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Colts vs. Patriots

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I thought you couldn't fumble forward into the endzone and recover for a TD? Can someone please clarify the rule?


I thought the fumbler had to recover his own fumble. It was a rule in response to the old "fumbleruski" or something like that.

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That figures. Thanks.


The official rule:


A fumble may be advanced by any player on either team regardless of whether recovered before or after ball hits the ground.


On a play from scrimmage, if an offensive player fumbles anywhere on the field during fourth down, only the fumbling player is permitted to recover and/or advance the ball. If any player fumbles after the two-minute warning in a half, only the fumbling player is permitted to recover and/or advance the ball. If recovered by any other offensive player, the ball is dead at the spot of the fumble unless it is recovered behind the spot of the fumble. In that case, the ball is dead at the spot of recovery. Any defensive player may recover and/or advance any fumble at any time.

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Hey did anybody see how skillfully Maroney fumbled that ball? The Patriots are better than everybody in the league at that play. It all started with Brady - he is much better at playoff hand-off fumbling than Montana ever was. Of course Belichick coaches this team so well that they put this play in last year.




So true. I can't wait to see the strategic interception-subsequently-fumbled-by-a-Colt that Brady is likely to throw later in the game. No one can execute that play like Brady.

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So true. I can't wait to see the strategic interception-subsequently-fumbled-by-a-Colt that Brady is likely to throw later in the game. No one can execute that play like Brady.



If you post that the reason the Patriots win is luck - someone will call you retarded. Worse, when we have evidence like we just saw, they will tell you that you are not allowed to see what u just saw or think what you think - again, unless you want to be called retarded. ;)


On a serious note - it's nice to be vindicated by the first drive of the game. However, the Patriots consistently getting most of the key calls and lucky bounces appears to simply be part of their game. As such, any team that wants to beat them, must also be prepared to beat the refs, luck, fate, and whatever else. But anyone still attempting to deny that "The Patriots Get Lucky" is the real retard here.


I know that luck is being prepared for opportunity. But please explain how the Patriots prepared for the opportunity to recover that fumble. The fact is they didn't - they simply got lucky, like they always do. :nana:

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