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Happy 200th Birthday!

KD in CA

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Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln! February 12, 1809 was one hell of a day.



The guys running the Darwin Facebook page are sponsoring a call/seminar at 12ET with a number of the world's leading scientists. Details in the link.


Facebook Darwin fans page



It makes sense that Lincoln and Darwin were born on my birthday (different year :thumbsup: ).

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Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln! February 12, 1809 was one hell of a day.



The guys running the Darwin Facebook page are sponsoring a call/seminar at 12ET with a number of the world's leading scientists. Details in the link.


Facebook Darwin fans page



Watched part of a NPR special on Lincoln last night (Tivo'd it so I'll catch the rest tonight) - pretty amazing individual when you think about the fact that the poor guy was actually pretty messed up physically and mentally. History now shows that he was likely a sufferer of severe (like very severe) depression in an era where there were not medicines or protocols to treat it.


Much of what we now know about him from a popular perspective is largely exaggerated. Even still, he was an amazing leader and powerful orator. No wonder why some consider him to be the greatest president ever.

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I'm black dude. how can i be racist?



Only white people can be racist?





Main Entry: rac·ism

Pronunciation: \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\

Function: noun

Date: 1933

1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2 : racial prejudice or discrimination

— rac·ist \-sist also -shist\ noun or adjective


No mention of skin color.






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I'm black dude. how can i be racist?


besides, most if not all of darwin's theories are fundimentally flawed. just listen to what you teachers and professors tell. you can wind up as dumb as they are.

You are black? :thumbsup:



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I'm black dude. how can i be racist?


besides, most if not all of darwin's theories are fundimentally flawed. just listen to what you teachers and professors tell. you can wind up as dumb as they are.



Well, if you really are Black, I find it refreshing that TSW's idiot-squad isn't restricted to crackers.

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