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Trump to Rosie-"better hold on to your girlfriend"


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For what its worth I think Trump should have asked to resign and sent her to rehab on their dime. I don't think I would have let her stay as Miss whatever.


I like the whole second chance thing. The Post article I posted in the other thread was bad, but since I have heard a few things that much of what she did was embellished for the sake of getting the club's name in the paper. Free publicity.


Now, she was no angel, and was definately caught up in the NYC party scene. But I don't think that qualifies her for rehab (If so, half the city should be there) or that she should lose her crown. Trump said what she was doing (whatever it rtuly was) was unacceptable for Miss USA. She said she'd change. He gave her a shot to prove it. This is a good thing.



BTW - Go Donald!!


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"Donald, do you think Rosie is angry?"


"I think Rosie is stupid."





That being said, those people were incredible ass-kissers. Of course, I'm not sure there is another way to have Donald Trump call into your show then to agree to glue your lips to his ass for 10 minutes.

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I don't like either, but I can agree with some of Rosies points.


Why did this need a press conference (or publicity for that matter) If you walked into a bar would anyone have even know Miss USA was in their? She won this contest and as part of the rules she has to represent herself and the country, so the underage drinking and partying are not allowed. She screwed up so she has to either give up the title or she gets a second chance, but do we really need a press conference for it? The PC was just a way for "The Donald" to get back into the spotlight before his show goes back on. He made a bigger deal out of it then what was necessary


As for his comments, I don't get most of them. Whyu bring in her partner into it and say you will send one of your guys over to get her, and then he takes tons of personnal shots at her. Now he's sueing her because she made some public comments about him? Grow up, they are both bickering like children and both need to shut up.

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I don't like either, but I can agree with some of Rosies points.


Why did this need a press conference (or publicity for that matter) If you walked into a bar would anyone have even know Miss USA was in their? She won this contest and as part of the rules she has to  represent herself and the country, so the underage drinking and partying are not allowed. She screwed up so she has to either give up the title or she gets a second chance, but do we really need a press conference for it? The PC was just a way for "The Donald" to get back into the spotlight before his show goes back on. He made a bigger deal out of it then what was necessary


As for his comments, I don't get most of them. Whyu bring in her partner into it and say you will send one of your guys over to get her, and then he takes tons of personnal shots at her. Now he's sueing her because she made some public comments about him? Grow up, they are both bickering like children and both need to shut up.



Rosie does absolutely nothing but sit on that stupid show and drop on everyone that she doesn't agree with. If you don't share her view on things then you are an idiot and she will sit and ridicule and attempt to humiliate you publicly. F*ck Rosie, everything that Donald said I agree with 100%. She is a loser. :lol:


And in my opinion the press conference was because everyone else blew the thing out of proportion. This got way out of hand before the press conference. It was all over the media outlets and internet, so I don't believe the PC was going too far.

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Rosie does absolutely nothing but sit on that stupid show and drop on everyone that she doesn't agree with. If you don't share her view on things then you are an idiot and she will sit and ridicule and attempt to humiliate you publicly. F*ck Rosie, everything that Donald said I agree with 100%. She is a loser.  :w00t:


And in my opinion the press conference was because everyone else blew the thing out of proportion. This got way out of hand before the press conference. It was all over the media outlets and internet, so I don't believe the PC was going too far.


Yes but what does Donald do?


Like I said, I don't like either and i think they are both being childish idiots

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If your not a donald fan after this....wow!



No, I'm not a Donald fan after that. The adult thing to do would have been to quietly ignore Rosie's mindless rants. Instead, Donald Trump chose the more childish route by blasting her physical appearance and her sexual orientation, among other things.

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No, I'm not a Donald fan after that. The adult thing to do would have been to quietly ignore Rosie's mindless rants. Instead, Donald Trump chose the more childish route by blasting her physical appearance and her sexual orientation, among other things.



BFD... Rosie does nothing but drop on everybody that she doesn't agree with so F*ck her. I love that someone actually stood up to her pig ass and defended themselves. :w00t:

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BFD... Rosie does nothing but drop on everybody that she doesn't agree with so F*ck her. I love that someone actually stood up to her pig ass and defended themselves.  :w00t:


Seriously. I know Trump's rants have been a little childish, but it's so great to hear someone just unload on that fat pig. I love it; he attacks her on every level -- her career, her looks, her private life, etc.


She's had this coming for a long time.

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Seriously.  I know Trump's rants have been a little childish, but it's so great to hear someone just unload on that fat pig.  I love it; he attacks her on every level -- her career, her looks, her private life, etc.


She's had this coming for a long time.


yes, but all that he is doing is sinking to her level making him no better then she is

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Seriously.  I know Trump's rants have been a little childish, but it's so great to hear someone just unload on that fat pig.  I love it; he attacks her on every level -- her career, her looks, her private life, etc.


She's had this coming for a long time.



Damn right....Trump just gets it DONE, BABY!!!!

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Sometimes you need to sink to someone else's level to let them see how they act can make someone feel.


Actually, if you go back and look at what both said to each other, Trump sunk lower with his comments.


She made a joke about his hair (like every comedian), and his previous infidelities (making a point about him "giving second chances" and being the guy to show people morals) and a crack about bankrupcy, which he has been in danger of. He takes shots about her weight and sexual orientation and makes a comment about her "partner"


Ultimately, who cares? both are loud obnoxious idiots who should both go away and never be heard from again

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