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Some more Chad Chat..for those who want him

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Johnson is following the Drew Rosenhaus, how-to-force-a-trade manual, right down to the last burnt bridge. All it’s costing him is the affection of an entire city.


Yup. To those who don't think every detail of this sh-- is meticulously preplanned... just look at the formula Rosenass clients all follow, to great 'success.' If you're stuck in a franchise that won't give you more than the $30M you're already pulling in for playing a !@#$ game, all you have to do to counteract the previous impression that you were a 'nice guy' is break all the bonds you formed with teammates/coaches by throwing them under the bus, get in minor trouble with the law/civil case such that people begin to think you're an * when the facts come out, and then sh-- on the city.


I don't normally wish ill on people, but if Rosenass impaled himself up the rear with a rusty spike and died a slow, painful death from the world's worst case of tetnus, I wouldn't shed a tear.

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Roscoe Parrish has Drew Rosenhaus for a client dont he? And last I knew the Buffalo Bills have had a good history friendly history of dealing with his agency firm.......


I dont see why people hate Drew Rosenhaus so much? Its his job to make his clients happy, thats what he is paid to do and he does it well....cant hate a guy for being good at his job.


Did any of you know he saved a little boys life one day? He was on vacation with some family and a little boy fell into a pool, he saved the boy gave him CPR....saved the kids life. After it happen, few months later Drew invited the entire boys family to his home to stay for a while.....


I just cant hate a guy for doing his job the best way possible. Like him or not, hes does whatever his clients ask of him.

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Roscoe Parrish has Drew Rosenhaus for a client dont he? And last I knew the Buffalo Bills have had a good history friendly history of dealing with his agency firm.......


I dont see why people hate Drew Rosenhaus so much? Its his job to make his clients happy, thats what he is paid to do and he does it well....cant hate a guy for being good at his job.

Did any of you know he saved a little boys life one day? He was on vacation with some family and a little boy fell into a pool, he saved the boy gave him CPR....saved the kids life. After it happen, few months later Drew invited the entire boys family to his home to stay for a while.....


I just cant hate a guy for doing his job the best way possible. Like him or not, hes does whatever his clients ask of him.


getting them more money by signing contracts he has no intention on honoring is NOT "making his clients happy".


its selfishly sabotaging and controlling the league for a few more bucks.


that's the worst part of the modern league, they took all the power away from the owners and gave it to the worst possible scumbags... the agents.

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getting them more money by signing contracts he has no intention on honoring is NOT "making his clients happy".


its selfishly sabotaging and controlling the league for a few more bucks.


that's the worst part of the modern league, they took all the power away from the owners and gave it to the worst possible scumbags... the agents.



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getting them more money by signing contracts he has no intention on honoring is NOT "making his clients happy".


its selfishly sabotaging and controlling the league for a few more bucks.


that's the worst part of the modern league, they took all the power away from the owners and gave it to the worst possible scumbags... the agents.


Whether it's morally right in your mind or not, this is still the guys job, and "getting them more money by signing contracts he has no intention of honoring" is part of doing his job well, no matter if you think its right or wrong. Almost anyone in the same position would work pretty much the same way.

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Whether it's morally right in your mind or not, this is still the guys job, and "getting them more money by signing contracts he has no intention of honoring" is part of doing his job well, no matter if you think its right or wrong. Almost anyone in the same position would work pretty much the same way.


I do have a hard time getting upset at players (and in this discussion agents) when the talk of holdouts comes up... the organizations have the right to cut a guy at any time and not pay the rest of his salary. Unfortunately this is a part of the game today and its just something we have to deal with. So I can't hate on Rosenhaus for just playing the game (and playing it well) when the teams would surely play their hand when necessary.

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Whether it's morally right in your mind or not, this is still the guys job, and "getting them more money by signing contracts he has no intention of honoring" is part of doing his job well, no matter if you think its right or wrong. Almost anyone in the same position would work pretty much the same way.



no. because i try to live, and make every decision, by what i think is right.


its not his job to be a scumbag. its not the players job to let their integrity be ruined.

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Roscoe Parrish has Drew Rosenhaus for a client dont he? And last I knew the Buffalo Bills have had a good history friendly history of dealing with his agency firm.......


I dont see why people hate Drew Rosenhaus so much? Its his job to make his clients happy, thats what he is paid to do and he does it well....cant hate a guy for being good at his job.


Did any of you know he saved a little boys life one day? He was on vacation with some family and a little boy fell into a pool, he saved the boy gave him CPR....saved the kids life. After it happen, few months later Drew invited the entire boys family to his home to stay for a while.....


I just cant hate a guy for doing his job the best way possible. Like him or not, hes does whatever his clients ask of him.

Shortly after the this miraculous event he claimed 20% of the toddlers soul. Thats why.

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I do have a hard time getting upset at players (and in this discussion agents) when the talk of holdouts comes up... the organizations have the right to cut a guy at any time and not pay the rest of his salary. Unfortunately this is a part of the game today and its just something we have to deal with. So I can't hate on Rosenhaus for just playing the game (and playing it well) when the teams would surely play their hand when necessary.


The players get large upfront "bonuses" as part of those contracts which is why the contracts are structured that way. Personally the league ought to turn them into pariahs and let them sit for a few years but their is always one owner or two who is too greedy to do that.

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I do have a hard time getting upset at players (and in this discussion agents) when the talk of holdouts comes up... the organizations have the right to cut a guy at any time and not pay the rest of his salary. Unfortunately this is a part of the game today and its just something we have to deal with. So I can't hate on Rosenhaus for just playing the game (and playing it well) when the teams would surely play their hand when necessary.



And yet when a player fails to live up to his monster contract he doesn't have to return any of the money.

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Looking at our game against Cincy on NFL network, Evans is having a huge game, despite being the only outside threat at WR and having a supposedly incompetent QB. The Bengals have a former pro bowler at QB (for what that means) and multiple threats at WR.


As I said before, Chad Johnson is a lesser version of Lee Evans with a bad attitude and a big mouth.

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