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I used to think Lynch supporters were bad but then...

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The hypocrisy continues!


So Lynch shouldn't receive special treatment because he's a star athlete, but you're defending the right of bar owners to "promote the liberal use of comps for customers deemed beneficial to their business?" Are you for real? :thumbsup:


I was going to mention this before and am glad you brought it up, but WHAT exactly do you think Lynch is? Given that he's a multi-millionaire star RB for the local PROFESSIONAL football team, I'd say he's a "customer deemed beneficial to their business." That's why I LMMFAO when I heard about 2 bars tossing him out for bringing his own stuff when they could and SHOULD have been comping him and/or ignored it and THEN comped him. Because his presence attracts other people. And tossing him out means he'll trash those bars to his teammates, who are also star athletes and "customers deemed..." Idiotic.


And since it's been a few days, any progress on finding people who saw Lynch drinking, much less drunk when he made his way to his car that night? Surely with all the bartenders (and obviously wait staff who also were getting ripped-off by him) hating him for bringing his own alcohol, SOMEBODY must be willing to come forward. Yet all I hear is the sounds of crickets. What does that tell you?



That you should put down your banjo and close the windows? :w00t:

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I root for the Laundry.


Once he leaves, you're darn right I will tear him apart for the DUIing, Hit-n-Running, not-admitting piece of crap that he is.


Until then... he only hit a canadian chick. Who cares?


And If people root for the laundry, I better not see any Lynch jerseys at Training Camp.

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I root for the Laundry.


Once he leaves, you're darn right I will tear him apart for the DUIing, Hit-n-Running, not-admitting piece of crap that he is.


Until then... he only hit a canadian chick. Who cares?



Thanks Crayonz.....

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I feel that way about the talent we've seen move on at the Cornerback position. I feel a lot less that way about watching the low-character or narcisist dregs we've drafted at RB go on. The garbage that's come to light about Lynch's very public low-life activities makes me believe our biggest problem at retaining RBs may simply be the things we're ignoring on draft day. There're enough Terrell Davis types to not start thinking about using our high picks for good guys at other positions while finding a RB who is considered a good citizen by the people he's spent the past 22 years around. Maybe the trick is simply verifying that those people he's been around for those 22 years are also considered good citizens ;-)


No offense, but Winfield and Clements wanted WAY too much money. No way Clements was worth 10 years 80 mil. Sorry, but no thanks. That being said, I am getting tired of letting good young players get away, but I think that the FO is starting to change its ways. Take Butler and Williams. A couple of young solid up and coming guys that deserved bigger pay and extensions. The FO gave them both to keep them in Bills unis for the near future. Expect more of the same in the next few months. I think you will see Peters and Evans get resigned and if Lynch has a solid year this season, expect him to get an extension as well. I think this FO is serious about keeping this team together, unlike what I see from the Sabres organization. You want to talk about an organization that lets talent go, try looking downtown.

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Maybe in that vacuum you call your mind, but in the real world there are many bar owners who promote their bartenders liberal use of comps for customers deemed beneficial to their business.


I'd think any bar owner with half a brain would likewise use the fact that one of the city's 5 most famous people is hanging out in their bar as promotion for additional business. Regardless of what he was drinking.

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I'd think any bar owner with half a brain would likewise use the fact that one of the city's 5 most famous people is hanging out in their bar as promotion for additional business. Regardless of what he was drinking.


Since we don't live in Cuba, I'm much more a supporter of allowing the bar owner to make that judgment. Shouldn't the person who's got all the risk decide whether the value of having a scumbag pouring drinks out of a flask to save a few bucks outweighs other considerations like the suspension of his liquor license?



No offense, but Winfield and Clements wanted WAY too much money.


Of course there were market considerations beyond simple strategic error in the losses of Clements and AW, but among the points I'm making is that losing the services of a "#12" pick CB is worse today than losing the services of a "#12" pick RB, due fundamentally to the far easier replacement of the RB with help who doesn't need to know your playbook. Our defensive system doesn't afford bringing in any CB and having him start next week, which is something a RB can do effectively.

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Since we don't live in Cuba, I'm much more a supporter of allowing the bar owner to make that judgment. Shouldn't the person who's got all the risk decide whether the value of having a scumbag pouring drinks out of a flask to save a few bucks outweighs other considerations like the suspension of his liquor license?


No one is suggesting otherwise. I was merely pointing out another flaw in your laughably shrill argument about 'cheating' the business and every other paying customer.


But I know you love your one man crusades, so carry on. :wallbash:

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Since we don't live in Cuba, I'm much more a supporter of allowing the bar owner to make that judgment. Shouldn't the person who's got all the risk decide whether the value of having a scumbag pouring drinks out of a flask to save a few bucks outweighs other considerations like the suspension of his liquor license?

There was a threat of the suspension of the bar owner's liquor license if he told Lynch he had to stop using his own alcohol and then started comping his drinks? Sure.


And I guess we can conclude that no one saw him drinking that night, therefore he couldn't have been drunk when his car's sideview mirror his Ms. Shpeley. Case closed.

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I was merely pointing out another flaw in your laughably shrill argument about 'cheating' the business and every other paying customer.


But I know you love your one man crusades, so carry on. :wallbash:


You're merely pointing out that you don't know sh-- from shinola whan it comes to the risks of owning a business. Nothing's more crucial to a bar owner than the liquor license, and the fact that you believe a bar owner would somehow be remiss if he were to protect it from suspension by removing any scumbag who illegally brings his own liquor into the bar suggests that you're just another fan transfixed by the cult of celebrity. Or I guess the other likelihood regarding anyone taking the position that thieving from bar owners is inconsequential would be those who do it regularly?

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Ah, the irony of a guy who fled the scene of a hit and run being called "gutsy".

I keep looking for any articles that describe the "damage" done to this Shpeley woman and can't find anything. I'm months late, I know, but can someone fill me in, was this person even HURT by this supposed "hit-and-run" incident? Because this whole thing is really fishy. I know I slammed this guy before he came here and was pretty vocal about my opinions of him, based, admittedly, on rumors and innuendo. And I've totally turned the corner on it and am fully behind him.


Now, this hit-and-run. Could someone maybe get me the details as the FACTS have them? Because comments like this above make my neck hair bristle, because my GUTS tell me that this Shpeley is nothing more than a liar and a golddigger. Any help here?

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I keep looking for any articles that describe the "damage" done to this Shpeley woman and can't find anything. I'm months late, I know, but can someone fill me in, was this person even HURT by this supposed "hit-and-run" incident? Because this whole thing is really fishy. I know I slammed this guy before he came here and was pretty vocal about my opinions of him, based, admittedly, on rumors and innuendo. And I've totally turned the corner on it and am fully behind him.


Now, this hit-and-run. Could someone maybe get me the details as the FACTS have them? Because comments like this above make my neck hair bristle, because my GUTS tell me that this Shpeley is nothing more than a liar and a golddigger. Any help here?


Why are people still bringing this up?

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Why are people still bringing this up?

I thought I explained why I was bringing this up. Not to mention that every news article I am reading is talking about how Lynch might still face some sort of suspension by the league, so, in fact, this isn't such an old issue.


So, if anyone else has any advice on how I can find the real scoop on this Shpeley woman and whether or not she is full of crap, I'd love to read anything I can get. Just point me in the right direction.


But hey, if you can't help, please, give your lame opinion about my bringing this up. OK? Please? I really care what you think.

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There has been very little news about her. She reportedly was allowed to walk to the ambulance, was treated at a local ER by receiving seven stitches to her hip, and released within a few hours. There has been no report of what part of the car she struck (I've heard it was the sideview mirror), whether she was drinking that night, and what her "other injuries" are. But the bottom line, whether she was drunk and/or walked into the car or not, is she got hit by Lynch's car and deserves some sort of compensation.

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There has been very little news about her. She reportedly was allowed to walk to the ambulance, was treated at a local ER by receiving seven stitches to her hip, and released within a few hours. There has been no report of what part of the car she struck (I've heard it was the sideview mirror), whether she was drinking that night, and what her "other injuries" are. But the bottom line, whether she was drunk and/or walked into the car or not, is she got hit by Lynch's car and deserves some sort of compensation.

So basically, there's no actual proof that she got stitches or even injured at all? Or was there an interview with actual hospital staff who treated her? And how did she KNOW it was Lynch who hit her? License plate, or did she already know it was him? And who hit who? Did she walk into the car, or did the car hit HER?


Not saying I think a guy who brings his own booze to nightclubs, or expects comps because he's a "star" is anyone I'd ever admire, but anyone who goes downtown and drinks with the rest of the dumb lushes deserves company like that, and if this chick walked into his car, she doesn't deserve a thing, IMO.


Thanks for the bit o' news, though.

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So basically, there's no actual proof that she got stitches or even injured at all? Or was there an interview with actual hospital staff who treated her? And how did she KNOW it was Lynch who hit her? License plate, or did she already know it was him? And who hit who? Did she walk into the car, or did the car hit HER?


Not saying I think a guy who brings his own booze to nightclubs, or expects comps because he's a "star" is anyone I'd ever admire, but anyone who goes downtown and drinks with the rest of the dumb lushes deserves company like that, and if this chick walked into his car, she doesn't deserve a thing, IMO.


Thanks for the bit o' news, though.


So I guess you're implying that this incident never happened and that the media, the DA, the victim, Lynch's legal counsel, and Lynch himself have fabricated this entire event?

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The trend favors the "believers"- there just are no longer the "career" running backs you see opening and closing 11 or 12 year careers with the same team. It may have been common for the first 70 years of the league, but even before Emmit Smith pulled on an Arizona Cardinals helmet the team back was almost extinct. Too much advantage methinks to the young bodies in this league that has become more punishing over time, and moreso on Running Backs than on any other position. Feature running backs, once the provenance of the top of the draft board in round one, now seem just as likely to be there at the end of the 2nd round or later.

This is a good argument for why drafting a RB high in the 1st round is a long-range loser's decision.

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This is a good argument for why drafting a RB high in the 1st round is a long-range loser's decision.

Actually, it's not. While it's easy to say "you can find a RB in the rounds past the 1st round," the hard part is FINDING one. Running backs taken in the 1st round have a much higher rate of success than those taken later. This is tantamount to saying that you don't need to waste a 1st rounder on an OL because you can find them in later rounds, and they take time to develop.

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Actually, it's not. While it's easy to say "you can find a RB in the rounds past the 1st round," the hard part is FINDING one. Running backs taken in the 1st round have a much higher rate of success than those taken later. This is tantamount to saying that you don't need to waste a 1st rounder on an OL because you can find them in later rounds, and they take time to develop.


It also depends alot on your line, if you've got a great one it can make a decent RB look amazing. Just look at Priest Holmes when he left for KC or Chester Taylor when he filled in for AP last year.

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