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OT: Swiss Voters Approve Program to give government bought heroin to d

Big Turk

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Voters overwhelmingly voted to give addicts government-authorized heroin to make the program permanent. In the 14 years they have been running the program on a temporary basis it has apparently reduced crime and improved the health and lives of addicts...


I cannot even imagine seeing something like this in the US. Guess it just goes to show how open to ideas other parts of teh world are, even if they sound like bad ones or are counter-intuitive. As expected the UN and US narcotics boards criticized the program for fueling drug use/abuse, since they have to maintain a stoic face on their "war on drugs", even tho they are clearly losing it and losing it badly.


Maybe they should ask the local police officers in Mexico how the war on drugs is going against the cartels who hunt down police officers and murder them in broad daylight....

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If it was up to me I'd legalize everything, scrap the war on drugs(which is a complete joke) and take 1/3 of the war on drugs money and use it towards awareness and use the other 2/3 on alternative energies. Crime would be cut in half at the very least but the FDA would become even worse than it is now, that would be the only negative IMO.

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Voters overwhelmingly voted to give addicts government-authorized heroin to make the program permanent. In the 14 years they have been running the program on a temporary basis it has apparently reduced crime and improved the health and lives of addicts...


I cannot even imagine seeing something like this in the US. Guess it just goes to show how open to ideas other parts of teh world are, even if they sound like bad ones or are counter-intuitive. As expected the UN and US narcotics boards criticized the program for fueling drug use/abuse, since they have to maintain a stoic face on their "war on drugs", even tho they are clearly losing it and losing it badly.


Maybe they should ask the local police officers in Mexico how the war on drugs is going against the cartels who hunt down police officers and murder them in broad daylight....


People in this country don't like scientific studies that fly in the face of what they believe is common sense. This is the east coast elitism because some people actually believe that scientific data outranks so called common sense.


This is the type of Midwest elitism that is holding this country back in solving social problems.

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If it was up to me I'd legalize everything, scrap the war on drugs(which is a complete joke) and take 1/3 of the war on drugs money and use it towards awareness and use the other 2/3 on alternative energies. Crime would be cut in half at the very least but the FDA would become even worse than it is now, that would be the only negative IMO.


Crime would double. You would see more DUIs, more robberies to support their habit, and higher health care costs.

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