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dante whitner says


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My buddy was partying in The VIP section of a bar his friend owns in Cleveland last night. Whitner shows up there and he gets his picture taken with him. Says that hes a really cool guy. Anyways my friend asks him what the Bills are gona do for the draft. Whitner told him the Bills are in the process of trying to trade up tp get Adrian Peterson. This would be pretty sweet if we landed peterson. :thumbsup:

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You kidding me? First off, its April 1st, so nothing is going to be taken seriously here, 2nd, there is no way whittner knows what we are going to do in the draft. Even if Marv knows already (and I doubt he does), there is no way Whittner is in on the conversation.

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My buddy was partying in The VIP section of a bar his friend owns in Cleveland last night. Whitner shows up there and he gets his picture taken with him. Says that hes a really cool guy. Anyways my friend asks him what the Bills are gona do for the draft. Whitner told him the Bills are in the process of trying to trade up tp get Adrian Peterson. This would be pretty sweet if we landed peterson. :thumbsup:



I don't doubt your story. I seriously doubt the players have any real idea of what Marv and co. are going to do.

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My buddy was partying in The VIP section of a bar his friend owns in Cleveland last night. Whitner shows up there and he gets his picture taken with him. Says that hes a really cool guy. Anyways my friend asks him what the Bills are gona do for the draft. Whitner told him the Bills are in the process of trying to trade up tp get Adrian Peterson. This would be pretty sweet if we landed peterson. :thumbsup:

How come the "buddies" never get on these sites? I wonder if Whitner is privy to the goings on or was it more like "Hey Donte, You think we can trade up to get Peterson?" and he nodded his head and said,"That would be great". I actually hope you are right but I have my doubts that it's going to happen. :w00t:

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My buddy was partying in The VIP section of a bar his friend owns in Cleveland last night. Whitner shows up there and he gets his picture taken with him. Says that hes a really cool guy. Anyways my friend asks him what the Bills are gona do for the draft. Whitner told him the Bills are in the process of trying to trade up tp get Adrian Peterson. This would be pretty sweet if we landed peterson. :thumbsup:

Nice to hear Marv is keeping Donte in the loop as to what his draft plans are. Be sure to get back to us as to what the rest of the draft brings.

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You kidding me? First off, its April 1st, so nothing is going to be taken seriously here, 2nd, there is no way whittner knows what we are going to do in the draft. Even if Marv knows already (and I doubt he does), there is no way Whittner is in on the conversation.

Just becuase marv doesnt say something to him doesnt mean its not true or that he didnt hear it elsewhere. But we could also be dealing with a member of the soprano family here.

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This story would have a lot more validity and believability had it occurred at an airport.


yea 23 year old single millionaires never frequent bars where flocks of women chase after them...... who would do that?


donte was probably just saying that to oblige the obnoxious following of men around him that was detering the women around him.

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This story would have a lot more validity and believability had it occurred at an airport.


Well I wasn't going to bring it up ... but when I was flying home the other weekend, I got stuck in a long security line. I was worried about missing my flight when this shady character in sunglasses called me over. He told me about a secret room in the Buffalo airport that allows you to cut through security! I took him up on the offer (even though my mother said to never talk to strangers) and wound up in a smoke filled room with George Seifert, Mike Sherman, Michael Turner, a cab driver with a Boomer T-shirt on and some guy with a name tag that said SOPRANO.


Anyway, after offering me some peyote, Seifert explained to me that Marv and Ralph call this room often to ask for advice. And they are currently advising OBD to trade the #12 pick to SF for Ronnie Lott's severed pinkie and a bag of what Sherman called "the sticky-icky". Then, Soprano told me that they are going to use the severed pinkie to entice the Chargers to deal Turner to the Bills for a 5th round pick in 2010. Apparently AJ Smith has a thing for severed digits. No one told me where the "sticky-icky" was going, but based on Sherman's glasses, I'm assuming he has issues with glaucoma.


I'll keep you posted if they give out any more inside info.

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Well I wasn't going to bring it up ... but when I was flying home the other weekend, I got stuck in a long security line. I was worried about missing my flight when this shady character in sunglasses called me over. He told me about a secret room in the Buffalo airport that allows you to cut through security! I took him up on the offer (even though my mother said to never talk to strangers) and wound up in a smoke filled room with George Seifert, Mike Sherman, Michael Turner, a cab driver with a Boomer T-shirt on and some guy with a name tag that said SOPRANO.


Anyway, after offering me some peyote, Seifert explained to me that Marv and Ralph call this room often to ask for advice. And they are currently advising OBD to trade the #12 pick to SF for Ronnie Lott's severed pinkie and a bag of what Sherman called "the sticky-icky". Then, Soprano told me that they are going to use the severed pinkie to entice the Chargers to deal Turner to the Bills for a 5th round pick in 2010. Apparently AJ Smith has a thing for severed digits. No one told me where the "sticky-icky" was going, but based on Sherman's glasses, I'm assuming he has issues with glaucoma.


I'll keep you posted if they give out any more inside info.



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Well I wasn't going to bring it up ... but when I was flying home the other weekend, I got stuck in a long security line. I was worried about missing my flight when this shady character in sunglasses called me over. He told me about a secret room in the Buffalo airport that allows you to cut through security! I took him up on the offer (even though my mother said to never talk to strangers) and wound up in a smoke filled room with George Seifert, Mike Sherman, Michael Turner, a cab driver with a Boomer T-shirt on and some guy with a name tag that said SOPRANO.


Anyway, after offering me some peyote, Seifert explained to me that Marv and Ralph call this room often to ask for advice. And they are currently advising OBD to trade the #12 pick to SF for Ronnie Lott's severed pinkie and a bag of what Sherman called "the sticky-icky". Then, Soprano told me that they are going to use the severed pinkie to entice the Chargers to deal Turner to the Bills for a 5th round pick in 2010. Apparently AJ Smith has a thing for severed digits. No one told me where the "sticky-icky" was going, but based on Sherman's glasses, I'm assuming he has issues with glaucoma.


I'll keep you posted if they give out any more inside info.

Now this I believe. It happened at an airport.

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Well I wasn't going to bring it up ... but when I was flying home the other weekend, I got stuck in a long security line. I was worried about missing my flight when this shady character in sunglasses called me over. He told me about a secret room in the Buffalo airport that allows you to cut through security! I took him up on the offer (even though my mother said to never talk to strangers) and wound up in a smoke filled room with George Seifert, Mike Sherman, Michael Turner, a cab driver with a Boomer T-shirt on and some guy with a name tag that said SOPRANO.


Anyway, after offering me some peyote, Seifert explained to me that Marv and Ralph call this room often to ask for advice. And they are currently advising OBD to trade the #12 pick to SF for Ronnie Lott's severed pinkie and a bag of what Sherman called "the sticky-icky". Then, Soprano told me that they are going to use the severed pinkie to entice the Chargers to deal Turner to the Bills for a 5th round pick in 2010. Apparently AJ Smith has a thing for severed digits. No one told me where the "sticky-icky" was going, but based on Sherman's glasses, I'm assuming he has issues with glaucoma.


I'll keep you posted if they give out any more inside info.


Wow. Double Wow. How long have you been sitting on this?

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If you spelled DONTE right I would possibly believe you.


Why does the mis-spelling of a name in a post, invalidate the information? NOTE: I'm not saying I believe or agree with what he is saying. I am simply saying that just because someone mis-spells a name does not invalidate them or their information.

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