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Witness details puppy's final moments

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Puppy torture compared to BTK killings

Jury to begin deliberations Thursday in animal cruelty case



The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Published on: 12/13/06


An animal expert detailed the final ghastly moments of a three-month old puppy as it thrashed around in a searing hot gas oven gasping for air.


Dr. Melinda Merck used four dozen grisly photos of the oven as well as the tiny puppy's burned body as she walked jurors slowly through the dog's painful death.


"This darker area is the blood after it's been baked," Merck testified as she pointed to a dark spot on the oven wall.


Merck's testimony Wednesday concluded the prosecution's case against Joshua and Justin Moulder, two brothers on trial for animal cruelty and other charges in Fulton County Superior Court.


She said the young dog would have been gasping for air inside the hot oven because the duct tape on its muzzle left only a tiny passage free. One nostril was partially exposed, she said, but likely only by the puppy scraping its nose against the hot oven door.


Her cross examination will begin shortly after 1:15 p.m. Then, defense lawyers Timothy Owens and Kevin Schumaker get their turn. Both have previously said they plan to present few witnesses.


If so, the jury could begin deliberating tomorrow.


The brothers face a who litany of charges from a violent spree on Aug. 21. Police say they broke into and trashed the community center at Englewood Manor apartments in Atlanta.


They also say the Moulder brothers took a three-month old mixed-breed puppy bound its muzzle and paws with duct tape, dumped beige paint on it and stuffed it live into a hot oven.


The case presented by prosecutor Laura Janssen has moved along two paths.


On one, prosecutors have laid out the damage done to the center and the torture and death endured by the puppy. On the other, they've tried to tie the Moulders to the scene.


With only sketchy physical evidence, the strongest tie to the scene comes from several neighborhood children who say the Moulders not only committed the crimes but showed off their work.


Defense lawyers noted the children's testimony varied widely and was filled with contradictions.


Merck on Wednesday told the jury two people would have likely been needed to subdue the puppy. And, she went into great detail about the injuries it received thrashing about inside the hot oven as well as the terror it would have felt.

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They also say the Moulder brothers took a three-month old mixed-breed puppy bound its muzzle and paws with duct tape, dumped beige paint on it and stuffed it live into a hot oven.



If they are found guilty, then I think doing this to them would work out fine...

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Geezus, now I'll be sick to my stomach the rest of the day....this kind of sh-- infuriates me.





I have more respect for OJ than these two. At least blind raging jealousy is understandable, if not forgivable.

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That is absolutely horrible. I cannot even wrap my mind around how morally corrupt that is. What is even worse is that these two punks won't even get in that much trouble...



You're probably right....


If you're capable of taking an innocent living thing - especially a puppy! - and enjoy torturing it, then you are capable of anything, IMO.


sick !@#$s

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makes me absolutely ill to think someone could harm such an innocent and gentle creature.


I'm going to give my dog an extra big hug right now...



Hell, I feel bad just leaving my dog alone while I go to work! lol

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I am against the death penalty, yet I find myself wishing a hot gas oven could find it's way into the judge's sentencing.



i'm for the death penalty and find lethal injection or the electric chair to be too humane for those wastes of sperm and an egg


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