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Ralph Wilson - HOF


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Now we know why Ralph has been kept out of the HOF all these years. This past season has framed the reasons why the voters and the rest of the league owners have little respect for the guy. The HOF is reserved for players, coaches and owners that achieved greatness, pushed themselves and others around them and utlimately had a positive impact on the NFL during their era. Ralph Wilson has done none of this. As we watch Levy and the great players from the Super Bowl teams enter the Hall, league insiders know the owner had zero to do with these teams.


Put yourselves in Ralphs shoes. Your days on this earth are limited... you have the opportunity to effect generations of people by working towards keeping the Bills in Buffalo. You have the opportunity to put one last stamp on this team by showing the dedication and commitment to greatness your counterparts in the HOF have shown.... yet you sit idle.


Sad but true.

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Now we know why Ralph has been kept out of the HOF all these years. This past season has framed the reasons why the voters and the rest of the league owners have little respect for the guy. The HOF is reserved for players, coaches and owners that achieved greatness, pushed themselves and others around them and utlimately had a positive impact on the NFL during their era. Ralph Wilson has done none of this. As we watch Levy and the great players from the Super Bowl teams enter the Hall, league insiders know the owner had zero to do with these teams.


Put yourselves in Ralphs shoes. Your days on this earth are limited... you have the opportunity to effect generations of people by working towards keeping the Bills in Buffalo. You have the opportunity to put one last stamp on this team by showing the dedication and commitment to greatness your counterparts in the HOF have shown.... yet you sit idle.


Sad but true.

Unfortunately for RW his greatness occurred at a time when HOF voters were babies. They only see the clown we see today.

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Now we know why Ralph has been kept out of the HOF all these years. This past season has framed the reasons why the voters and the rest of the league owners have little respect for the guy. The HOF is reserved for players, coaches and owners that achieved greatness, pushed themselves and others around them and utlimately had a positive impact on the NFL during their era. Ralph Wilson has done none of this. As we watch Levy and the great players from the Super Bowl teams enter the Hall, league insiders know the owner had zero to do with these teams.


Put yourselves in Ralphs shoes. Your days on this earth are limited... you have the opportunity to effect generations of people by working towards keeping the Bills in Buffalo. You have the opportunity to put one last stamp on this team by showing the dedication and commitment to greatness your counterparts in the HOF have shown.... yet you sit idle.


Sad but true.

HOF is great and all, but ralph needs to make sure his great, great, great, great, great, great , great , great grandchildren's trust fund is well stocked.

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Now we know why Ralph has been kept out of the HOF all these years. This past season has framed the reasons why the voters and the rest of the league owners have little respect for the guy. The HOF is reserved for players, coaches and owners that achieved greatness, pushed themselves and others around them and utlimately had a positive impact on the NFL during their era. Ralph Wilson has done none of this. As we watch Levy and the great players from the Super Bowl teams enter the Hall, league insiders know the owner had zero to do with these teams.


Put yourselves in Ralphs shoes. Your days on this earth are limited... you have the opportunity to effect generations of people by working towards keeping the Bills in Buffalo. You have the opportunity to put one last stamp on this team by showing the dedication and commitment to greatness your counterparts in the HOF have shown.... yet you sit idle.


Sad but true.


I agree with most of your post. But Wilson did help in the early days of the AFL - NFL merger, and I believe he commanded more respect through the years then you give him credit for, especially when he allowed Bill Polian to build his SB teams.


However, Wilson has lost touch with reality in the NFL and I don't think any of the current other 31 owners have much use for him today.

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Unfortunately for RW his greatness occurred at a time when HOF voters were babies. They only see the clown we see today.


Unfortunately for Bills fans, RW's greatess has never really extended to the franchise he owns...mostly seasons of horrendous to bad football, linked together by brief spikes of good ball, only to be snuffed prematurely by the owner...I laugh at all those who get pissed every year when Ralph isn't admitted into the HOF.

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