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Just curious


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am I the only one that saw a tremendous hold on Roscoe's punt return for TD? It looked like Coy Wire holding number 31 on about the 45 yd line.


We always give the refs crap about BS calls (i.e. the celebration after the punt return TD). But, shouldn't we also give them some credit for helping us out there? Or am I just seeing things.

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Yeah, I saw it too...When the flag came in at the end of that play, I said to my father that it was coming back for holding, and he was like "no way?!" I rewinded the Tivo after they announced the excessive celebration penalty and we were both like "ooohh..."


It was as much of a facemask as it was a hold, but hey, we'll take the points where we can get them, legal or not.

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another item i have not seen mentioned yet and that is how come Jax went with the squib kick? if i recall, scobee had been booming balls through the endzone most of the game. if he does that we get the ball at the 20, but instead the squib only got to the 20 with a chance for return yardage.


we are always quick to rip our coaching staff and qb, but when other teams exhibit the same sort of brain-farts we are accustomed to it's worth mentioning...

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holding, blocks in the back, assisting a teammate by holding him up... yeah we saw it all.


but the juke on the punter was just so good that the ref could not take that away.


(we also ran in to the punter).


and since when was it illegal for 2 players to jump in to the stands? that basically gave the jags the ball on the 50 yard line. the second player never even made it in to the stands, he came up short :lol: .

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another item i have not seen mentioned yet and that is how come Jax went with the squib kick?  if i recall, scobee had been booming balls through the endzone most of the game.  if he does that we get the ball at the 20, but instead the squib only got to the 20 with a chance for return yardage.


we are always quick to rip our coaching staff and qb, but when other teams exhibit the same sort of brain-farts we are accustomed to it's worth mentioning...


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No I noticed that too and it looked like he blocked the guy in the back kinda.



Yeah...at the begining of the return, there was a block in the back as Roscoe went by the guy. The ref had his hand near his hip and then it looked like Roscoe was going to go down in the pile so he took it off and let the play go. Once Parrish broke it for good, it was too late to call the penalty.


That happens a lot in the league...they say you can call holding on almost every play and it is true. Where they will call it is if a RB sees daylight on an obvious hold whereas they let it slide if he gets gobbled up at the line of scrimmage.


Either way...great run. If he was any taller than 5'7", he would have toppled over.

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luck is beautiful when it comes your way .



That is how close the teams are in the NFL...If the plays go your way then you are on a roll....Three weeks ago, parrish will drop that pass or not keep his feet inbounds and we would have a incomplete pass. Three weeks ago, we would have been called for illegal block on the back for the punt return. Three weeks ago we would have had the Jax guy return that pick for an INT rather than the ball falling back into Royals lap. sh--...three weeks back you the coaches wouldn't have even called out a long bomb to a TE......Let us enjoy when the team provides a spark and cheer.

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