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2007 assessement


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using a quartile system of bad,weak/unproven,solid and good how do you see it ? O-line-solid,qb-solid,wr-solid,rb bad. Total offense around 15 to20 in the league representing improvement. D line solid,LB bad,secondary solid. Total defense around 20 to 25 alittle improvement. Special teams good around 5 to 10. My view assumes we get a nice RB, LB,CB,LB with are top picks and depth with the rest. That puts us as a young team that plays hard and wins around 7 to 9 games.

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using a quartile system of bad,weak/unproven,solid and good how do you see it ? O-line-solid,qb-solid,wr-solid,rb bad. Total offense around 15 to20 in the league representing improvement. D line solid,LB bad,secondary solid. Total defense around 20 to 25 alittle improvement. Special teams good around 5 to 10. My view assumes we get a nice RB, LB,CB,LB with are top picks and depth with the rest. That puts us as a young team that plays hard and wins around 7 to 9 games.

Agreed! I'd think a predraft assesment of 7-9 to 9-7 as fair as any right now.

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using a quartile system of bad,weak/unproven,solid and good how do you see it ? O-line-solid,qb-solid,wr-solid,rb bad. Total offense around 15 to20 in the league representing improvement. D line solid,LB bad,secondary solid. Total defense around 20 to 25 alittle improvement. Special teams good around 5 to 10. My view assumes we get a nice RB, LB,CB,LB with are top picks and depth with the rest. That puts us as a young team that plays hard and wins around 7 to 9 games.


(using my own variation)


qb good

wr solid

rb weak

totoff solid - 12 in league

dl unproven

lb unproven

db solid

totdef not weak -11 in league

totrundef 17 in league

totpassdef 7 in league

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My view, but a little differant style.


Marv(like 90% say here) views building the lines as a priorty. Hes doing that. He views guys who want to be here and have football character more important than "names", he's doing that. He is stockpiling picks, to build through the draft. And, he's doing that at 81 years old, not really to worried bout how he is viewed, as he knows this is the last NFL job he will ever have, whether he wins the SuperBowl or goes 2-14, so he is playing his convictions, not giving one rats behind what other so called experts like pasta belly or clayton think. I love this offseason, and think we will be much better than most anticipate just based on attitude, teamwork, and smarts.


Now to my 90% theory, Most say build the lines, but still want the sexy player. I say fug em, Marv building the lines, rest falls in place

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I'll reserve judgement till after the draft.


I like this trade we recently made in getting what should be a solid D-Line rotation with Walker, Tripplett, McCargo, and Williams.


Now I'd like to see us go RB, LB, and CB on day one.(I'd prefer RB in first round with LB in second, and Corner along with another LB in the third)


Given how unproven this group is, I will reserve judgement until week 3 :worthy:

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(using my own variation)


qb good

wr solid

rb weak

totoff solid - 12 in league

dl unproven

lb unproven

db solid

totdef not weak -11 in league

totrundef 17 in league

totpassdef 7 in league


Pass the rose colored glasses please. I mean you might be right, but if you consider db solid...

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My view, but a little differant style.


Marv(like 90% say here) views building the lines as a priorty. Hes doing that. He views guys who want to be here and have football character more important than "names", he's doing that. He is stockpiling picks, to build through the draft. And, he's doing that at 81 years old, not really to worried bout how he is viewed, as he knows this is the last NFL job he will ever have, whether he wins the SuperBowl or goes 2-14, so he is playing his convictions, not giving one rats behind what other so called experts like pasta belly or clayton think. I love this offseason, and think we will be much better than most anticipate just based on attitude, teamwork, and smarts.


Now to my 90% theory, Most say build the lines, but still want the sexy player. I say fug em, Marv building the lines, rest falls in place

Yep. The thing is: last year Marv didn't do much to help either line(he did sign two FA o lineman and draft 3, and he did sign one good DT and draft one). I think there were many reasons for this but the two main ones were:


1. You simply can't make wholesale sweeping changes, no matter how right they would be, your first year on the job. He needed to see who we have and what they were able to do.

2. We had to draft starting/soon to start guys in Marv Draft #1 because the team was in trouble with the guys we had, and we didn't want to take the time to draft and develop lineman, especially o line, unless we set 2-14 as an ok benchmark. In Marv Draft II, they have a lot more flexibility, but at least we aren't staring at every position on the team being a potential hole - like last year.

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