross America, because even just one day behind bars would mean never having the privlege to play another game in the NFL :thumbsup:.


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I realize it won't matter to some of the people weighing in here, but for the sake of an informed discussion with all the facts, it must be noted that Stallworth did not receive only 30 days in jail.


FWIW, he was also sentenced to two years of house arrest, eight years on probation, 1,000 hours of community service and a lifetime driver's license suspension that could be eased after five years.


And of course he will be suspended meaning that he will lose millions of dollars. Also he is to give the Reyes family a seven figure payment, and of course he will have to live with the knowledge that he hit and killed a pedestrian.


My point? Everyone on this thread is talking about 30 days in jail. That was only a part of his sentence/punishment.

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I realize it won't matter to some of the people weighing in here, but for the sake of an informed discussion with all the facts, it must be noted that Stallworth did not receive only 30 days in jail.


FWIW, he was also sentenced to two years of house arrest, eight years on probation, 1,000 hours of community service and a lifetime driver's license suspension that could be eased after five years.


And of course he will be suspended meaning that he will lose millions of dollars. Also he is to give the Reyes family a seven figure payment, and of course he will have to live with the knowledge that he hit and killed a pedestrian.


My point? Everyone on this thread is talking about 30 days in jail. That was only a part of his sentence/punishment.

That part isn't true. Stallworth had a $5 million umbrella insurance policy.

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Little smoke / little drink / little murder, 30 days in jail. What a F-in joke.


Dear complete retard,


Have you actually read any of the articles pertaining to this subject or are you just sticking to the headlines? If you had then you would know that it wouldn't have mattered if Stalworth was sober, the pedestrian walked out in front of him. Stalworth's intoxication did not contribute to the death of the victim.


Please stop posting here immediately.




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are you refering to your posts?


Mostly to people who ever nothing new or on their own but haunt others putting it our there. It's like those little fish that follow the bigger one's eating what falls off their mouths.

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