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For those that deny the existence of media bias...

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But they can be entertaining. Last time I saw O'Reilly, he was trying to explain why Arianna Huffington and the people at her website are "just like the Nazis." Actually, I don't think he was trying to explain why, he just said it a couple times and pretended it made sense.


Now THAT's entertainment! :)


Hey, we got our d'oh smilie back. Something good did come from yesterday's crash.

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But they can be entertaining. Last time I saw O'Reilly, he was trying to explain why Arianna Huffington and the people at her website are "just like the Nazis." Actually, I don't think he was trying to explain why, he just said it a couple times and pretended it made sense.

And as Judge Judy says "if it doesn't make sense, it ain't true." :)

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And as Judge Judy says "if it doesn't make sense, it ain't true." :)


But what if it doesn't make sense but your read it on the internet? Can something really be true and untrue at the same time. Damn, that's some really deep stuff.

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Oh, there is bias, check out these two stories on the exact same topic:


First the one that appears in the America press:




And how its handled in the UK:




The American version is a basic cut and paste from the Israeli press and really is pretty useless. Why are the Pals and Europe angry? Never says so. Just because, I guess.

I swear it's like Pavlov's dog. :thumbsup:


Every time somebody rings the "left is doing something wrong bell" you start salivating, hoping for your "yeah but, the right/moderate/independent/corporate - essentially anyone who's not a socialist - is doing something bad too" food to be substantive, even when the bowl is empty. Fascinating. Retarded, but fascinating.


Every time somebody brings up something, you always have an immediate, dopey response that has the slimmest possible relevance to the point they are making. I would say start a new thread about the above articles but I'm afraid to up your quota of 20 nonsense threads a week.


Do you understand that when someone on the left is being criticized for doing something stupid, a proper defense of that person is not "yeah but somebody else is doing..." Somebody else has nothing to do with the original person doing something stupid.

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Not a party to Eliot Spitzer scandal?

Ray Cooklis, Editorial Board Member, Cincinnati Enquirer 03/13/08


"Eliot Spitzer is a Democrat. There. At least somebody's said it right up front.


Hey, it looks like they "fixed" it - now Spitzer is a REPUBLICAN!


But I'm sure it's just an innocent mistake. :thumbsup:Yep, just a little ol' mistake.

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When a group of largely right wing idiots think I'm crazy, I just consider I'm doing something right. That the leader of the mob--you--hates me, is a source of amusment to me. And boy, are you bent out of shape today in particular


:angry: <------me


:thumbsup: <-----you

:(:lol: :lol:


And what if a left winger thinks you're an idiot, are you still doing something right?

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You mean the study published in Lancet, which the authors refuse to divulge the data behind the research? The one which trumpeted the 600,000 deaths number, which sticks to inert brain matter?

Why thank you GG! And Tom, there have been numerous reports of hundreds of thousands of deaths of Iraqis as well. I'm sure you "probably" think they are all wrong, just because you want them to be.

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Or one could be molson, and pull number out of your ass without understanding sh-- on the subject. Either way's good, I guess. :thumbsup:

Or, it could be you ask me to site to sources and I did and then you changed the subject by attacking the sources.


Here's a good one for ya:




Have fun

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Or, it could be you ask me to site to sources and I did and then you changed the subject by attacking the sources.


Here's a good one for ya:




Have fun


No, I asked you to cite sources knowing the sources you'd cite, so I could demonstrate that you didn't understand them.


And now, in true molson fashion, you prove my point by quoting a source that 1) isn't a source, and 2) is mis-quoting in exactly the maner I described same Lancet source I discussed. I don't think you've ever demonstrated your ignorance - or lack of reading skills, for that matter - as beautifully and clearly as you just have. :lol:

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No, I asked you to cite sources knowing the sources you'd cite, so I could demonstrate that you didn't understand them.


And now, in true molson fashion, you prove my point by quoting a source that 1) isn't a source, and 2) is mis-quoting in exactly the maner I described same Lancet source I discussed. I don't think you've ever demonstrated your ignorance - or lack of reading skills, for that matter - as beautifully and clearly as you just have. :lol:

Ah yes, everything is mis-quoted and scum bag Tom is going to fix it. And having to fall back on the tired old--and untrue, not to mention childish--tactic of "reading skills" shows how you have no point to make. :lol:

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Ah yes, everything is mis-quoted and scum bag Tom is going to fix it. And having to fall back on the tired old--and untrue, not to mention childish--tactic of "reading skills" shows how you have no point to make. :lol:


Except the one I already made and you clearly didn't read.


Arguing with you is a really bizarre experience, you know that? You make a claim ("multiple sources say hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died, and the Pentagon lies about it"), can't back it up (cite numerous secondary reports of a single demonstrably flawed source), conclusively demonstrate your total ignorance, then metaphorically cover your ears and scream "I'm not listening!!! Neener neener neener!!! I win!!!" when anyone demonstrates you're not only wrong but stupid, and then insist in believing that people look up to you as an intellectual. :lol: I know three-year-olds that are more rational than you.

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Except the one I already made and you clearly didn't read.


Arguing with you is a really bizarre experience, you know that? You make a claim ("multiple sources say hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died, and the Pentagon lies about it"), can't back it up (cite numerous secondary reports of a single demonstrably flawed source), conclusively demonstrate your total ignorance, then metaphorically cover your ears and scream "I'm not listening!!! Neener neener neener!!! I win!!!" when anyone demonstrates you're not only wrong but stupid, and then insist in believing that people look up to you as an intellectual. :lol: I know three-year-olds that are more rational than you.

I totally backed it up. You asked an off the cuff remark and I told you what I remember, now you blow it up into your usual bull sh--. Good grief.

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