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Please tell me why Michael Bloomberg

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I understand he is Jewish, but he is the mayor of New York City. As the state of New York and this country finds itself in economic trouble, I have to wonder how he has the time and gall to use taxpayer money to go over to inspect the situation himself?


New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg today visited the southern Israel city of Ashkelon that has come under rocket fire. “New Yorkers know what terrorism is all about,” Bloomberg said. “If we were threatened in New York, we would do everything in our power to protect our citizens.”


The mayor is a founder and majority owner of Bloomberg News parent company Bloomberg LP.



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I understand he is Jewish, but he is the mayor of New York City. As the state of New York and this country finds itself in economic trouble, I have to wonder how he has the time and gall to use taxpayer money to go over to inspect the situation himself?





I don't like Bloomberg , however how do you know he used taxpayer money for this trip? He is a billionaire and aspires to higher office so I doubt if he used taxpayer money.

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Part of the perks of being a billionaire mayor is using your own money to fly around the world. Whether you think it was right for him to go is a different issue of whether the city or the state paid for it (they didn't).

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Hmm... Just thinking out loud... I wonder if there is any reason that the mayor of a large potential terrorist target city like New York would go to Israel to learn something about terrorism response? Hmm... No? Okay. Never mind.

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Hmm... Just thinking out loud... I wonder if there is any reason that the mayor of a large potential terrorist target city like New York would go to Israel to learn something about terrorism response? Hmm... No? Okay. Never mind.


How can Palestinian terrorists firing rockets from their homeland be related to what New York City might potentially encounter? Also, the last time I checked, New York City does not have it's own military to engage terrorists in a ground war. Hmm... No? Okay. Never mind.

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I wonder if a mayor responsible for the economic development of the nation's largest city that happens to hold a very large Jewish population would have any reason to go to Israel to discuss things other than terrorism. Hmm... No? Okay. Never mind.




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I wonder if a mayor responsible for the economic development of the nation's largest city that happens to hold a very large Jewish population would have any reason to go to Israel to discuss things other than terrorism. Hmm... No? Okay. Never mind.





A politician jumping in front of a popular parade - good gosh! :unsure:

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How can Palestinian terrorists firing rockets from their homeland be related to what New York City might potentially encounter? Also, the last time I checked, New York City does not have it's own military to engage terrorists in a ground war. Hmm... No? Okay. Never mind.


NYC is Israel West, its the largest Jewish population outside of Israel. Jews have a ton of power and money here in NYC, you need to be on their best side.

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NYC is Israel West, its the largest Jewish population outside of Israel. Jews have a ton of power and money here in NYC, you need to be on their best side.


Is it not the birthplace of Mitch Cumstein as well??

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Part of the perks of being a billionaire mayor [insert any rich celebrity/public figure here] is using your own money to fly around the world. Whether you think it was right for him to go is a different issue of whether the city or the state paid for it (they didn't).


Exactly. I did make a correction.

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Point of clarification, in case anyone's confused: that wasn't a "Newark's full of rag-heads" crack, it was a "Newark is a pit, not unlike Gaza" crack.


That's understood. Otherwise, you'd have named Paterson, NJ.

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Is it not the birthplace of Mitch Cumstein as well??


He was night putting. Just putting at night... with the fifteen year-old daughter of the Dean.



Not for nothing but the mayor of Newark, Cory Booker, just might be a major player in the near future. That is unless someone catches him in a pay for play scandal. (BTW, IT'S ALL PAY FOR PLAY! We've all tacitly agreed to it.)

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