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I was watching the game last night, can someone summarize the episode for me?



Ok, I dont know character names, so bear with me.


The other young guy (not the doctor) is out in the middle of the ocean drowning. Jack (the doctor) goes to save him. Once he reaches him, he sees there is a woman farther out. He decides to save the guy and go back for the girl. Too late. She dies. It wasnt anyone we saw on the show, she was a background character. Jack is pretty upset by it all, knowing that the other young guy stood a chance to make it by himself, and maybe he should have gone for the girl.


Jack starts seeing the guy in the suit again. Flashback to when Jack is little. Gets beat up outside of school. Goes home to his super-wealthy father, who is an !@#$ alcoholic, blaming the beating on Jack.


Fast Forward to Jack talking to his mother. She says "you have to go get your dad". He has to go get him is Australia. He gets there, and his dad is dead from boozing too much. He flies the body back to the US.


Now, it turns out the guy in the suit is his dad. "The White Rabbit" from Alice in wonderland, if you will.


Jack follows him, but cant catch him. Finally, while searching, he finds a source a clean water, which they had run out of. He then finds the other part of the plane, with his dads coffin. Opens it, no dad.


In the meantime, back at camp, the preggo girl fainted, but she's ok.


Weird old dude explains to jack that the island is magic. Jack somewhat believes him

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Ok, I dont know character names, so bear with me.


The other young guy (not the doctor) is out in the middle of the ocean drowning. Jack (the doctor) goes to save him. Once he reaches him, he sees there is a woman farther out. He decides to save the guy and go back for the girl. Too late. She dies. It wasnt anyone we saw on the show, she was a background character. Jack is pretty upset by it all, knowing that the other young guy stood a chance to make it by himself, and maybe he should have gone for the girl.


Jack starts seeing the guy in the suit again. Flashback to when Jack is little. Gets beat up outside of school. Goes home to his super-wealthy father, who is an !@#$ alcoholic, blaming the beating on Jack.


Fast Forward to Jack talking to his mother. She says "you have to go get your dad". He has to go get him is Australia. He gets there, and his dad is dead from boozing too much. He flies the body back to the US.


Now, it turns out the guy in the suit is his dad. "The White Rabbit" from Alice in wonderland, if you will.


Jack follows him, but cant catch him. Finally, while searching, he finds a source a clean water, which they had run out of. He then finds the other part of the plane, with his dads coffin. Opens it, no dad.


In the meantime, back at camp, the preggo girl fainted, but she's ok.


Weird old dude explains to jack that the island is magic. Jack somewhat believes him



ABC's episode guide did a better job :blush: . Oh, and you got the flashback part mixed up. The "young jack" happened first. Helped explain him being torn over helping the girl or not and also him being upset with himself.


You also forgot the whole stolen water bit and the distrust that everyone harbors for each other. Thus, the "we can't be every man for ourselves," talk at the end.


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ABC's episode guide did a better job :-p .  Oh, and you got the flashback part mixed up.  The "young jack" happened first.  Helped explain him being torn over helping the girl or not and also him being upset with himself.






oh bite me!




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Yeah, you've always been able to do that with TiVo.  But you shouldn't have to; if a show says it ends at 9, it should end at 9.  Plus, if you pad your recording by a few minutes, you won't get to record anything at 9 if you wanted to.





For those with DIRECT Tivo, great to watch both the game and lost eh? Do all the DirectTV tivo owners out there know how to pause and switch tuners? I find most do not. If so here it is.


get first station on, hit pause, then hit down arrow at top of peanut remote. Go to next station and do same thing. this is how I watch two games at once on Sundays, and saturdays.


Also, for those who want to program a 30 second skip. Bring up a recorded program, hit select-play-select-30-select. You should here three beeps and now your button to go to end of show is a 30 second skip button. Invaluable for NFL games

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That coffin thing was creepy. This show is great. It's the only new show that is worth turning the TV on for. I've heard theat Desperate Housewives is also good, but it's not my cup of tea. Can't wait for next week and Lost again.




Go Bills

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That coffin thing was creepy. This show is great. It's the only new show that is worth turning the TV on for.  I've heard theat Desperate Housewives is also good, but it's not my cup of tea. Can't wait for next week and Lost again.




Go Bills



My wife watches that Housewives show...just not happening for me either.

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That coffin thing was creepy. This show is great. It's the only new show that is worth turning the TV on for.  I've heard theat Desperate Housewives is also good, but it's not my cup of tea. Can't wait for next week and Lost again.




Go Bills



You should check out Veronica Mars. It's actually really good. It has some very good writing (reminiscent of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Firefly), but nothing supernatural. The main character even reminds me of Buffy quite a bit. There's a lot of mystery trying to figure out what's going on. Here's the basic premise:




Highly recommended. That, Lost, and "Judging Amy" are the only three dramas I watch. Add in "8 Simple Rules" and "Grounded for Life," and that's the end of my prime-time viewing.



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You should check out Veronica Mars.  It's actually really good.  It has some very good writing (reminiscent of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Firefly), but nothing supernatural.  The main character even reminds me of Buffy quite a bit.  There's a lot of mystery trying to figure out what's going on.  Here's the basic premise:




Highly recommended.  That, Lost, and "Judging Amy" are the only three dramas I watch.  Add in "8 Simple Rules" and "Grounded for Life," and that's the end of my prime-time viewing.





For those that liked the show the Office, with David Brent, he is doing a 2 hour special catching up with what the characters and what they are now doing. That show was hilarious. It will be on BBC America, not sure when.




Go Bills

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It was another good episode that had me interested from begining to end..


I have been giving it more thought though,is it possible they are all dead already,just stuck in limbo or a twilight zone as someone had refered to above. You get the constant references now to magic and the fact that the crippled guy couldn't walk and suddenly he can now after the Rosen.Also you got Jack seeing his dead father,which they do attempt to explain..A different way to watch the show though when you're thinking along those lines..Just some food for thought I guess..

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It was another good episode that had me interested from begining to end..


I have been giving it more thought though,is it possible they are all dead already,just stuck in limbo or a twilight zone as someone had refered to above. You get the constant references now to magic and the fact that the crippled guy couldn't walk and suddenly he can now after the Rosen.Also you got Jack seeing his dead father,which they do attempt to explain..A different way to watch the show though when you're thinking along those lines..Just some food for thought I guess..



Remember the doll found underwater at the falls? Did anyone else equate that with the woman that drowned at the beginning? I think way too much while I watch this show.




Go Bills

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Alos, hate to overanalyze, but it is clear that Jack wasn't hallucinating and that when he was near the fire, he heard and saw soemthing close by that led him to that waterfall. It sounded like the clinking of ice in a glass. Like when his dad lectured him. That was an eerie scene as a whole. Sorry for so much off topic, but this show is fascinating. I hope they don't mess it up.




Go Bills

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Remember the doll found underwater at the falls?  Did anyone else equate that with the woman that drowned at the beginning? I think way too much while I watch this show.



Yeah, you're right. VOODOO? I thought I remember someone saying this show had something to do with aliens?

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Alos, hate to overanalyze, but it is clear that Jack wasn't hallucinating and that when he was near the fire, he heard and saw soemthing close by that led him to that waterfall. It sounded like the clinking of ice in a glass. Like when his dad lectured him. That was an eerie scene as a whole.  Sorry for so much off topic, but this show is fascinating. I hope they don't mess it up.




Go Bills



The only thing with that is that we are now supposed to believe his dad is alive again? That's makes the show definitely science fiction... now I know what you are thinking - "it already was" - but really it wasnt, everything COULD have happened. Obviously people have been there before, so they could have transported the Polar Bear. The old man may not have been paralyzed, he man have just have been a mental case (i mean he thought the phone sex girl was his girlfriend and made people call him colonel because he liked to play Risk). But if we are to belive Jack's dad is alive again makes the show now 100% dedicated to being sci-fi. Which is OK, but I liked the idea of "everything has an explanation" and we are supposed to try to figure it out.

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The only thing with that is that we are now supposed to believe his dad is alive again? That's makes the show definitely science fiction... now I know what you are thinking - "it already was" - but really it wasnt, everything COULD have happened. Obviously people have been there before, so they could have transported the Polar Bear. The old man may not have been paralyzed, he man have just have been a mental case (i mean he thought the phone sex girl was his girlfriend and made people call him colonel because he liked to play Risk). But if we are to belive Jack's dad is alive again makes the show now 100% dedicated to being sci-fi. Which is OK, but I liked the idea of "everything has an explanation" and we are supposed to try to figure it out.



There's plenty of explanations...


#1 The airline put an empty casket in (either on purpose or by accident). This would go along with the airline regulation to not let the casket on for whatever reason (Jack was arguing with the clerk, and the clerk never said "Ok, we'll do it for you.")


#2 Someone/something stole the body.


#3 The body fell out as the casket was falling from the sky, so it's in the jungle somewhere.


I still think #1 has the most chance of being true, but we'll see.


I also like the idea that they create their own reality...



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I watch it, I am male, and I love the show!



You are a brave man. The TV critic out her for the Chronicle loves it too and he is a cool guy, so I know it has to be good. Plus, Terri Hatcher is easy on the eyes.



Go Bills

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I think the doll in the water, and the rest of the stuff found laying around that waterfall, we just luggage, etc. that came out of that section of the plane. Now, that being said, I have a feeling that there may have been another survivor from that part of the plane. This will come into play later.


Can they all be dead? Oh sure...that sure is a possibility, though that stuff early on about that French radio signal makes me believe that this is more like a Land-of-The-Lost scenario...like a tear in the fabric of reality, or maybe a second parallel dimension.


I know its all for ratings, but was this plane Rosen only survivable for the beautiful and studly?!? Except for that big dude with long hair, we're talking hubba hubba all the way around. "Oooh...I'm so happy I'm beautiful. I feel so badly for my butt-ugly seatmates who didn't make it."


Lastly, and this is an anal-retentive point, but had that plane truly broken up in mid-air that way, there is no way a single person would have survived. But hey...maybe that leads us back to the afterlife/heaven idea.


Good stuff...REALLY good stuff. Can't wait for next week.

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it contains alot of very dark humor, plus the female cast is very Milf-ilicious!


You are a brave man. The TV critic out her for the Chronicle loves it too and he is a cool guy, so I know it has to be good. Plus, Terri Hatcher is easy on the eyes.



Go Bills


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