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Phoenix has landed on Mars!

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Except it's not pristine and it's "wilderness" only in the sense that nothing can live there about 10 months a year.


There won't be a single species wiped out by drilling in ANWR. That's the ridiculous fear mongering that put us in this hole in the first place.


I'm as "environmental" as all but the hippies out there but not drilling ANWR ain't based on environmental fact. It kills me that people think it's smarter to drill offshore in "asssmashistan" or in the rain forests then bring oil across the ocean from places that don't have a single enviromental control in place rather than drill in the most controlled oil producing country in the history of the world.


Very enlightened.


Oil bad. America bad.

The Polar Bear for one is losing it's habitat and most likely will become extinct in the next 100 years. That is not a direct result of ANWR- but a direct result of global warming (or whatever you would like to call to permafrost and glaciers melting)


I like the idea of preserving Alaska. Teddy Roosevelt would approve. And the oil reserves would be saved for a worst case scenario.


Who is saying it is smarter to drill offshore? Certainly not I. I want us to get off oil. I would like to see a Manhattan Type project and solve this crisis. Problem is big business runs this country and too many corporations have too much to lose if we find an alternative.


American's are wasteful. I read one theory that if everyone on the planet ate like an American, we would need 2.5 earths just to grow food to feed the world. We need to stop pissing away the world's resources. Mother Earth would be in much better condition if everyone did their part and tried to leave a smaller ecological footprint.


SUV's bad, America good.


And NASA :thumbsup:

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The Polar Bear for one is losing it's habitat and most likely will become extinct in the next 100 years. That is not a direct result of ANWR- but a direct result of global warming (or whatever you would like to call to permafrost and glaciers melting)

Ah, Global Warming. The Nuclear Winter, Breast Implants, and "The Russians Are Coming" all rolled into one. Never gonna get tired of "Global Warming".

I like the idea of preserving Alaska. Teddy Roosevelt would approve. And the oil reserves would be saved for a worst case scenario.

Preserving Alaska? ANWR is the size of SOUTH CAROLINA. The pad to drill for oil is about 2000 acres - or the size of a small airport. Would South Carolina be ruined if they put a gravel pad and ice roads in? Yeah, didn't think so.


And the notion of "saving oil for a rainy day" is ludicrous considering the largest known oil reserve in the world is in Colorado. It's only a matter of time before that comes into play in a serious way.

Who is saying it is smarter to drill offshore? Certainly not I. I want us to get off oil. I would like to see a Manhattan Type project and solve this crisis. Problem is big business runs this country and too many corporations have too much to lose if we find an alternative.

The problem is a whole buncha people keep buying what those in charge are selling. Al "Occidental Petroleum/Elk Hills" Gore is selling Global Warming and you're buying. And there isn't going to be a "Manhattan Project" - that's the equivalent of Nero fiddling while Rome burns. There's no easy answer


Not drilling in ANWR is BAD FOR AMERICA. It costs us jobs and countless revenue and gives more money to people like Chavez and the House of Saud. Bad business. And everyday we wait means 10 more years without oil.

American's are wasteful. I read one theory that if everyone on the planet ate like an American, we would need 2.5 earths just to grow food to feed the world. We need to stop pissing away the world's resources. Mother Earth would be in much better condition if everyone did their part and tried to leave a smaller ecological footprint.

Mother earth can take care of herself. She'll be more than happy to put us in our place.

SUV's bad, America good.


And NASA :thumbsup:

I love my SUV. Big, roomy enough to take my family (including dogs), my stuff, and excellent in the winter. Of course, I carpool and have for a long time.

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I want us to get off oil. I would like to see a Manhattan Type project and solve this crisis. Problem is big business runs this country and too many corporations have too much to lose if we find an alternative.


There already was a Manhattan Project that resulted in almost limitless power that gets us off oil. It was called the Manhattan Project.


Recycling energy (not letting so much go unused) is the wave of the immediate future. That's essentially what a hybrid is (a few extra systems that harness lost energy for practical use) and factories, cars, homes, boats, etc. will all shift to this.

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The Polar Bear for one is losing it's habitat and most likely will become extinct in the next 100 years.


So what? Learn to !@#$ing adapt. If they are such an amazing creature that we want to preserve, they should learn, like all species that have made it this far, to adapt to the actions of the other animals (see: humans) around it. Would my, yours or anyone's life be significantly different if Polar Bears were wiped off the face of the planet?


There's been a highly publicized rumor going around that three species -- be it plant or animal -- go extinct each hour. While I still haven't seen solid proof of the same, I would guess that even if it was GROSSLY over-estimating the truth, its safe to say that, oh, one species goes extinct every week. So, just because Polar bears are giant, and mammalian, and their offspring are "cute" when still young, doesn't mean that they are the first, or for god sake's the last animal to go extinct this century.


So, until we are all driving cars that run on water (but of course, not water from the polar ice caps), let's be the stronger species, say !@#$ the ones that can't adapt, use the resources we were smart enough to figure out how to find, and use.


In the meantime, believe me, the hippies and scientists (and hippie scientists) won't give up looking for that water car.


Mother Nature made it a pretty long time without us, a long time with us, and we'll be just fine where we're gone.

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