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NFL Network


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I don't know if this has been discussed, but I have a question for you guys.

Should the average NFL fan appreciate or hate the NFL Network? Is the NFL Network and its success the beginning of the end for free football on CBS NBC and FOX? I find myself watching the channel quite often and I ask myself if I am supporting the begining of the end.

What do you think?

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I don't know if this has been discussed, but I have a question for you guys.

Should the average NFL fan appreciate or hate the NFL Network?  Is the NFL Network and its success the beginning of the end for free football on CBS NBC and FOX?  I find myself watching the channel quite often and I ask myself if I am supporting the begining of the end. 

What do you think?


The NFL fan should appreciate the heck out of the NFL network. Particularly during the offseason, when you need that NFL fix. The channel is like crack. Or those late late hours when the only thing on conventional sports networks are world poker tours and nascar highlights. But the NFL will never give up its network contracts, nor will the networks refuse to pay up. It just works too well for all involved. The networks get their ad revenue because they reach so many homes. While the NFL is fighting to get its network on basic cable everywhere, it will never be able to compete with the big 3 for sheer numbers of viewers. As great as the on field product is, you get your "free" games because marketers of trucks and beer know where to find you and millions like you on sundays. They pay dearly for the privilege of showing countless ads to a captive audience. take away those guaranteed millions of viewers, and the price they're willing to pay drops dramatically. The NFL knows how to use its leverage, but will not bite the hands that feed it.

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I just don't watch it, other than casually viewing some of last nights game. I was interested last year when it was a novelty, but quickly tired of it...Bryant Gumbel is unbearable and just plain sucks the big one.. If Cutler wasn't playing I would not have checked the score, period.....As for your question about squeezing out the networks, I have wondered the same thing. I sure don't trust the NFL, they have never seen a 20 dollar bill that they could due without...Greed is a bad thing, and that is a major problem with the NFL.... The new guard owners suck bad and in that respect, I totally support Ralph and any move he makes against them....

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The NFL Network will be fine once they work out deals with the major cable systems. What I really want to see is cable snag the NFL Sunday Ticket away from the dish. It sucks because cable is a ton a cheaper, but I will get the dish just for those 16 Bills' games.

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The NFL Network will be fine once they work out deals with the major cable systems. What I really want to see is cable snag the NFL Sunday Ticket away from the dish. It sucks because cable is a ton a cheaper, but I will get the dish just for those 16 Bills' games.



"Whereas DirecTV’s all-inclusive package, the “Total Choice Premier,” costs $99.95, Time Warner Cable’s all-inclusive equivalent, the Total Digital Premium, costs $101.95, almost $12 more. Mind you, both of these prices are simply for “one receiver.” However, DirecTV’s package fee does include the monthly DVR subscription. Time Warner Cable, on the other hand, charges an additional $8.95 for their monthly DVR subscription fee. "





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I can't complain about NFL Network showing games. Let's face it, I watched about 3/4's of the Cinci/Balt last week. If it was on a Sunday afternoon, i probably would have watched a play or two between the Bills game commercials. Moving a games to Thurs or Sat night is a good thing imo.

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Yes. The most profitable sports league in the country is stupid.  :doh:


In reality they are! While they are the most profitable they could make even more if they like baseball or basketball allowed their games to be sold on all venues. Look the only reason the other sports aren't as profitable is because their regular season games doesn't mean as much so the average fan doesn't want to watch every game like NFL fans do. Think about it: the only way to get the package is through DirecTv. Not the Dish or cable. And to have DirecTv you must own a house with the ability to mount a dish. Thank god I was able to move back down South to VA where I could afford a house! When I was paying rent and STUCK with cable, if I were able to get the Ticket I would have jumped on it for the only way to watch the Bills was to sit in a smoky bar with loud fans eating greasy foods and listening to the SHout song after every FG! Not bad on some days as you can enjoy wins with the fans but in general I'd prefer to watch in the comfort of my own home. The NFL made the same stupid mistake when they leased their video game product strictly to EA. While I like Madden and was up until 2005 strictly a Madden player, NFL 2K5 had made major stirdes in actually challenging Madden for supremacy. WIth 2K sports drive if they had improved their playbooks and turned down on the big play they would have surpassed Madden by now as EA sports is happy raking in the big bucks by making only minor mods to their product. I was looking forward to see what 2K6 would look like but what does the NFL do: they sell out to EA, limiting their product! Thank god the NBA didn't or the video gamers would be stuck with that crappy @ss NBA Live 2007!


My last point on the NFL Network is that really it is over rated. It spins the NFL Total Access show or the Point After over and over again. They could have a little more variety in game analysis. In the offseason they spin the cheerleader shows too much and not enough time preparing us for the upcoming season or discuss offseason actions. To a bare minimum they should at least find times to show local team shows such as the Marv Levy show at least once a week.

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The NFL Network will be fine once they work out deals with the major cable systems. What I really want to see is cable snag the NFL Sunday Ticket away from the dish. It sucks because cable is a ton a cheaper, but I will get the dish just for those 16 Bills' games.



I wish they would cut the "exclusive" crap and put it on DirectTv, DishNetwork,

and Cable Televisions....

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To a bare minimum they should at least find times to show local team shows such as the Marv Levy show at least once a week.




I remember, in the early 1990's, when the Bills were good, we used to get (on cable) a bunch of the regional NFL coaches shows on Saturday afternoons. Used to see the Marv Levy show, Schottenheimer, Jim Mora Sr...that is the kind of stuff I miss. I would love to be able to get the NFL Network, but, for the most part, from what I have been able to see, it not a ton different than ESPN, and falls into some of the same annoying hype tendancies. Maybe I am just getting too old, and have seen too much of this stuff over the years, but really, how much is there to say about a football game sometimes? I love the games, but the over analysis, I can live without. One week, the Bears an elite team, the next, they are lucky to be 10-2 with all of their deficencies. These analysts don't know anything more than most of the people on this board, and just react to what they just saw...


As for the NFL and its' greed, it has been that way forever, just moreso now. I know Ralph Wilson has sort of become a folk hero these days, but to those old enough to really remember Bills football, before the Super Bowl runs, we remember he was no less greedy than the owners of today are, in their time.

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I wish they would cut the "exclusive" crap and put it on DirectTv, DishNetwork,

and Cable Televisions....



That is my biggest gripe; why give DirecTv all the profits and hope everyone converts to DirecTv. I have DirecTv and th main reason why is because of the Ticket and that I own a house. To a bare minimum though if the ticket wasn't exclusive I could have options to shop around to get the best packages as far as TV, telephone, and high speed goes. But what about those who WANT the NFL ticket and DirecTV but CAN'T because they don't own the dwelling they live in but could afford and would pay for the Sunday ticket? That potential huge market is left out in the cold and I believe the money they will gain by tapping into that market will be way more than what DirecTv pays to keep it exclusive!


I remember, in the early 1990's, when the Bills were good, we used to get (on cable) a bunch of the regional NFL coaches shows on Saturday afternoons.  Used to see the Marv Levy show, Schottenheimer, Jim Mora Sr...that is the kind of stuff I miss.  I would love to be able to get the NFL Network, but, for the most part, from what I have been able to see, it not a ton different than ESPN, and falls into some of the same annoying hype tendancies.  Maybe I am just getting too old, and have seen too much of this stuff over the years, but really, how much is there to say about a football game sometimes?  I love the games, but the over analysis, I can live without.  One week, the Bears an elite team, the next, they are lucky to be 10-2 with all of their deficencies.  These analysts don't know anything more than most of the people on this board, and just react to what they just saw...


As for the NFL and its' greed, it has been that way forever, just moreso now.  I know Ralph Wilson has sort of become a folk hero these days, but to those old enough to really remember Bills football, before the Super Bowl runs, we remember he was no less greedy than the owners of today are, in their time.



But if you are a 24/7 NFL network I expect more insider information. The best thing about the NFL network is that they air all the preseason games around the clock during the week. In the offseason besides that the NFL network to me is a snore. And even during the regular season, the coverage isn't as good as it is hyped up to be. And I would agree that the anlayst don't know anymore than we do and that is sad for at the bare minimum they should have access to the coaching tape to better analyze the game than to just run off stats and highlights! Their job is to create stories and over emphasize wins and losses and success and struggles. Just thank god TO has been quiet for the past month!

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I wish they would cut the "exclusive" crap and put it on DirectTv, DishNetwork,

and Cable Televisions....




You are forgetting that the cable TV industry actually sued the NFL for not making their sunday ticket package available to cable companies. The suit was dropped when the NFL stated that the sunday ticket would be discontinued if the courts ruled in favor of the cable co's. The NFL has said that the package is on satellite because it has far fewer subscribers. The just don't want too much product available to that many on Sundays. They feel it would reduce stadium attendance. Not sure if that theory holds water or not, but that's the reason behind it.

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One other problem I have with NFL network is the hype they put on certain players or teams....I was just so sick and tired of watching TO on every single show or talking about the Dallas cowboys every other second....This was even before the Cowboys were good...


It is OK for ESPN or FOX to do things like that and try to make news out of nothing. However, I think the NFL network owes equal time to all the 32 teams that form its

league. If you have 24 hour programming, dedicate 15minutes to 30 minutes a day

to each team. This is where the NFL networks falls down.


As some one suggested, it would be nice if they could get rights to the local show (like the Marv Levy show) and air it on the NFL network for the national audience. But no...the network would rather show the press conference of Owens publicist rather than an insight into what a local teams coach thinks about his opponent.

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I wish they would cut the "exclusive" crap and put it on DirectTv, DishNetwork,

and Cable Televisions....




You are forgetting that the cable TV industry actually sued the NFL for not making their sunday ticket package available to cable companies. The suit was dropped when the NFL stated that the sunday ticket would be discontinued if the courts ruled in favor of the cable co's. The NFL has said that the package is on satellite because it has far fewer subscribers. The just don't want too much product available to that many on Sundays. They feel it would reduce stadium attendance. Not sure if that theory holds water or not, but that's the reason behind it.


That's a lame excuse for that is why they have 50-75 mile radius blackouts for! I'm pretty sure they will make alot more money by allowing millions of cable subscribers to have access to the ticket than worrying about the 60,000 average fan attendance at 32 sites. The fact is that if they put out a good product those who actually love going to the event and being in the atmoshpere and can afford it will still go. But by expanding your product you will tap into those fans who are either on the fence and those who want it bad but just live too far from the stadium of their team or choice. Maybe this was a valid fear 10-15 years ago but not now as the extra coverage provided by DirecTV has actually caused the game to grow even larger. The biggest hit that would happen if the coverage wasn't so exclusive would be felt at bars and sport clubs as I guarnatee more people would watch at home. To me the fear is like the movie industry was when they were scared of VCR and DVD's; now after proper marketing it is their best friend!

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One other problem I have with NFL network is the hype they put on certain players or teams....I was just so sick and tired of watching TO on every single show or talking about the Dallas cowboys every other second....This was even before the Cowboys were good...


It is OK for ESPN or FOX to do things like that and try to make news out of nothing. However, I think the NFL network owes equal time to all the 32 teams that form its

league.  If you have 24 hour programming, dedicate 15minutes to 30 minutes a day

to each team.  This is where the NFL networks falls down. 


As some one suggested, it would be nice if they could get rights to the local show (like the Marv Levy show) and air it on the NFL network for the national audience. But no...the  network would rather show the press conference of Owens publicist rather than an insight into what a local teams coach thinks about his opponent.


My sentiments exactly; leave TO exclusive coverage to ESPN!

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I personally hate the moves the NFL has made. Some of the reasons, I have followed football as long as I have were, I could keep track of players and teams with all the games being played on Sunday with the exception of Monday night games. Unlike like the other pro sports. I was able to watch the games on "free tv."


Now, it is becoming almost impossible to watch games. In the ruaral areas, there are a lot of places that you cannot get cable, a dish because of mountain range, tall standing timber, and hill sides. Rabbit ears are the only reception you can get, and limited to just three or four channels. With games moving to the NFL network, and ESPN, people in this part of the country are cut off...


Its just sad, when I use to be able to watch MNF with my dad when I was a child, my son as he grew up(he could never stick with one team lol), and I will not be able to do the same with my Grand Children. It was such joyfull times. I can still remember my daughter when she was three to seven years old yelling, "Go Buffalo win, touch down, you bet!"


So what options do people in remote areas but to quit following the games, because the big boys are taking it away or pick up and move in the name of football. I could hear me telling my wife now, honey I have decided to close down my business, you need to quit your job, so we can move somewhere where we can get all the football games. :D


While I will always be a bills fan, I just dont see that happening.

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