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Drew seems to be playing a little better


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I thought he looked awful in the first half, making several poor decisions and having his bacon saved by others on more than one occasion. And I didn't give him hell for not hitting Evans in stride in that wind, I gave him hell for not even giving Evans a remote chance to play the ball when so far he's given Drew every reason to have confidence in him downfield.


He really settled down and played much smarter ball in the 2nd though.






Simon, what bad decisions did Bledsoe make in the first half? Just curious.


I think that many here are way off in critquing Bledsoe this season. This is a different offense than the last few years, and I honestly thing Bledsoe has really picked his game up the last few weeks, sinc that Raiders game. He has had some negative plays, but far fewer than some of you are accusing him of. I think he played excellent today, and last week against the Jets. This offense is ready to revive itself in thses next few weeks, and I honestly think we are going to see some great football out of Drew Bledsoe. If not, JP gains the winning job after our 7th loss, whenever that comes.

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People do not like when he takes sacks but when he just gets sacked twice and he avoids sacks more than twice, he gets no credit either.


I did give him credit for the great play he made to avoid Thomas get his eyes downfield and make a great throw to pick up a big first down. However taking a sack at his own 2 with 3:00 left in the half is something that should not be liked.



People give him crap for turning the ball over but when he doesn't turn the ball over he gets crap for almost turning the ball over.


I didn't give him crap for almost turning the ball over, I gave him crap for making some very bad decisions. And those were bad decisions regardless of what anybody else did or didn't do on the play.



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I did give him credit for the great play he made to avoid Thomas get his eyes downfield and make a great throw to pick up a big first down. However taking a sack at his own 2 with 3:00 left in the half is something that should not be liked.

I didn't give him crap for almost turning the ball over, I gave him crap for making some very bad decisions. And those were bad decisions regardless of what anybody else did or didn't do on the play.




My post wasnt really meant to be about you. And I agree with you on your points, if you want to look at them as isolated plays. But he has been given so much crap from Bills fans for results oriented commentary for a long long time. Everyone seems to say he is not getting it done even when he throws the ball well. And now he gets the results and the same people (or many of the same people) are looking at it like you did. Again, I think you are consistent in your criticism and your praise (and it is often the opposite of the general fan). That sack at the two was a terrible play in my opinion, too. But I can live with the sack play of the entire game, when he only gets two, when he avoids the rush, when he runs a bit, when he doesnt throw bad passes because there is pressure, when he doesnt drop the ball when he is hit. Yes, that sack was terrible. But his game in total concerning sacks was very good.

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Simon, what bad decisions did Bledsoe make in the first half? Just curious.


I'm going to have to pick it up later. For now I want to go sip some suds and watch some ball w/ the local Stiller fans.


Rooting for the Cowboys will be tough but if my reward is 10 pissed-off Stiller fans, I suppose it will be worth it!.



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