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Go Boise State......


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Wow.....I never even thought of the Florida angle now. I'm a Penn State fan, and root for the Big Ten teams in the bowl games.....however, now, I have to root for Florida. I mean, if Florida can win, does Boise get some votes to be #1?


That would make for a great stink to end this stupid ass BCS crap and head full steam toward a playoff.



I never thought i would ever root for a Florida team vs Ohio State but that's what i'll do monday night!!

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Playoffs, blah, blah blah....must make everything the same...media brainwashed me to thing that way....blah, blah blah....different is bad, must change everything, and make it the same.....cant tolerate different


oh yes, you gotta love the BCS and those wonderful meaningless Wake Forest vs Louisville games! :rolleyes::wallbash:

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yeah right,and you were probably one of those guys that bet on OU to win by 3 TDS...


JUST GIVE THE BOISE STATES of this World a Chance!! You can go forever with your "would have", "if" and "should have", there is a reason games are played. Boise Stae will not be the National Champs while they have won all their games, You can spin it anyway you want but the result will be the same: THIS IS NOT FAIR.


I bet on Boise State, +7.5 thank you very much. Less because of Boise State's 'greatness' and more because of OU's ineptness. Backdoor champs of a weak conference giving a TD+ to an undefeated? I'll take the points.


Please listen to the Boise State players and coaches talk. The "THIS IS NOT FAIR" angle couldn't be farther from their minds. They just finished an undefeated season and are Fiesta Bowl champs, after beating a storied college program in a classic game. I heard their QB on Jim Rome- he talked about telling his grandchildren about his undefeated senior season and beating Oklahoma in a Bowl Game. He was truly pumped. Why is that so bad? Do you think he'd be bouncing his grandchild on his lap, talking about that time they lost in the 1st round of the playoffs?


Just give them a chance? They just won one of the prized trophies in college football, by beating a team who has won multiple national championships and was the Big 12 champion. They earned $17M to be distributed throughout their program and to the teams in their conference. That was the chance they were given, and they took it.


It's mindblowing that the BCS has matched up teams who have played some of the greatest Bowl games in history in the last 3-4 years, and people refuse to say anything good about the system.

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Unfortunately though I have taken DUmps more exciting the LOU/Wake and ND/LSU


Let's not pretend that a playoff system will get rid of poor matchups and games...For every Valparaiso in NCAA hoops there are 1000 games that are over when it's 24-5 in the 1st half...


Unfortunately (actually, probably fortunately) I have not found a book where I can make wagers on your dumps...Louisville's TD at the end may have seemed meaningless to most, but not to this guy...

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It's mindblowing that the BCS has matched up teams who have played some of the greatest Bowl games in history in the last 3-4 years, and people refuse to say anything good about the system.

Thats because mindless zombies prefer to parrot what ESPN says, and get angry instead of thinking for themselves

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Thats because mindless zombies prefer to parrot what ESPN says, and get angry instead of thinking for themselves


Yeah, thats it, I'd prefer a playoff system because I parrot what ESPN says. :rolleyes:


It's mindblowing that the BCS has matched up teams who have played some of the greatest Bowl games in history in the last 3-4 years, and people refuse to say anything good about the system.


I'm not sure thats the case. You ask anyone whether they'd prefer the BCS over pre-BCS years, and the answer would be a resounding yes. The problem is that there is a better system available, already being sed in the lower divisions, and that would work. Therefore, the BCS is always going to be put down compared to what could be.

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i dont know it would seem to me that 26 meaningless games and 1 meaningless game is not better then lets say 20 meaningless games and an 8 team, 3 round, 6 game playoff system....how stupid would it be if the Chargers and Bears played for the Super bowl and then the Colts and Ravens played in the Sundowner Bowl...just to see who was better....

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Yeah, thats it, I'd prefer a playoff system because I parrot what ESPN says. :rolleyes:


lol, polly wanna cracker? :wallbash:


Not saying everyone is like that, just the majority.


Fact is that no athletes travel more than IA athletes, and while some people use that as a fall back, it still is true. IAA teams do not travel as much, and neither do Division II or Division III teams. We do not need a tournament for entertainment's sake- we already have enough good games.


Besides, Boise State does not factor into the championship scene anyways. They couldn't do what they did against Oklahoma to a LSU, Florida, Arkansas, Ohio State, Michigan, or USC. Not even on any given day

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i dont know it would seem to me that 26 meaningless games and 1 meaningless game is not better then lets say 20 meaningless games and an 8 team, 3 round, 6 game playoff system....how stupid would it be if the Chargers and Bears played for the Super bowl and then the Colts and Ravens played in the Sundowner Bowl...just to see who was better....


My whole point was that nobody EVER points out what the BCS is, they only focus on what it isn't. I'm a fan of college football, and a fan of the bowl games in general. I'm not sure how many people here have been to a big-time bowl game, but I was at the Rose Bowl on New Years Day in '04 for USC-Michigan. I had the mile-smile the whole time, and my persistant thought was, "This should never go away." (Note- I have had the mile-smile at the Sundowner as well.)


I like the NFL and the playoffs. They're awesome. But I don't mind the bowl games and the controversy, and the conversation that goes along with it. Deep down, do I really care about a split national champion, or who deserved to play who? No way. Honestly, by the 3rd week in January I've usually forgotten about it. I don't have this raging need to have an undisputed national champion.


Another thing to think about- Do college football players want a playoff? The teams that would play in the playoffs would more often than not remain the same, with a few changes by year- Texas, USC, Ohio State, Florida, Miami, etc. etc. Do players at those schools, anticipating a HUGE payday in the draft, really want to play 3-4 extra games before their college careers are over? What if some no-name chump from the MAC Champion Central Michigan blew out Vince Young's knee in a first round playoff game last year? I know, I know, it's rediculous to play the "what if" game- injuries can happen at any time- but it is an increased risk for the players.

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My whole point was that nobody EVER points out what the BCS is, they only focus on what it isn't. I'm a fan of college football, and a fan of the bowl games in general. I'm not sure how many people here have been to a big-time bowl game, but I was at the Rose Bowl on New Years Day in '04 for USC-Michigan. I had the mile-smile the whole time, and my persistant thought was, "This should never go away." (Note- I have had the mile-smile at the Sundowner as well.)


I like the NFL and the playoffs. They're awesome. But I don't mind the bowl games and the controversy, and the conversation that goes along with it. Deep down, do I really care about a split national champion, or who deserved to play who? No way. Honestly, by the 3rd week in January I've usually forgotten about it. I don't have this raging need to have an undisputed national champion.


Another thing to think about- Do college football players want a playoff? The teams that would play in the playoffs would more often than not remain the same, with a few changes by year- Texas, USC, Ohio State, Florida, Miami, etc. etc. Do players at those schools, anticipating a HUGE payday in the draft, really want to play 3-4 extra games before their college careers are over? What if some no-name chump from the MAC Champion Central Michigan blew out Vince Young's knee in a first round playoff game last year? I know, I know, it's rediculous to play the "what if" game- injuries can happen at any time- but it is an increased risk for the players.

Central Michigan wouldn't get into the tournament

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My whole point was that nobody EVER points out what the BCS is, they only focus on what it isn't. I'm a fan of college football, and a fan of the bowl games in general. I'm not sure how many people here have been to a big-time bowl game, but I was at the Rose Bowl on New Years Day in '04 for USC-Michigan. I had the mile-smile the whole time, and my persistant thought was, "This should never go away." (Note- I have had the mile-smile at the Sundowner as well.)


I like the NFL and the playoffs. They're awesome. But I don't mind the bowl games and the controversy, and the conversation that goes along with it. Deep down, do I really care about a split national champion, or who deserved to play who? No way. Honestly, by the 3rd week in January I've usually forgotten about it. I don't have this raging need to have an undisputed national champion.


Another thing to think about- Do college football players want a playoff? The teams that would play in the playoffs would more often than not remain the same, with a few changes by year- Texas, USC, Ohio State, Florida, Miami, etc. etc. Do players at those schools, anticipating a HUGE payday in the draft, really want to play 3-4 extra games before their college careers are over? What if some no-name chump from the MAC Champion Central Michigan blew out Vince Young's knee in a first round playoff game last year? I know, I know, it's rediculous to play the "what if" game- injuries can happen at any time- but it is an increased risk for the players.


I'm all in favor of a playoff system, because the current BCS system is a load of crap. But you do bring up some good arguements. That being said, if the BCS is going to stay for the long term, and they are still going to use polls as a major weighting factor, then the poll system needs to be completely revamped. I HATE HATE HATE the preseason rankings. Polls should not come out until the end of september at the EARLIEST. Why should a team liek Auburn a few yrs back get screwed just because the retards, err, experts, thought they werent as good as oklahoma and USC in AUGUST! Last time i checked, bowl games and conference championships werent decided in august. If you fixed the poll system, it would prevent teams like this years all-hype, limited talent ND squad form even sniffing a BCS game.

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he talked about telling his grandchildren about his undefeated senior season and beating Oklahoma in a Bowl Game. He was truly pumped. Why is that so bad? Do you think he'd be bouncing his grandchild on his lap, talking about that time they lost in the 1st round of the playoffs?



Won't SOMEBODY think of the grandchildren?!?!?



Seriously, why does this keep coming up in this thread? Why do I care what the QB of Boise State is going to tell his grandchildren? I want a playoff so that I can tell MY grandchildren about how we used to have to argue every year about "what ifs" and "shoulda beens" before the NCAA finally caved and gave us a true championship.

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Won't SOMEBODY think of the grandchildren?!?!?

Seriously, why does this keep coming up in this thread? Why do I care what the QB of Boise State is going to tell his grandchildren? I want a playoff so that I can tell MY grandchildren about how we used to have to argue every year about "what ifs" and "shoulda beens" before the NCAA finally caved and gave us a true championship.


The reason it came up in this thread was because that's what the BSU QB said. He was thrilled with the Bowl win, and would always remember it. There was absolutely ZERO consideration in his mind that Boise State didn't get a fair shake. He was beyond overjoyed about the season.


The only people upset is the public crying for a playoff, because, for whatever reason, it's PRIORITY #1 to subjectively choose 8 teams and then determine that one of those eight is the best of all 119 who play...


Personally I don't care....

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