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[closed]James Hardy should be suspended by the NFL

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You know, this thread and it's knee-jerk beginning should probably be rolled up into the larger thread.


Let's just roll up all the threads on this board into one. Then we can have one, big happy thread.

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James Hardy should be suspended by the NFL. Pulling a weapon on your father is inexcusable.

Shows poor judgement. The kid had a bad reputation and now the true Hardy is beginning to show. No character. The Bills are hypocrites if they are willing to overlook these poor qualities. We dont want thugs on our team.

Should we find out the facts first or just assume that the article is 100% accurate and ignore the fact that the police found no reason to file any charges which would clearly have been the case if there was any truth at all in the article?

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James Hardy should be suspended by the NFL. Pulling a weapon on your father is inexcusable.

Shows poor judgement. The kid had a bad reputation and now the true Hardy is beginning to show. No character. The Bills are hypocrites if they are willing to overlook these poor qualities. We dont want thugs on our team.

Move along people. Nothing to see here. This guy's a 'Fins troll...

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James Hardy should be suspended by the NFL. Pulling a weapon on your father is inexcusable.

Shows poor judgement. The kid had a bad reputation and now the true Hardy is beginning to show. No character. The Bills are hypocrites if they are willing to overlook these poor qualities. We dont want thugs on our team.

We do not know what happened at that time. It all depends on the situation. Since we do not know any details about it, we can not really judge if it was right or wrong.


Lets get an example. A man punches a woman, knocking her out, in the middle of the street. If you heard that, then most would assume that the man was crazy and should go to jail. We usually do not see situations where that action is justified. However, we do not know what happened in that situation. The mans actions may be justified, however unlikely. If both parties say nothing happened and all is well, how can we know what really happened?


The media only reports what they hear and that is usually only a part of the story.

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