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My Meaningless Opinion

R. Rich

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Very good post. I agree for the most part. I actually had the Bills going 4-1 or 3-2 with losses to AZ and/or Jacksonville. I do find it ironic about JP getting accused of holding the ball to long on a play where he was sacked at the 3 second mark. Any QB in the league should have 3 seconds from his OL. That play was clearly on Peters. Even Beurline accused him of it, and then on the replay he counted 1001, 1002, 1003 bam. Take your foot out of your mouth Steve. You were never much of a QB either. Another lacklustre career.



I was yelling at JP to do something with it on the same play that Beurlein was criticizing him for. Sure, the line could've helped him more, but it was 4 seconds before anything happened. Beurlein is correct - the QB should have an internal clock to know that he has to do something if his reads aren't open.

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Dumb it down any more and they will be using Legos to diagram it. :censored:

Not dumb down the players; dumb down the schemes, the stunts, the pulls and traps. Just line up in front of a guy and hit him.

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Not dumb down the players; dumb down the schemes, the stunts, the pulls and traps. Just line up in front of a guy and hit him.


I understood what you meant (valid points). The OL is already dumbed down. <sigh>


I miss Kent Hull!

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Get well soon, Trent. The Bills need you @ full strength in order to get that elusive playoff bid this year. Next time you see Adrian Wilson, one of the very best safeties in the league @ blitzing, line up that close to the line, expect him to come after you and be ready to step up and throw, roll out to give yourself more time to make a play, or maybe even take off and run for a few yards instead of getting blasted. Ah well, it's all part of the maturation process, and I'm sure Trent will be better prepared for such situations down the road.


Yeah yeah the defense was awful and cost the Bills the win blah blah blah. This all seems very familiar to me. Kinda like the '04 season, when the facts that the Bills couldn't guard multiple receiver sets, struggled to rush the passer, and were atrocious on third downs were all lost in the haze of a very sweet win streak that had the team just a game away from a playoff spot. We all remember what happened from there, don't we? Hey, I love this team and the 4-0 start, but there were signs of a performance like this during that streak. I mentioned from the outset how I felt that the LBs struggled covering the pass. That hasn't changed. I mentioned how our LBs and DEs needed to do a lot more in terms of pass rushing and coverage. The problems persist. 'Til the team corrects these issues, there's gonna be chances of more performances like yesterday's.


It's all your fault, JP! Yes, I hear the cries from afar. Damn you for not being able to solving the mystery that is Pro Bowl caliber OT Mike Gandy. Damn you for playing so far off the receivers, allowing for quick slant after quick slant w/ an occasional crossing route mixed in. Damn your poor attempts to tackle, allowing the Cardinals to get truckloads of yards after the catch. Damn you for not blocking that D lineman that shot in there to disrupt the play that caused the fumble. Yep, I blame you. Okay, now back to reality here. Sure, the team could've benefitted from a better effort from Losman. No doubt 'bout it. But to blame everything on his play is ridiculous.


Anyone see Posluszny yet? I know it's customary to wait 48 hours to file a report, but...


Jauron, why didn't you challenge that call? Maybe you realized the player in question was the TE, and just figured he blew it? I dunno.


What a disappointing outing by the O line. I mean, Travis LaBoy is good, but he ain't that good. Pass protection is the strength of this line, but man were they outclassed. As for the running game, I'm still waiting to see this line perform up to its potential. A line this huge should not be allowing a stud back like Lynch to get constantly hammered each time he touches the ball. It's like watching Roethlisberger trying to throw in front of the Stillers' line. Yuck. I love the whole "beast mode" thingy, but it sure would be nice to see the 5 beasts in front of Marshawn give him a free pass to the 2nd level. Then, the league would truly see the kind of beast Marshawn is.



Okay, bottom line is that the Bills limp into the bye w/ a 4-1 record. Not bad. Did anyone here think they'd do that prior to the start of the season? I didn't. Yes, there are issues they need to solve, and we can only hope the coaches get to work on making the proper adjustments needed to solve them. Speaking of, I did like the way the DBs actually got up to the line and challenged the Arizona receivers early in the 3rd quarter. I've been wondering why the Bills haven't done more of that. Then, I remembered just how well they rush the passer. Anyway, everyone try to relax a bit. No jumping out of windows, no "_____ sucks!" or "Fire _____" threads are needed. This team is close to being a postseason contender, folks. They just need to work on some things. Quickly.

Excellent, level-headed post (as usual) you giant bastard. Are you trying to not fit in around here or something? Stop playing phone tag with me and maybe we can actually discuss this team, and your very valid points, at length.

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