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Obama's Aunt an Illegal Alien


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It is funny how he wants to take our money to "spread the wealth", but he won't help out his Aunt Zeituni or Uncle Omar who are living in poverty and about whom he wrote in his memoirs.


It also is odd that it was the London Times that broke this story (and not an American paper). I am sure that if they were on the campaign plane, they have been kicked off already.

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Embrace change dude. It's over, new things are happening in this country.
Don't count your chickens just yet. The only poll that matters is November 4th. If Obama wins..I'll accept it, won't like it. Just have to find a way to not pay the higher taxes (Chef Jim, any ideas?) and buy 10 semi-auto guns between now and January :devil:
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Don't count your chickens just yet. The only poll that matters is November 4th. If Obama wins..I'll accept it, won't like it. Just have to find a way to not pay the higher taxes (Chef Jim, any ideas?) and buy 10 semi-auto guns between now and January :devil:


My offer to bet any amount of money on the election stands. My chickens are counted. McCain is going to get slaughtered.

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As I've asked before what odds are you offering? I can now get $5 (down from $9 Wednesday) at http://centrebet.com


Gimme $5.50 and I'll go $100.


Oh hello. I must have missed your prior post, sorry. Wait, why do I have to give you odds?


Also, if we're going to do this, I think we'll need to find a third party escrow. I've bet someone on here once before, and they never paid me. Actually he stopped coming logging on to the site altogether.


But no, really why do I have to give you odds?

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Is online betting legal in the US? Is it legal to bet on there?
I think you can still do it in the US...Just depends if your bank will let you. Yes, it's 100% legal here and seems to be a part of the Aussie way. These fools have slot machines in half the pubs and OTB too! Yet you can't own a semiautomatic rifle or

buy beer anywhere but a beer store or pub. A paradox these Aussies. :devil:

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I was born in North Tonawanda...I left Buffalo when I was 19 when I joined the Navy. Been around the world and got out when I got offered a job here by a former navy bro here. Been here the last four years and yes..I voted...for McCain.


Swede is a nickname I picked up in the Navy ...From the movie Heartbreak Ridge. The 316 part is I was a big Stone Cold Steve Austin fan. And now you know the rest of the story :devil:

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And let me add one thing as to why I don't like Obama. Having traveled extensively and lived overseas....I can say without a doubt, the United States is the GREATEST country on the planet (I love living in Australia, I really do, but they have restrictions on some freedoms and nothing is protected by a constitution, but this is a great country). It is because I have seen a lot of other countries I know the US is the best. You have freedoms you take for granted that most other people would die for.


By God's grace or just lucky we were born American. Barack Obama has been the recipient of those freedoms and has risen to

the cusp of the US Presidency. I do admire him for that. Some of his tactics I do not...and I definitely don't like most of his proposed policies. He WILL restrict the 2nd Amendment, He WILL raise taxes, He WILL capitulate to our enemies. To me, he threatens some of those freedoms that make us Americans and separate us from Canada, the UK, and Australia.

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Can one of you Leftist tards please splain to a dumb wingnut how an illegal alien can live in public housing? Why is the US taxpayer paying to house an illegal alien? Is this the spreading of the wealth we'll see more of?


What a crock of BS from the Messiah. Take care of your family first. If you can't do that then how the heck are you going to take care of the country? And let's be clear. This aunt of his is someone 'special' to him per his writing, right?

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Can one of you Leftist tards please splain to a dumb wingnut how an illegal alien can live in public housing? Why is the US taxpayer paying to house an illegal alien? Is this the spreading of the wealth we'll see more of?


What a crock of BS from the Messiah. Take care of your family first. If you can't do that then how the heck are you going to take care of the country? And let's be clear. This aunt of his is someone 'special' to him per his writing, right?


Maybe this will help!

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Can one of you Leftist tards please splain to a dumb wingnut how an illegal alien can live in public housing? Why is the US taxpayer paying to house an illegal alien? Is this the spreading of the wealth we'll see more of?


What a crock of BS from the Messiah. Take care of your family first. If you can't do that then how the heck are you going to take care of the country? And let's be clear. This aunt of his is someone 'special' to him per his writing, right?


How is this an example of Obama not taking care of his family? How was he supposed to prevent his Aunt from being deported? She was living her illegally after all.

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About as much as Obama's deadbeat dad's (who he only met once) half-sister has to do with the election. But anything to take your minds off the upcoming Obama landslide, right?


Don't worry...If your boy gets elected that's just one more illegal taxpayer permanently added to our welfare state. No big deal...

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