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Reese Witherspoon single again


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You could tell this was going to happen. Guys often have a problem when their wives surpass them in their chosen field.



Ryan's career seems to be on the upswing, esp. after "Flags of Our Fathers".

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I remember as a young hornball going to see the movie "Fear," I really wanted to give Reese the business.  Not as much now, but I can still picture the scene where Marky Mark fingerblasts her on the roller coaster.  Yes!!!



"LET ME IN THE F**KING HOUSE!" :pirate::devil::D:lol:

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Not to mention lot$ of money. Lot$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.


Men don't marry for money. Ever.


All the money in the universe couldn't compell me to marry some rich old lady (i.e. a modified version of what Anna Nicole Smith did) or, worse, Paris Hilton.


I'd take the pretty girl who works two jobs to pay her rent over the ugly or old or skanked out rich broad every day of the week.

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Men don't marry for money.  Ever.


All the money in the universe couldn't compell me to marry some rich old lady (i.e. a modified version of what Anna Nicole Smith did) or, worse, Paris Hilton.


I'd take the pretty girl who works two jobs to pay her rent over the ugly or old or skanked out rich broad every day of the week.



But Reese is hot. Having the money is a nice bonus. :pirate:

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Men don't marry for money.  Ever.


All the money in the universe couldn't compell me to marry some rich old lady (i.e. a modified version of what Anna Nicole Smith did) or, worse, Paris Hilton.


I'd take the pretty girl who works two jobs to pay her rent over the ugly or old or skanked out rich broad every day of the week.



Yes but here you are getting a nice looking girl with the money. To be honest though, I would rather be broke and poor than have to depend on my wife to pay the bills.

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