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Wingnut? More name calling. I try to avoid that myself. No one will ever respect you, if you can't show respect in the first place. Most people are not completely left or right, you know. I don't remember any of that. But if your point is that McCain adopted a child from Bangladesh that's not white, so what? I imagine it's hard to get a white one from there. Or is your point, Bush bad?

No my point is that the Bush campaign attacked McCain through this child, implying to voters that this child was actually an illegimate child of McCain and an African-American woman.


And I only talk this way to this board, where I really don't give a dang what you all think of me. I lurked and read vicious posts for months before I joined and I have been pilloried many times for expressing my views. So the foils are off.

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When Chelsea Clinton was 13 and in the Whitehouse Rush Limpbaugh :lol: had a TV show and he said "Does anyone have a picture of that dog in the Whitehouse?" A picture of Chelsea Clinton showed up on the screen behind him. That is even lower than I expected Rush to go. I know different now. That's when I not only lost the miniscule amount of respect I had for him but hatred began. The kid was only 13 a very fragile age for anyone. What a P. Rick :angry:


Families should be out of bounds.


The only thing I respect the Clintons for is that they went out of their way to keep Chelsea out of the spotlight while he was in the White House.


Of course, that rather blows Hilary's "It takes a village" bull sh-- right out of the water... :thumbsup:

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The only thing I respect the Clintons for is that they went out of their way to keep Chelsea out of the spotlight while he was in the White House.


Of course, that rather blows Hilary's "It takes a village" bull sh-- right out of the water... :thumbsup:


Of course she was talking about people who have somewhat less than the resources available to a president and first lady.

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No my point is that the Bush campaign attacked McCain through this child, implying to voters that this child was actually an illegimate child of McCain and an African-American woman.


And I only talk this way to this board, where I really don't give a dang what you all think of me. I lurked and read vicious posts for months before I joined and I have been pilloried many times for expressing my views. So the foils are off.


I googled a reference to the 2000 SC Primary. Pretty sorry, if true. Wonder why McCain doesn't hate Bush.

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I googled a reference to the 2000 SC Primary. Pretty sorry, if true. Wonder why McCain doesn't hate Bush.

It was well documented at the time. And it's why I won't support McCain. I don't give a rat's ass about the child - but to LET Bush's campaign do that to his family and then kowtow to the party for 8 years ... that's not maverick. That's a slave to party politics. McCain would have been my choice for President in 2000. Had 9/11 even happened, he'd have blasted the sh-- out of Afganistan and probably invaded Pakistan to get bin Laden, if need be. Now? I don't know. I don't think he's stable. This is just unfinished business for him.

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I question Palin's judgement. Back when my wife was pregnant with my son a month before she was due... We were out dining at Fadó in Chicago... We went right to our hospital... We didn't say: "Let's drive 8 hours to Buffalo so we can have the child." Let alone get on a PLANE (pressurized cabin at what 30k feet).


She's got bad family judgement, IMO:


44 year old pregnant woman.

Starts leaking amniotic fluid a month early

Continues to leak amniotic fluid causing high infection risk

Woman gives 30 minute speech.

Travels 45 minutes to airport

Waits in lounge

Boards plane and flies 4 or so hours to Seattle

Never tells flight attendants she was very heavily pregnant and in labor

Waits for stopover flight in Seattle.

Flies another several hours to Alaska

Long drive home from airport

Delivers 6.2lb baby in small medical center near home that night

Dr. unavailable for comment.


Say that she has good family values all one wants... I don't think so. Wacky backwoods mentality is what it is.

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It was well documented at the time. And it's why I won't support McCain. I don't give a rat's ass about the child - but to LET Bush's campaign do that to his family and then kowtow to the party for 8 years ... that's not maverick. That's a slave to party politics. McCain would have been my choice for President in 2000. Had 9/11 even happened, he'd have blasted the sh-- out of Afganistan and probably invaded Pakistan to get bin Laden, if need be. Now? I don't know. I don't think he's stable. This is just unfinished business for him.


I've looked into this a bit. The supposed smear campaign was investigated extensively by the L.A. Times and others, and they found no evidence any such calls had ever been made. Bush denied that his campaign had anything to do with the alleged calls and even ordered his campaign to release the script of the calls being made in South Carolina. Lots of allegations though. Somehow I'm not surprised.

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I've looked into this a bit. The supposed smear campaign was investigated extensively by the L.A. Times and others, and they found no evidence any such calls had ever been made. Bush denied that his campaign had anything to do with the alleged calls and even ordered his campaign to release the script of the calls being made in South Carolina. Lots of allegations though. Somehow I'm not surprised.



One thing is for sure, Republicans and their ilk are a vexing lot... Just like the Air National Guard thing with Bush... I wouldn't be surprised if they are planting fake evidence to avoid exposing the real dirt.


The quite simply are the Kildeers of the political world.


The most widespread and familiar of the American plovers, the Killdeer is a common bird in farmyards, fields, and parking lots. Although many species of birds pretend to have a broken wing to lure predators from their nest, the Killdeer is the one most commonly seen performing this distraction display.

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Not quoting the whole thing. Way beyond the bounds IMO.


Why? I lived it.


I told what happened during the pregnancy with our child. For almost 3 months we thought our baby was going to be born with Down syndrome... Thankfully, the amnio came back with no chromosonal abnormalites. I still pray every night and thank the Lord above for blessing our family with good health... It could have been so much different... And I still would be thanking the Lord for blessing us with a beautiful special needs child.


I am not saying I am perfect... A lot of praying goes on, along with gut wrenching sleepless nights.


My wife went into labor early and we immediately went to the hospital... I guess we could have drove the 8 hours back to BFLO to be with family (we have nobody within 550 miles of this place)... Ya, right... Drive 8 hours... :lol::lol:


Also, when my wife was having problems early on (she also experienced plancenta previa during this pregnancy)... She was hemorrhaging on one visit to BFLO... The long 8 hour car ride to BFLO most likely didn't help... Until things cleared up, we stayed put... I really took some slack missing work.


Family came first. We are one's that do not subscribe to the plethora of "East Coast" medical practices... Yet, we are also not people who use poor judgement and subscribe to the wacky "backwoods" way of treating medical situations.


Stories like the one the Palin's portray, IMO, are good indications how effed logically about science/medicine we are in this country. It is the other illogical extreme.



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Why? I lived it.


I told what happened during the pregnancy with our child. For almost 3 months we thought our baby was going to be born with Down syndrome... Thankfully, the amnio came back with no chromosonal abnormalites. I still pray every night and thank the Lord above for blessing our family with good health... It could have been so much different... And I still would be thanking the Lord for blessing us with a beautiful special needs child.


I am not saying I am perfect... A lot of praying goes on, along with gut wrenching sleepless nights.


My wife went into labor early and we immediately went to the hospital... I guess we could have drove the 8 hours back to BFLO to be with family (we have nobody within 550 miles of this place)... Ya, right... Drive 8 hours... :lol::lol:


Also, when my wife was having problems early on (she also experienced plancenta previa during this pregnancy)... She was hemorrhaging on one visit to BFLO... The long 8 hour car ride to BFLO most likely didn't help... Until things cleared up, we stayed put... I really took some slack missing work.


Family came first. We are one's that do not subscribe to the plethora of "East Coast" medical practices... Yet, we are also not people who use poor judgement and subscribe to the wacky "backwoods" way of treating medical situations.


Stories like the one the Palin's portray, IMO, are good indications how effed logically about science/medicine we are in this country. It is the other illogical extreme.




Hopeless if you are missing the point by now. Think man. Some things shouldn't be said, not without extensive proof.

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Hopeless if you are missing the point by now. Think man. Some things shouldn't be said, not without extensive proof.


I see what you are saying... I am just not one for decorum... Do you know what goes through one's mind when faced with some pretty phucked up luck? Again, I am not perfect and nobody is. But, expain her illogical and irresponsible actions? Maybe she doesn't have a firm grip on science... Either do I but come on... One is almost willing a death wish in those situations... She couldn't have been naive, she has four children... She's been through it. The only halfway sane explanation is that she was complacent... And I say: "complacent?" Knowing that a special needs child is being carried! So that leads me to irresponsible, whichever avenue that leads one down.

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I see what you are saying... I am just not one for decorum... Do you know what goes through one's mind when faced with some pretty phucked up luck? Again, I am not perfect and nobody is. But, expain her illogical and irresponsible actions? Maybe she doesn't have a firm grip on science... Either do I but come on... One is almost willing a death wish in those situations... She couldn't have been naive, she has four children... She's been through it. The only halfway sane explanation is that she was complacent... And I say: "complacent?" Knowing that a special needs child is being carried! So that leads me to irresponsible, whichever avenue that leads one down.


Go with irresponsible then. I know nothing of your timeline, and I wish your family the best.

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