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boys and girls...enough already


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I hate Belidick but but he clearly had the better coached team on the field Sunday.


Sure, Rivers' numbers were not stellar - but did he lose the game? Do you really think he was audiblizing much?


When players celebrate to the point of being penalized - THAT'S a coaching problem as much (or more) than a player problem. Can you imagine a Buffalo Bill headbutting an opponent after stopping them on a 4th down try?


The same goes for late hits.


Did the players decide to go for it on a 4th an 11 at the 31 yard line? Who made the decision against a 48-yard field goal attempt by the AFC's Pro Bowl kicker, Nate Kaeding, who hadn't missed a field goal in six weeks.


I hate the raise the name of Mularkey (egad) but I think even HE would not have challenged the OBVIOUS fumble after the idiotic 4th down interception and then fumble in the 4th quarter.


Maybe Schottenheimer was TRYING to lose....that almost makes more sense. <_<


The Chargers caught Mrs. Brady on an AWFUL day - at times, he loooked absolutely lost. But you simply cannot keep handing him the ball over and over again and expect to win. The Chargers GAVE the game away. period. Bad coaching was key along with moronic decision-making on the field.


And by the way, why did LT only get 23 total carries - only 4 in the 4th quarter with the lead?


I thought the best AFC teams were SD - Balt - Colts and then NE BUT, are any of you feeling "good" about the Colts chances this Sunday? Certainly, Dungy can coach his players but Brady is due for a good game - why not the AFC Championship game? The thought of another NE SB win is nauseating to me. Please God (not you Bruschi), help the Colts <_<


Worried in NJ.....



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I hate Belidick but but he clearly had the better coached team on the field Sunday.


Sure, Rivers' numbers were not stellar - but did he lose the game? Do you really think he was audiblizing much?


When players celebrate to the point of being penalized - THAT'S a coaching problem as much (or more) than a player problem. Can you imagine a Buffalo Bill headbutting an opponent after stopping them on a 4th down try?


The same goes for late hits.


Did the players decide to go for it on a 4th an 11 at the 31 yard line? Who made the decision against a 48-yard field goal attempt by the AFC's Pro Bowl kicker, Nate Kaeding, who hadn't missed a field goal in six weeks.


I hate the raise the name of Mularkey (egad) but I think even HE would not have challenged the OBVIOUS fumble after the idiotic 4th down interception and then fumble in the 4th quarter.


Maybe Schottenheimer was TRYING to lose....that almost makes more sense. <_<


The Chargers caught Mrs. Brady on an AWFUL day - at times, he loooked absolutely lost. But you simply cannot keep handing him the ball over and over again and expect to win. The Chargers GAVE the game away. period. Bad coaching was key along with moronic decision-making on the field.


And by the way, why did LT only get 23 total carries - only 4 in the 4th quarter with the lead?


I thought the best AFC teams were SD - Balt - Colts and then NE BUT, are any of you feeling "good" about the Colts chances this Sunday? Certainly, Dungy can coach his players but Brady is due for a good game - why not the AFC Championship game? The thought of another NE SB win is nauseating to me. Please God (not you Bruschi), help the Colts <_<


Worried in NJ.....



Yep. It ain't rocket surgery.... :thumbsup:


Bad game-day coaching is all over the NFL, IMO. I have shaken my head all season-long about the dumb calls, time management, not throwing the red flag or throwing it with little chance of reversal, clubs still in the game going for it on 4th on the opponent's 40, countless seconds off the clock due to indecision, abandonment of a running game...and the ever-present - cowardly - invoking of the prevent defense only to see the opposition march down and kick a winning field goal.


There was a short blurb in the local n'paper here...Billichek had a DVD produced and placed before all player's lockers after they knocked off NYJ. It contained extensive footage on BAL players that the individual NE players would likely be facing.

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Disagree, Marty didn't lose that game for SD, muffed punts, dropped passes, stupid penalties did. In my eyes the coach is like the ultimate chess player, hes looking over the entire game,and should plan moves ahead, adjust, and put the team in good positions to win. He just doesnt do that. Thats marty's downfall, and why he probably will get fired. He's always been a guy who can only go as far as his talent can take him

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Watch the game again. The Chargers lost because of their own miscues. Blaming the coach is simply just following past critiques. The Chargers had plenty of opportunities but they screwed up. What more can the coach say about the basics. Catch the ball. Use two hands when catching and carrying. No stupid personal foul penalties. Fall on a fumble don't try to pick it up. It is the same kind of stuff discussed in training camp, minicamps and in weekly meetings. It wasn't the coach, it was the players. Listen to what Charger players are saying, it was their fault.



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I don't understand how the Chargers can go this long without a real wide receiver. Keenan McCardell (at this point in his career), Vincent Jackson, and Eric Parker match up unfavorably with George Wilson, Clarence Coleman, and Jeremy McDaniel. And it bites them every time - it handcuffs the QB. Luckily they have LT and Gates, or they'd be lucky to score 14 points per game.

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I don't understand how the Chargers can go this long without a real wide receiver. Keenan McCardell (at this point in his career), Vincent Jackson, and Eric Parker match up unfavorably with George Wilson, Clarence Coleman, and Jeremy McDaniel. And it bites them every time - it handcuffs the QB. Luckily they have LT and Gates, or they'd be lucky to score 14 points per game.


I agree. The Bolts missing link is a big play, gamebreaking receiver. Among the starters, what else do they need? With Rivers only getting better, a speedster who can catch (like Lee Evans) might be what the Chargers need to win it. I hope they don't get it! One thing that the Chargers don't have is a cancer on the roster (WM).

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One thing that the Chargers don't have is a cancer on the roster (WM).

Name one thing Willis has done on the field or in the locker room to consider him a cancer? The quotes about Buffalo & the 3 kids do not make a player a cancer. A player becomes a cancer when his action bother his coaches & teammates and affect the players around him.

I don't think having a few kids with different mothers bothers anyone on the Bills, if anything some of them wish they were getting as much action as Willis. As far as having nothing to do in Buffalo, his teammates have either found things to do or agree with him & flee as soon as the season ends. Either way, they are not affected by Willis' comments.

By definition, Willis is not a cancer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Name one thing Willis has done on the field or in the locker room to consider him a cancer? The quotes about Buffalo & the 3 kids do not make a player a cancer. A player becomes a cancer when his action bother his coaches & teammates and affect the players around him.

I don't think having a few kids with different mothers bothers anyone on the Bills, if anything some of them wish they were getting as much action as Willis. As far as having nothing to do in Buffalo, his teammates have either found things to do or agree with him & flee as soon as the season ends. Either way, they are not affected by Willis' comments.

By definition, Willis is not a cancer.


1) Open his mouth.


Brings back memories of Pay Me More Smith. Me first, team second or something like that.

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Name one thing Willis has done on the field or in the locker room to consider him a cancer? The quotes about Buffalo & the 3 kids do not make a player a cancer. A player becomes a cancer when his action bother his coaches & teammates and affect the players around him.

I don't think having a few kids with different mothers bothers anyone on the Bills, if anything some of them wish they were getting as much action as Willis. As far as having nothing to do in Buffalo, his teammates have either found things to do or agree with him & flee as soon as the season ends. Either way, they are not affected by Willis' comments.

By definition, Willis is not a cancer.


I highly doubt any of the bills envy WM when he has to fork over have his paycheck every week for child support.

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