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Happiness is.............

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Oh... And if happiness is partly inherited... Doesn't this open up a whole can of worms with regards to other issues (and for the slow: I mean the whole gay-straight issue)? :w00t::thumbsup:


Happiness is a complex thing. Past studies have found that happiness is partly inherited, that Republicans are happier than Democrats, and that old men tend to be happier than old women.

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In french we have an other expression "Heureux les simples d'esprit" (translation being something like "happy the simple minds")




Oh... And for the life of me, happiness is not in any way inherited. If republicans really believe this crap, they are killing themselves on every issue that most stand for.


Edit: Empowerment brings a certain amount of happiness... And old white, republican males tend to have more empowerment.

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No real surprise here. It stands to reason that people who take responsibility for their own happiness surely will find it a lot faster than those who rely on the government to provide an outlay of happiness based on their income. I suspect it won't take too much time before the current administration starts realizing that certain people have too much happiness and should give up some of their happiness to those who rely on the government for everything.

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Yeah, believing in God, morals, personal responsibility, culture, principles, and hard-work is a recipe for disaster.


Oh wait, we are trying the opposite now... how's it working?


Those evil ol'whiteys sure don't understand the values of tolerance, denying principles and objectivity.


Then I remembered the famous line of Aristotle: "Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying civilization."

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Yeah, believing in God, morals, personal responsibility, culture, principles, and hard-work is a recipe for disaster.


Oh wait, we are trying the opposite now... how's it working?


Those evil ol'whiteys sure don't understand the values of tolerance, denying principles and objectivity.


Then I remembered the famous line of Aristotle: "Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying civilization."

Having a three-year-old's absolute bipolar clarity of what is right and what wrong makes it easy to believe that one is holier than the disgusting masses.

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Having a three-year-old's absolute bipolar clarity of what is right and what wrong makes it easy to believe that one is holier than the disgusting masses.



:w00t: As loathsome a poster as I may or may not think you are, credit where due: that was friggin' awesome.

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Then I remembered the famous line of Aristotle: "Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying civilization."


Couple of questions:


1. What is your definition of tolerance?

2. Why is this quote a favorite of the right-wing?

3. How come extremists on both sides believe quotes as gospel that cannot be credibly verified anywhere?

4. How can we get you to be the face of the Republican Party?

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Yeah, believing in God, morals, personal responsibility, culture, principles, and hard-work is a recipe for disaster.


Oh wait, we are trying the opposite now... how's it working?


Those evil ol'whiteys sure don't understand the values of tolerance, denying principles and objectivity.


Then I remembered the famous line of Aristotle: "Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying civilization."


No no no, they are happy because they believe Democrats and Liberals are dumb uneducated fools.


Believing in God, morals, personal responsibility, culture, principles, and hard-work is a recipe for Republicans ONLY!!!

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See #3.


I saw #3. It should be "How come extremists on both sides believe quotes as gospel that are flat-out fictitious?"


BTW...my "loathsome" crack earlier...I confused you with Frenkle. My apologies. You're merely irritating. :w00t:

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I saw #3. It should be "How come extremists on both sides believe quotes as gospel that are flat-out fictitious?"


BTW...my "loathsome" crack earlier...I confused you with Frenkle. My apologies. You're merely irritating. :devil:


Um, thanks. I'm choked up . . .

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Yeah, believing in God, morals, personal responsibility, culture, principles, and hard-work is a recipe for disaster.


Oh wait, we are trying the opposite now... how's it working?


Those evil ol'whiteys sure don't understand the values of tolerance, denying principles and objectivity.


Then I remembered the famous line of Aristotle: "Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying civilization."


yeah Tolerance is bad!! :devil:

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No no no, they are happy because they believe Democrats and Liberals are dumb uneducated fools.


Believing in God, morals, personal responsibility, culture, principles, and hard-work is a recipe for Republicans ONLY!!!


i'm perfectly happy and don't believe in God and principles, will i survive doctor?

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