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(OT) Congrats to Boston from a

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One could also point out that because of Steinbrenner's relentless willingness to spend any amount of money, that the Sox have no choice but to be the second biggest spender in the majors just to compete. The reality is, that even though the Sox are second, they are a DISTANT second. The difference between the Sox and the Yanks payrolls in 2004 would have funded a dozen or so other teams' payrolls this year.



And the distance between the Sox payroll and whoever makes it the NL is going to be at a minumum of 44 million less than yours.

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I thought it was bunch of crap.


You just won....are you that high on yourself that you have to throw out "All empire must fall" I mean c'mon. I didn't see Joe Torre down there saying "Oh, they got lucky" Have some class. You are the management of a great franchise.


But, then again, I can remember some comment Steinbrenner has made in the past.....


In case you didn't notice, Mr. USMC brought up the Evil Emoire thingy in his congratulations. Why shouldn't that be responded to? As a Sox fan, I appreciate his congratulations, but when you qualify it with a defensive, why should you not expect someone to not accept in its qualified form?

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One could also point out that because of Steinbrenner's relentless willingness to spend any amount of money, that the Sox have no choice but to be the second biggest spender in the majors just to compete. The reality is, that even though the Sox are second, they are a DISTANT second. The difference between the Sox and the Yanks payrolls in 2004 would have funded a dozen or so other teams' payrolls this year.



And the distance between the Sox payroll and whoever makes it the NL is going to be at a minumum of 44 million less than yours.


Yes, they fortunately do not have an NL version of the Yankees to deal with. Otherwise, that may not be the case. Which was my point to begin with.

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By the way, USMC, this was definitely a left-handed congratulations. You said congrats in the first sentence, then basically ripped on the Sox! :lol:


Better than no congrats at all, which is exactly what they get from me.



Yankees have no one to blame for this travesty but themselves,

but they will be back. :lol:



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I will be there if the Bills win it! My comment was "just" It was the greatest comeback in MLB history! Please Coli! GO have some cake, be a good sport! Sox fans have been hurt so much but this is sweet!

Sox Nation is a passion!

A cake???  :blush:  ;)  :lol:  That's hilarious. When the Bills win the super bowl I'm not buying a cake. I'm buying about 8 kegs and a 100 lb pig to bbq. A cake?? Boy the fans in Boston really know how to celebrate a win... :lol:  :lol:


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I completely disagree about the Yankees choking- its not about what NY did or didn't do- they did not lose because of a panic- they lost because Boston took the last 4 games to them. Just have to tip the cap to them- they won the battle.

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That is exactly how I responded!

If you are a baseball fan how could you not like the outcome of this series.. David slains goliath! kind of!


quote=BuffaloBob,Oct 21 2004, 09:33 AM]

In case you didn't notice, Mr. USMC brought up the Evil Emoire thingy in his congratulations. Why shouldn't that be responded to? As a Sox fan, I appreciate his congratulations, but when you qualify it with a defensive, why should you not expect someone to not accept in its qualified form?


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I will be there if the Bills win it! My comment was "just" It was the greatest comeback in MLB history! Please Coli! GO have some cake, be a good sport! Sox fans have been hurt so much but this is sweet!

Sox Nation is a passion!



When the Bills win the super bowl EVERYONE from TBD will be invited to my victory party. They may have to rename this town after us when we're done. It's going to be a doozy. (I just hope I don't have too much time to save up for it or the money may turn into college tuition for my kids) ;):blush::lol:

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Yes, they fortunately do not have an NL version of the Yankees to deal with. Otherwise, that may not be the case. Which was my point to begin with.





Because the BoSox are now the cash cows to root against.



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I will be there if the Bills win it! My comment was "just" It was the greatest comeback in MLB history! Please Coli! GO have some cake, be a good sport! Sox fans have been hurt so much but this is sweet!

Sox Nation is a passion!


The cake has the faces of the whole Sox squad in frosting on it. Now, I like cake, but I can't do it. They're all pretty good people, but not many are hard-core fans...mostly bandwagon people. It's cool though. I'm letting them have their fun. That's sports and I'm a Yankees/Bills fan in a Sox/Pats town.

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yo Buffalo....my post was directed at BoSox management. Not the good fans of the Sox.


I realize that, as my posts are directed at King George and MLB rather than Yankee fans, of whom many I count as close friends. However, I am merely responding to this rather inane argument that the Sox fans should not complain about the Yankee payroll because "they are just about as bad because they are number 2."


My point is that the reason they are number 2 is because they are forced to be to compete. They do not have the luxury of playing in a division or a league where they can win or at least compete for a division without spending over $100 million.


My point also was simply that even at number 2, the difference between us is still huge. There were at least 14 teams in the major leagues this year that didn't spend the DIFFERENCE between our payrolls. That is truly telling of the gap between the Yankees and everyone else, including the BoSox!

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Well....congrats to the Red Sox and their fans. You took it from the Yankees when all odds were against you. I can't stand Boston, and I'm sure these last four losses when only intensify my dislike for Red Sox Nation. But I'll give credit where credit is due.

People will continue to harp on the Yankees' pitching (especially the starters), and that certainly cost them Game 7. However, the pitching was good enough to win the first six games of this series and would have been good enough to win the World Series, but the bats went cold when it mattered most. My biggest problem with this Yankees team since April has been the inability to hit with consistency with runners in scoring position. Too much waiting for the three-run homer.

Gantrules said it another thread...the turning point (in my mind) in this series was the 8th inning of Game 4, when Jeter sacrificed Cairo to third and A-Rod failed to get him in with one out. Would have been 5-2, and probably would have slammed the door on the series. Woulda, coulda shoulda though.

I realize the starters weren't great in Games 4 and 5, but to give up 6 and 5 runs to that Red Sox lineup in that ballpark (and playing eight extra innings) isn't too shabby. The Yankees need to address their pitching problems...no question about that. But they also need to start hitting in the clutch. In my mind that's why my Yanks were the statue in this series, and those damn Red Sox were the pigeons soaring about the statues. Well, those pigeons just took a big crap on us.


So again...congrats to the Red Sox and their fans. You earned it. But remember, there are high school kids who were alive the last time was Boston was IN the World Series. The object is to win it. You got over a major hurdle by beating New York, but as far as I'm concerned, if you lose to St. Louis or Houston, you didn't accomplish jack squat.

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Yes, they fortunately do not have an NL version of the Yankees to deal with. Otherwise, that may not be the case. Which was my point to begin with.





Because the BoSox are now the cash cows to root against.




Yeah, and they can blame the Yankees for it! :blush:

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I'll give credit where credit is do. Your team simply wanted it more and outplayed our team over the last four games.


I was a BoSox fan when I followed baseball, and it was 'nice' to see them do it last night against the Yanks, but I really didn't have an emotional investment either way. That said, classy sentiment USMCBillsFan. Too bad more fans of all teams in all sports don't have that attitude.

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