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You guys need to lighten up.


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What a load of crap.  Try this one.  Could these guys get up for work EVERY day at 5 am and work until 5 pm?  Then could they take their kids to games and practices until 9 pm and get up the next day all over again?

Could these guys live on less than 89,000$ a week?  All these freaks of genetics have ever done is play sports and I'm supposed to give them a break? Doing their best?  While we sit and agonize over losses they play and laugh on the sidelines.  Why? Because they get paid regardless of their performance.  Dont ever tell me these guys need a break- it's all they've ever had their entire lives.


I totally agree with this. This athletes have been pampered most of their adult lives. Any of us would give the world to be in their shoes, but we cant. Yes these athlete are the top 2% in the world, but cmon, they are paid to do a job. Dont go out there half-ass and perform. They work once a week, go balls out for that 60 min and earn your millions!!

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I totally agree with this.  This athletes have been pampered most of their adult lives.  Any of us would give the world to be in their shoes, but we cant.  Yes these athlete are the top 2% in the world, but cmon, they are paid to do a job.  Dont go out there half-ass and perform.  They work once a week, go balls out for that 60 min and earn your millions!!



I'd just like to drive one of their Hummers. :D

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Everytime you guys yell at somebody for making a mistake, just ask yourself one question. "Could I do it better?" Could you guys block a 300 lb lineman? Could you consistantly pick up 4 yards a carry? Could you throw the deep ball when the chips were down? If not, you guys need to just give these guys a hand for doing their best. That's what it's all about isn't it??




That's the problem! They are not doing their best! Ask your yourself " are committing stupid penalties your best?"

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What a load of crap.  Try this one.  Could these guys get up for work EVERY day at 5 am and work until 5 pm?  Then could they take their kids to games and practices until 9 pm and get up the next day all over again?

Could these guys live on less than 89,000$ a week?  All these freaks of genetics have ever done is play sports and I'm supposed to give them a break? Doing their best?  While we sit and agonize over losses they play and laugh on the sidelines.  Why? Because they get paid regardless of their performance.  Dont ever tell me these guys need a break- it's all they've ever had their entire lives.



Amen to that...

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Everytime you guys yell at somebody for making a mistake, just ask yourself one question. "Could I do it better?" Could you guys block a 300 lb lineman? Could you consistantly pick up 4 yards a carry? Could you throw the deep ball when the chips were down? If not, you guys need to just give these guys a hand for doing their best. That's what it's all about isn't it??



Taking the high road in all this, eh? That's cool. Maybe you're onto something here. The last thing we need is for people who aren't happy about a situation complaining about said situation.

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i disagree with the premise of the original post. we're the consumers here. as long as the people selling us this flawed product keep trying to blow smoke up our ass about how good the bills "really" are, we have a right to proclaim the emporer naked. and B word too.


POWER TO THE PEOPLE! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:





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i disagree with the premise of the original post.  we're the consumers here.  as long as the people selling us this flawed product keep trying to blow smoke up our ass about how good the bills "really" are, we have a right to proclaim the emporer naked.  and B word too.


POWER TO THE PEOPLE!  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:




Lighten up, jester.

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Taking the high road in all this, eh?  That's cool.  Maybe you're onto something here.  The last thing we need is for people who aren't happy about a situation complaining about said situation.


A wise man once said, "'Tis a fine line 'tween complainin' and whinin'"

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