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Was Rhodes signed because ML is 1 mistake away from a 1 year suspensio

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I like him as a football player...attitude-wise. I am replying to a thread that was started that asked if the Bills are CYA with Rhodes and a long term deal with Jackson because Marshawn is a liability. The answer is yes. The answer is so much of a yes that I would hope the Bills are trying to move him as we speak.


If Lynch doesn't back off his vibe...or whatever the KIDS call it these days, he will be toast. You want particulars...contact 74 Franklin St. or maybe ask around the West Side.


Just so everyone remembers, this idiot was the guy who claimed James Hardy was going to shoot/kill someone during last season.

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Just so everyone remembers, this idiot was the guy who claimed James Hardy was going to shoot/kill someone during last season.


I had no info on Hardy. I was going off my gut and general disdain for the pick. I made a wager, I lost, and I donated to an appropriate charity.


The bottom line is that the cops are sick of having to deal with Lynch. The police look the other way dozens of times on athletes....they understand that the players are community assets. When a player continues to put others at risk by his actions, eventually they say enough is enough. You saw what happend to Whitner....and I consider Whitner a stand up guy.


I like Lynch and I am disappointed that it looks as if this will not be a smooth ride. He needs to stay in lockdown in OP and bring the fun to him. Everyone has a right to go out and enjoy themselves, but they don't have the right to nearly start a riot or to act as if they are above both the law and social contract. That is as specific as i will get. I am sure one of the TBD reporting staff can make a call or two if they want to take the temperature of the situation.

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Difficult to do that here, especially with the grammar police around.


The solution is to use proper grammar. It really isn't hard. Just remember what you learned in grade school.

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I had no info on Hardy. I was going off my gut and general disdain for the pick. I made a wager, I lost, and I donated to an appropriate charity.


The bottom line is that the cops are sick of having to deal with Lynch. The police look the other way dozens of times on athletes....they understand that the players are community assets. When a player continues to put others at risk by his actions, eventually they say enough is enough. You saw what happend to Whitner....and I consider Whitner a stand up guy.


I like Lynch and I am disappointed that it looks as if this will not be a smooth ride. He needs to stay in lockdown in OP and bring the fun to him. Everyone has a right to go out and enjoy themselves, but they don't have the right to nearly start a riot or to act as if they are above both the law and social contract. That is as specific as i will get. I am sure one of the TBD reporting staff can make a call or two if they want to take the temperature of the situation.


You've outed yourself as a BS artist now.


Whitner was arrested in Cleveland, not Buffalo. So are we now supposed to believe that you are connected with not only the Buffalo PD, but also the Cleveland PD?


How are the cops sick of having to deal with Lynch? Explain. What? Because you read stories in the news that he brings his own liquor into bars, and then he hit a drunk girl with his car (when she was dancing in the middle of the street at 3:30 a.m.)? Are you also tied into the Culver City, CA PD? Please tell me, are they sick of Lynch too?


Don't hide behind crap like "that is as specific as I will get". If you want to be thought of as someone in the know, say something of substance. Speaking in generalities is like cheering for both teams in the playoffs. Come on, tell us, how have the police looked the other way "dozens of times"?


I think you're just blowing smoke for the sake of getting attention. Care to prove me wrong?

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I had no info on Hardy. I was going off my gut and general disdain for the pick. I made a wager, I lost, and I donated to an appropriate charity.


The bottom line is that the cops are sick of having to deal with Lynch. The police look the other way dozens of times on athletes....they understand that the players are community assets. When a player continues to put others at risk by his actions, eventually they say enough is enough. You saw what happend to Whitner....and I consider Whitner a stand up guy.


I like Lynch and I am disappointed that it looks as if this will not be a smooth ride. He needs to stay in lockdown in OP and bring the fun to him. Everyone has a right to go out and enjoy themselves, but they don't have the right to nearly start a riot or to act as if they are above both the law and social contract. That is as specific as i will get. I am sure one of the TBD reporting staff can make a call or two if they want to take the temperature of the situation.


is it difficult to apply the bills situation to your highschool textbook about Rousseau("...above the law and social contract"). Lynch does not need to stay in lock down in OP, he just needs to learn how to act like a controlled person. you act like the cops of this nation are gonna take a stand because doing there jobs and arresting lynch just isn't fun anymore. they really don't care because if they gave him special treatment(and i don't mean the easy stuff, i mean prosecuting him on full charges to make an example when any other guy would have been given an easier sentence) then that is occupational profiling. the commisioner can do that because all he deals with are football players but the cops deal with everyone.


and there are so many sides to the whitner story i don't know what to believe. i have heard stories that make you think racism on the polices part and whitner should sue, and i have heard that whitner is the scourge of the football world. apparently he was trying to save his brother/friend from getting shot, but the police said he took a fighting stance(wtf?) so i guess we will see what happens in court.

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You've outed yourself as a BS artist now.


Whitner was arrested in Cleveland, not Buffalo. So are we now supposed to believe that you are connected with not only the Buffalo PD, but also the Cleveland PD?


How are the cops sick of having to deal with Lynch? Explain. What? Because you read stories in the news that he brings his own liquor into bars, and then he hit a drunk girl with his car (when she was dancing in the middle of the street at 3:30 a.m.)? Are you also tied into the Culver City, CA PD? Please tell me, are they sick of Lynch too?


Don't hide behind crap like "that is as specific as I will get". If you want to be thought of as someone in the know, say something of substance. Speaking in generalities is like cheering for both teams in the playoffs. Come on, tell us, how have the police looked the other way "dozens of times"?


I think you're just blowing smoke for the sake of getting attention. Care to prove me wrong?


Whitner was involved in a near riot in Cleveland but did not start it and was just trying to protect his family so it seems. The cops understood that fact, gave him multiple warnings at the scene, but finally had to taser him. That is from the media. My point is that here is a stand up guy who was reacting to a situation, but eventually the cops had to ring the bell. That is in contrast to Lynch who has been an instigator in certain situations. How long do you expect the force to let themselves and the public be put at risk?


My source isn't BPD. I am not trying to gain attention. The incident happened over a month ago and I asked Tim Graham on his thread if he heard any rumblings about Lynch needing to be moved because of this. He said no. With Rhodes being signed and Freddy Jackson getting 4 years since the incident......I would be foolish to assume this is all by chance. I responded accordingly in a thread that asked that specific question.

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You've outed yourself as a BS artist now.


Whitner was arrested in Cleveland, not Buffalo. So are we now supposed to believe that you are connected with not only the Buffalo PD, but also the Cleveland PD?


How are the cops sick of having to deal with Lynch? Explain. What? Because you read stories in the news that he brings his own liquor into bars, and then he hit a drunk girl with his car (when she was dancing in the middle of the street at 3:30 a.m.)? Are you also tied into the Culver City, CA PD? Please tell me, are they sick of Lynch too?


Don't hide behind crap like "that is as specific as I will get". If you want to be thought of as someone in the know, say something of substance. Speaking in generalities is like cheering for both teams in the playoffs. Come on, tell us, how have the police looked the other way "dozens of times"?


I think you're just blowing smoke for the sake of getting attention. Care to prove me wrong?


If you're going to list all of "time to choose sides, formerly Dwight Drane's" BS, we'll be here for a month and a half. Take a gander at his nonsense over on PPP if you want some good laughs. Note: it has nothing to do with this party vs that party, its simply outright lunacy, bordering on mental instability.

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If you're going to list all of "time to choose sides, formerly Dwight Drane's" BS, we'll be here for a month and a half. Take a gander at his nonsense over on PPP if you want some good laughs. Note: it has nothing to do with this party vs that party, its simply outright lunacy, bordering on mental instability.


Thanks for the plug.


Sorry if my threshold for an important conversation is a bit higher than..."Bush is a dooty-head."

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