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Report from Pennsylvania

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I think the claim (stressing: claim) is that the machines showed up with votes already tallied even though there were none cast yet.


Even if that were so, it doesn't really mean a thing does it? What is more likely, that someone snuck into the machine storage area and one by one entered 700 votes on a machine (wouldn't that take hours to do?) and then snuck away or that someone forgot to reset the machine after the last time it was used? Unless you can show that the votes on those machines are all for one candidate or the other, it would be pretty hard to argue that it is an attempt at fraud rather than simply some sort of goof up.

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Kinda like CBS you mean?


Unlike many hear who only can look at things one way, I will answer your sarcastic question with a YES!


The media in this campaign has taken sides (on both sides) and the pathetic thing is that they tell the side that listens to them that the other side is biased so listen to us for the truth. You don't become as polorized of a nation as we are by listening to BOTH sides of a story, but only the propaganda from the side you (anybody) choose to support.


Don't think for yourself, think what your told!

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Even if that were so, it doesn't really mean a thing does it? What is more likely, that someone snuck into the machine storage area and one by one entered 700 votes on a machine (wouldn't that take hours to do?) and then snuck away or that someone forgot to reset the machine after the last time it was used? Unless you can show that the votes on those machines are all for one candidate or the other, it would be pretty hard to argue that it is an attempt at fraud rather than simply some sort of goof up.


Mickey - "it doesn't really mean a thing, does it". Philly has a history of sketchy election practices, and this wasn't one single machine - it was a whole bunch of them. Your theory could be true, but I highly doubt it.

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Mickey - "it doesn't really mean a thing, does it".  Philly has a history of sketchy election practices, and this wasn't one single machine - it was a whole bunch of them.  Your theory could be true, but I highly doubt it.



What proof do you have that this was an attempt at fraud? How many machines were involved out of the total number of machines in use statewide in this election? Were the votes on those machines all for one candidate? How long would it take to register 700 votes on one of those machines? When are machines usually reset after an election?



Lots of good questions and until they are answered, I don't think a belief one way or the other is justified at all.

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Fox News just reported that it was NOT added votes


Meaning What??? That these were valid votes on the machines?? I have no access to television news and am finding little of this story beyond the original reports.

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What proof do you have that this was an attempt at fraud?  How many machines were involved out of the total number of machines in use statewide in this election?  Were the votes on those machines all for one candidate?  How long would it take to register 700 votes on one of those machines?  When are machines usually reset after an election? 

Lots of good questions and until they are answered, I don't think a belief one way or the other is justified at all.


So you would think the Dems would want to support finding out what happened... right? who knows? maybe GWB may have gotten all those votes huh?


Where exactly are the Dems on this issue?

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Im not saying drudge is the gospel, but he doesnt flat out make stuff up.  He is often the one who breaks the news first.  Yes he reports on alot of trivial things, some of which dont go mainstream.  Please provide me an instance where drudge was flat out wrong on something.



You mean where he reported something that turned out to be wrong? How about when he said Hillary Clinton was going to be indicted? Or one of his at least 5 we found WMD stories. Or his report that Sidney Blumenthal beat his wife.


Come on, man. Even he admits those stories were wrong. All that stuff Rush feeds you is eating your brain away.


Drudge is no more reliable than the Enquirer. He gets some stories right, but he doesn't care if they are wrong.

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Meaning What??? That these were valid votes on the machines?? I have no access to television news and am finding little of this story beyond the original reports.


Meaining that there were no votes on the machines before they arrived at the polling places. In other words, the basic facts reported by Drudge are not true. No need to explain something that didn't happen.

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Even if that were so, it doesn't really mean a thing does it?  What is more likely, that someone snuck into the machine storage area and one by one entered 700 votes on a machine (wouldn't that take hours to do?) and then snuck away or that someone forgot to reset the machine after the last time it was used?  Unless you can show that the votes on those machines are all for one candidate or the other, it would be pretty hard to argue that it is an attempt at fraud rather than simply some sort of goof up.


Don't jump on me. I was just trying to clarify a statement.


If true, it could be a goof up, it could be fraud.


I would say that a standard part of any good procedure would be to check that the machines were "zeroed" out before being delivered to the polling place and then again before the polls opened. It sounds like the 2nd part happened, but not the first. I also doubt that pulling a lever 700 times is the only way to "rig" a machine, but I'm not an expert on the machines. Are you?

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